
| Works by
Barbara Jaye Wilson (Writer) |
Death Brims Over (1997)
Meet Brenda Midnight She's a savvy young designer
with her own hat shop, who has never even thought of chasing crooks. But
when crime invades her cobblestone Greenwich Village neighborhood and
the cops don't have a clue, Brenda has to drop everything, including her
hats, to catch a thief. . .and a killer.
Chasing The Lady In Pink
There's big money to be made if Brenda and her dress designer friend
Carla can create the high society wedding of the year. Carla's covering
the bride and her maids with dresses to die for, and Brenda's doing the
hats. But just as Brenda's finishing the last of the exquisite headgear,
she's held up by a woman in a hot pink suit, who escapes with the entire
collection. Brenda takes off after her high priced hats and runs
straight into her friend Carla -- dead! It's bloody murder -- but Brenda
can't convince the men in blue that they should be chasing the
mysterious Lady in Pink -- who may have come up with her own design. . .
.for murder.
Accessory to Murder (1998)
BRENDA WILL DO ANYTHING FOR A FRIEND. . . Irrepressible Greenwich
Village milliner Brenda Midnight has already proved she's as good at
unmasking murdered as she is creating gravity-defying hats. This time
she's in hot water. Worse, she's dragged others in with her--and all
because she's willing to so anything for her friends--no questions
A pair of wacky friends need a hand to get an embarrassing corpse out of
the family feather showroom. Brenda is willing to help on one
condition--that they'll dump the body at the city morgue, where it'll be
properly taken care of. In agreement, Brenda borrows a car from talent
agent Lemmy Crenshaw. All goes according to plan except for one
hitch--the friends hadn't revealed the whole truth. This was not a case
of a bad ticker; this was murder. And, since Lemmy's car was their
temporary hearse, the cops nab him. To get the innocent agent off,
Brenda is forced to put her spring line on hold and devote full time to
unveiling the killer.
Death Flips Its Lid (1998)
In her colorful, tree-lined neighborhood, Brenda
Midnight has set Midnight Millinery, where she creates gravity-defying
hat designs. But when Brenda's ex-husband Nado P. Sharpe finds a very
dead body on the garage floor where he parked his van, it's all too
clear that danger lurks in the lot. So Brenda Midnight, milliner and
sleuth extraordinaire, is back in action for the third time to catch a
Capped Off (1999)
Motif for Murder
Word is out that Doreen Sands, millinery buyer for an up-scale
department store, is in a frenzy, spending like it's going out of
style-and Greenwich Village hat designer Brenda Midnight arrives on the
scene to unveil her gravity-defying creations. But before the
hat-hopeful can pop the top off a hatbox, someone slams the lid on
Doreen's life. And now Brenda, in the wrong place at the wrong time,
finds herself tangled up in murder.
Keeping It Under Their Hats
The cops need help in probing New York's eccentric millinery community
for answers. Brenda's old pals Detectives Turner and McKinley ask her to
teach Officer Nicole (Gung-Ho) Gundermutter, a pony-tailed
motorcycle-riding lady cop with some designs of her own, the tricks of
the hat trade. She agrees, and soon discovers much more than she wants
to know. Everybody's keeping secrets-including Brenda-and she's
terrified too, because whoever permanently cancelled Doreen's orders
might just have plans to cap off a curious neighborhood crime-solver.
Hatful of Homicide (2000)
It's Brenda Midnight's birthday; she's dropped a
hatful of hints and is sure her friends are planning a surprise party.
So when the Greewich Village miliner gets a phone call that her exotic
friend Dweena's been kidnapped, Brenda figures she'll go along with the
gag until the moment they all yell "surprise!" After practicing a
stunned look, Brenda digs up Dweena's fake cash, stuffs it in a hatbox,
and hands the ransom over to the fake kidnapper. The bad actor pops off
a couple of shots and drives off with the cash and Dweena, bound and
gagged. Surprise!
Brenda's friend Dweena, whose self-appointing gig is boosting illegally
parked diplomatic cars, he has been heisted by a sleazy ambassodor.
When the Not-So-Excellency from Gintoflakokia ends up in the pokey,
accused of killing a local barfly, Dweena expects Brenda to find the
real murderer so they can spring the sleaze and get her look back. And
while she's doing that, Brenda blows the lid off more than she bargained
for-about the past, the present ...and even her trusted friend.
Murder and the Mad Hatter (2001)
Hell Hat(H) No Fury
Slimy low-rent talent agent Lemon B. Crenshaw exceeds the bounds of
friendship when he cons Greenwich Village hat designer Brenda Midnight
and entangles her in a terrible legal bind. Vowing to get even, she hits
Lemmy where it hurts by stealing his beloved brassiere collection right
off his living room walls. While filching the bras, Brenda hears a thud,
which she later learns was the sound of a dead body hitting the floor
An Accusation with No Foundations
Bra-napper Brenda is sure the murderer is the hurried, briefcase-toting
man who slams into her as she smuggles the bras out of the building. But
Briefcase Boy has an alibi -- and he tells the cops Midnight dunnit. Now
Brenda needs the uplifting support of her wacky Village pals -- as she
dons her sleuthing hat...and sets out to find a killer before she,
herself, is busted for murder!
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