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Works by
Doreen Virtue

  • Angel Therapy Meditations (2008)
    This calming CD allows you to open up to the miraculous power of the angels. Doreen Virtue leads you through a powerfully healing Angel Therapy session. You’ll work with archangels to release old blocks and toxins; cut cords of fear; heal past-life issues; and gain confidence, courage, and clarity about your life’s purpose and relationships.

  • The Best of Doreen Virtue 4-CD (2006)
    This 4-CD set includes: Manifesting with the Angels, Past-Life Regression with the Angels, Karma Releasing, and Healing with the Angels   Manifesting with the Angels: Doreen guides you through a powerful manifestation session called “progression,” in which you and your angels attract the qualities and experiences of your soul’s highest destiny and intentions.

    • Past-Life Regression with the Angels: Doreen leads you through a very gentle and deep past-life regression, in which you recall your life’s purpose and answer other key questions.

    • Karma Releasing: Doreen helps you to release painful conscious and unconscious memories from your past (including past lives) so that you can live free from fears.

    • Healing with the Angels: Many people report receiving healing and higher self-esteem from listening to this guided meditation in which Doreen invokes Archangel Raphael and other healing angels.

  • Healing Your Appetite, Healing Your Life (2005)
    In this enlightening lecture, best-selling author and lecturer Doreen Virtue discusses a number of issues related to the health of your appetite—and your life. She points out that your appetite is an instrument that measures the peace of mind that you have. So, when you approach your appetite in a holistic, gentle, and loving way, your cravings and weight stabilize. As such, your vision of a healthy body and fulfilling life becomes a reality.

    The best way to heal your appetite, Doreen explains, is to listen to your intuition—your gut—instead of judging it or covering it up with food or diets. Doing so will lead you to right livelihood, joyous relationships, and overall fitness!

  • Indigo, Crystal, & Rainbow Children (2005)
    Sensitive children are often misdiagnosed with ADHD and autism, and they sometimes have difficulties at school and at home. In this informative and entertaining live lecture captured on a two-CD program, Doreen Virtue discusses natural and spiritual methods to help the Indigo, Crystal, and Rainbow Children live happier lives.

    Since the 1970s, parents and schoolteachers have noticed that children are becoming increasingly more sensitive, aware, and psychic. The first generation of the new children were the Indigos, followed in the 1990s by the Crystal Children. Now, the new Rainbow Children are starting to emerge. Doreen discusses the characteristics of the Indigos, Crystals, and Rainbows, and describes their souls' purpose and the beautiful messages they have for all of us.

  • Solomon's Angels: A Novel (2008)
    King Solomon knew how to harness universal energies to build his temple, tap into wisdom, and enjoy all of life’s riches. The only thing he was missing was true love. Makeda, the Queen of Sheba, was young and filled with exuberant curiosity about the world. On her journey to meet King Solomon, Makeda learned about the Jinn elemental realm and how to work with the sun and moon’s magical light, but she still wasn’t sure how to take charge of her own life.

    In Solomon’s Angels, Doreen Virtue’s first novel, which is based on thoroughly researched historical, biblical, archaeological, and culturally accurate information, you’ll see how Solomon and Makeda’s meeting changed both of their lives forever. You’ll peek over the Queen of Sheba’s shoulder and discover the ancient secrets behind how Solomon’s temple was built without hammers and saws, and the role that the archangels and sacred geometry played in manifestation and divine magic.

    Solomon and Makeda’s magically romantic story will inspire you in many ways . . . long after you’ve finished reading it!

  • Signs From Above: Your Angels' Messages about Your Life Purpose, Relationships, Health, and More (2009) by Doreen Virtue and Charles Virtue
    Your guardian angels are continually giving you messages, frequently through signs, such as seeing rainbows, repetitive number sequences, finding coins or feathers, and hearing meaningful songs.

    In this fascinating book, Doreen Virtue and her son Charles teach you how to understand the signs that are always around you. You'll gain comfort from reading true stories of how angels have answered prayers by giving clear signs revealing their love and protection. You'll also learn how to ask the angels for signs, along with specific prayers for your relationships, career, health, and other vital areas of your life.

  • Angel Numbers 101: The Meaning of 111, 123, 444, and Other Number Sequences (2008)
    One of the most common ways in which angels speak to us is by showing us repetitive number sequences. Since the publication of her best-selling book Angel Numbers, Doreen Virtue has received even more information from the angels about the meaning of number sequences such as 111, 444, 1234, and so forth.

    Angel Numbers 101 clearly explains how to receive accurate messages from your angels and heavenly loved ones whenever you see repetitive number sequences on telephone numbers, license plates, receipts, clocks, and such. Every message is completely updated for increased accuracy in understanding your angels’ messages.

    This handy reference guide is small enough to fit into a purse or desk drawer so you’ll always know what your angels are saying.

  • The Miracles of Archangel Michael (2008)
    Archangel Michael is a powerful protector who helps everyone who calls upon him. In this enlightening work, Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings peace to people everywhere. The book includes fascinating true stories of how Michael has protected people while driving, guided their careers, safeguarded their children . . . and even reveals his little-known talents for repairing mechanical and electronic machines!

    You’ll learn how to contact Michael; and discover ways to work with him for physical and emotional healing for yourself, your friends and family members, or your clients. The stories in this book will open your heart to the amazingly pure, unconditional love that Michael has for anyone who seeks his help. The Miracles of Archangel Michael will help you feel safe, protected, and very loved!

  • How to Hear Your Angels (2007)
    How to Hear Your Angels is a step-by-step manual on how to clearly receive messages from your angels and guides. The material was culled from Doreen Virtue’s best-selling book Messages from Your Angels and from her workshops. Doreen has been assigning this reading material to her Angel Therapy Practitioner™ students for many years, and at their request has compiled the information in this handy book.

    Within these pages, you’ll discover your communication “style” so that you can more easily recognize the visions, words, thoughts, and feelings you receive as Divine guidance. The book is filled with charts to help you discern the difference between true Divine guidance and the voice of the ego, and it will help you engage in clear and understandable conversations with Heaven.

  • Realms of the Earth Angels: More Information for Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Wizards, and Other Lightworkers (2007)
    Since the publication of her best-selling book Earth Angels (more than 80,000 copies sold), Doreen Virtue presented workshops about these lightworkers to several international audiences, which yielded additional information about the various realms that these beings originate from. In addition to the “core realms” that Doreen discussed in the first book (Incarnated Angels, Incarnated Elementals, Star People, and Wise Ones), some new realms have been discovered.

    In Realms of the Earth Angels, Doreen discusses the original Earth Angels book, plus gives updated descriptions about the new realms, which include Mystic Angels (half-angel, half-wise one); Leprechauns (half-elemental, half-wise one); Merpeople; Knights; and more.

    As with the original book, you, the reader, can take an expanded quiz to help you recognize your own realm. Each realm has its own chapter, with Earth Angel characteristics, suggestions, advice, and case studies.

  • Angels 101: An Introduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Angels (2006)
    Doreen Virtue frequently hears this question at her workshops, and usually points them to her book Healing with the Angels. Yet, even that book is a bit advanced for newcomers. One morning she clearly saw and heard the title Angels 101, and Doreen knew that the angels wanted her to write a very basic and elementary book.

    Angels 101 is a nondenominational overview of who the angels are; their role in various spiritual texts and religions; the ways that angels help us and how to call upon them; information on guardian angels, archangels, and departed loved ones; and frequently asked questions about the angels. No matter where you are on a spiritual or religious path, this book is sure to deepen your understanding and love of the angels—and it makes the perfect gift for someone new to these concepts!

  • Goddesses & Angels (2006)
    It’s true—you can spiritually heal; instantly manifest your heart’s desires; and commune with angels, goddesses, fairies, and ascended masters! In this true spiritual adventure story and reference book, Doreen Virtue writes about the enlightened beings who can unlock the magical gifts within you.

    In Part I, you’ll travel with Doreen through a Sedona sweat lodge, the Polynesian island of Moorea, a goddess temple at the Isle of Avalon, and other exotic locations. You’ll read the powerful messages she received from Mother Mary while visiting Lourdes, and you’ll peek over Doreen’s shoulder as she gives psychic readings and receives information about Lemuria, merpeople, and the new Rainbow Children.

    Part II alphabetically lists and describes the attributes of goddesses and angels in an easy-to-use guide that will help you awaken your innate spiritual abilities.

  • Angel Medicine (2005)
    Doreen Virtue teaches both healers and lay-people how to invoke and heal the body and emotions with the help of our guardian angels. Angel Medicine outlines inspiring and often entertaining stories of miracle healings of peoples bodies, emotions, their children, pets, and much more. It also includes angel messages about the importance of light, as well as scientific research on the importance of sunlight, sunsets, and moonlight.

  • Angel Numbers (2005) by Doreen Virtue and Lynnette Brown
    "Why do I always see the numbers 444 (or 111, 333, etc.) everywhere I go?" is one of the most frequently asked questions that Doreen Virtue receives at her worldwide workshops. In her best-selling book Healing with the Angels, Doreen included a chapter that briefly explained the meanings behind these number sequences, and many people have commented that they carry the book with them everywhere to help them interpret the numbers they see daily.

    By popular request from Doreen’s audience members, Angel Numbers has been created to serve as a pocket guide containing the angelic meanings of numbers from 0 to 999. Designed to fit into a purse or pocket for easy transport, Angel Numbers provides an interpretation of more complex number sequences than was previously available in Healing with the Angels. This new book focuses on numbers such as 123, 337, 885, and so on.

    Whether you’re seeing these numbers on license plates, telephone numbers, the clock, or other locations, they’re very real messages from the angels. Angel Numbers will help you instantly understand the meaning of these signs!

  • Archangels and Ascended Masters (2003)
    Archangels and Ascended Masters is a thoroughly researched book in a lively encyclopedia format, listing 77 divinities from Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Asian, Babylonian, Tibetan,
    Buddhist, Celtic, Theosophical, New Age, Catholic, Cabalistic, Jewish, and Christian roots. Doreen carefully studied and wrote about the history of each deity, what role they serve today, how they can help us with specific life problems, and how to call upon each one.

  • Messages from Your Angels (2003)
    Messages from Your Angels is a sequel to the bestselling Angel Therapy. This is a channeled book that contains uplifting and fresh information from the angelic realm. The angels, including Archangel Michael, provide healing messages that help readers to heal from emotional pain, find their life's purpose, understand their love life, and make decisions about important life areas. Doreen receives many letters from people who find Angel Therapy a steady source of comfort and guidance. Many people keep Angel Therapy next to their bed, and open it randomly, like an oracle. Messages from Your Angels will offer new levels of comfort, inspiration, and guidance, and will function as a divination tool as well.

  • Earth Angels: A Pocket Guide for Incarnated Angels, Elementals, Starpeople, Walk-Ins, and Wizards (2002)
    In the same way that "The Indigo Children" was a phenomenon that was much talked-about, before the book came out and explained it, "Earth Angels" is a topic of much discussion among spiritually minded people world-wide. Four years ago, Doreen Virtue wrote an article on the topic, and then a chapter in her book, "Healing with the Angels," and then more information in "Healing with the Fairies." Since that time, Doreen has been flooded with letters from people who resonate with the idea, requesting more information.

    "Earth Angels" will be the first book devoted to the topic. Doreen will describe the five different types of lightworkers: Incarnated Angels (those who had previous lives as angels, but who are now here as humans); Incarnated Elementals (those whose previous lives were in the elemental kingdom, as fairies, elves, etc.); Starpeople (those who have lived the majority of their past lives on other planets); Walk-In's (those who came from a high spiritual realm and walked-in to another person's life, as that soul gladly exited their body); and Reincarnated Sorcerers, Sorceresses, and Wizards (those whose most recent past life was during Arthurian or Atlantian times, when they practiced high magic).

    The book will include dozens of case studies; a fascinating analysis of an extensive survey that Doreen has conducted among people who identify with the five types of Earth Angels; and guidance to help readers to feel happier about their lives, their own idiosyncrasies, and their missions.

  • Healing With The Angels (1999)
    A how-to guide that reveals how to work with angels to improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

  • Angel Therapy: Healing Messages for Every Area of Your Life (1997) by Doreen Virtue and The Angelic Realm
    Can help you with troubling emotions such as depression, boredom, confusion, and anger; and issues associated with careers, relationships, and family.

Angel Oracle Cards., etc.
  • Archangel Michael Oracle Cards (2009)
    Archangel Michael is a beloved and powerful protector and trustworthy guide. He knows your life’s purpose and the best steps for you to take next. The 44 cards in this deck feature messages for you from Archangel Michael and incredible paintings of this magnificent angel. You’ll also receive answers to your most pressing questions. An accompanying guidebook gives you step-by-step instructions on how to conduct an accurate, safe, and powerfully healing reading for yourself and others.

  • Angel Therapy Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook (2008)
    This easy-to-use deck is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Angel Therapy is a powerful healing and guidance process that involves working with your guardian angels and the archangels (particularly Michael and Raphael). These oracle cards and the enclosed guidebook give you action steps to take that will initiate healing; help you release fears and emotional blocks; and give you messages about your life purpose, relationships, manifestations, and more.

    Each card features a gorgeous painting of angels and a message or answer for you, and is suitable for both children and adults. The guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.

  • Daily Guidance from Your Angels: 4-Color Gift Edition (2008)
    Begin each morning by communing with your angels, using the 365 channeled meditations in this beautiful gift edition by best-selling author Doreen Virtue. Each page offers a comforting and uplifting message that sets a positive and healing tone for the day. This material also functions as a divination tool, as you can ask a question and open the book to a thought that provides guidance, support, answers, and encouragement.

    Daily Guidance from Your Angels will keep you centered in peacefulness throughout the day, and will help you remember that your angels are always beside you, ready to assist you with every area of your life. A beautiful ribbon bookmark bound into the spine is the perfect way to easily mark your place, both morning and evening.

    This book makes the perfect gift for those you love . . . including yourself!

  • Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Cards: 44 Cards Plus Booklet (2006)
    This 44-card deck offers comforting and uplifting messages, to set a positive and healing tone for the day. It also functions as a divination tool, as you can ask a question and find the message that gives you guidance and answers.   This work is designed to help you stay centered in peacefulness throughout the day, and to remember that your angels are always beside you, ready to help you with every area of your life.

  • Angel Guidance Board (2005)
    When you really need answers to your pressing life questions, the Angel Guidance Board gives you quick and clear guidance about your career, love life, family, health, finances, and other important areas. Doreen Virtue has used oracle boards (such as Ouija and scrying boards) since childhood, and has always found them to be complicated and time-consuming. So, she designed this board to be extremely simple, quick, and easy to use. Includes:

    • A folding board

    • One pair of crystal dice

    • Four angel markers to give you guidance and answers

    • An instruction booklet

  • Archangel Oracle Cards (2004)
    Archangels are very powerful, wise, and loving guides who can motivate and heal you in miraculous ways. This deck of 45 oracle cards by Doreen Virtue will familiarize you with the 15 archangels, give you messages from them, help you to invoke them, and answer some of your important life questions. You’ll learn how to give an accurate archangel reading for yourself and others with the help of the enclosed guidebook.

  • Messages From Your Angels Cards (2002)
    This card deck makes it easier than ever to give an amazingly accurate angel reading for yourself or others.

  • Healing With The Angels Oracle Cards (1999)
    Forty-four divination cards, each with a unique Victorian-Style or Old Master-Style angel picture on one side and a positive, healing message on the other side. A small instruction booklet is also included, which explains the full meaning of each card, and includes angel messages about healing from various life challenges.

  • The Art of Raw Living Food: Heal Yourself and the Planet with Eco-delicious Cuisine (2009) by Doreen Virtue and Jenny Ross
    Now you can enjoy all of the health benefits of a diet high in fresh produce, while still enjoying tasty meals. In this delicious book, Doreen Virtue and Jenny Ross (owner and chef of the popular Southern California raw-foods restaurant, 118 Degrees) give you hundreds of recipes and tips for creating gourmet meals—all created 100 percent from raw fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
    You'll enjoy Mexican, Italian, Asian, and other cuisine, while deriving all of the physical, spiritual, and emotional benefits of eating one of the healthiest diets available. As you follow these easy-to-prepare recipes, you’ll discover why thousands of people have joined the Raw Food Movement and see how to incorporate a living-foods diet into your daily life!

  • Eating In The Light: Making the Switch to Vegetarianism on Your Spiritual Path (2001) by Doreen Virtue and Becky Black
    In this fascinating book, learn the spiritual properties of different food and beverage groups so that you can make informed decisions about what to eat and drink. You’ll begin to feel a lightness of being, enhanced peace of mind, and inner fulfillment, in addition to maintaining your ideal weight and emanating radiant health.  See also Vegetarianism.

  • The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children (2001)
    Doreen explores the psyche of these special kids and offers alternative solutions to Ritalin based on her extensive research and interviews with child-care experts, teachers, parents, and the Indigo Children themselves. Read the accounts of these remarkable children as they explain why they act-out, are aggressive or withdrawn; and what they want from the adults in their lives.

  • Losing Your Pounds of Pain (2002)
    This book shows how you can break the damaging connection between emotional pain and overeating to uncover your true, natural self by shedding the false skin of unhappiness.

  • The Yo-Yo Diet Syndrome: How to Heal and Stabilize Your Appetite and Weight (1997)
    How to heal and stabilize your appetite and weight.

  • Constant Craving: What Your Food Cravings Mean and How to Overcome Them (1995, 1999, 2002)
    What your food cravings mean and how to overcome them.

  • Fairies 101: An Inroduction to Connecting, Working, and Healing with the Fairies and Other Elementals (2007)
    Fairies are very real and loving beings who want to help us live joyful, prosperous, and healthy lives. In this enlightening book, Doreen Virtue clearly explains who the fairies are, how they’re helping us, and ways to connect with their magical energy.

    True stories from people who’ve encountered fairies and benefited from their assistance illustrate Doreen’s teachings. You’ll learn how fairies aid people in finding lost objects, heal themselves and their pets, make gardens grow miraculously fast, and help clean the environment. You’ll also see photos of a real fairy handprint, and other visual evidence that demonstrates that fairies are very real indeed.

  • Healing with the Fairies: Messages, Manifestations and Love from the World of the Fairies (2001)
    This beautiful book gives you step-by-step instructions on how to contact fairies; how to see and hear them, and ways to work with them personally to heal your career, health, and love-life issues. You’ll read channeled messages from the fairy realm, and case studies about Dr. Virtue and her clients, who have benefitted from interacting with the elemental kingdom.

Fairy Oracle Cards, etc.
  • Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards: A 44-Card Deck and Guidebook (2008)
    This easy-to-use deck of oracle cards is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Fairies are beloved “nature angels” who, since they’re so close to the earth, are brilliant at healing and helping with everyday concerns such as relationships, health issues, and finances.

    Each card has a gorgeous painting of fairies and a message or answer for you. All of the paintings and messages are suitable for children as well as adults. The enclosed guidebook walks you through the steps for giving an oracle reading for yourself or others, and outlines the extended meanings behind each card.

  • Healing With The Fairies (2001)
    Fairies are nature’s powerful guardian angels, and they can miraculously assist you with your self-esteem, relationships, health, and career. The fairies will help you find new inner strength and confidence, and guide you in treating yourself with greater love and respect. With the help of these 44 oracle cards, you can have a deeply personal relationship with the amazing fairy realm and with the help of the enclosed guidebook, you’ll learn how to give yourself and your loved ones accurate and helpful readings.

  • Divine Magic (2006)
    You have natural magical abilities that can elevate your life to a whole new level, as well as heal and help your loved ones and clients. The original teacher of this Divine magic was an Egyptian sage named Hermes Trismegistus. His teachings, called “Hermetics,” were only taught verbally or in very cryptic writings. In 1908, three Hermetic students wrote these teachings in a book called The Kybalion. Yet, this book was still difficult to understand because of its archaic and confusing language.

    Now in Divine Magic, Doreen Virtue presents a clearly edited version of The Kybalion, written in understandable and modern language. She gives comments and practical suggestions based upon her own success in using Hermetic teachings for healing and manifestation. With Divine Magic, you can master your moods, release negativity, manifest new levels of abundance, and attract wonderful opportunities in all areas of your life.

    *Includes a meditative CD

  • Crystal Therapy: How to Heal and Empower Your Life with Crystal Energy (2005) by Doreen Virtue and Judith Lukomski
    Crystal Therapy is a pocket guide to the healing power of 88 crystals, complete with beautiful color photographs of each one. The book is suitable for beginners, and it focuses on crystals that are easily obtainable. Readers learn which crystal to use for particular health or life issues, receive clear explanations of crystal-related terms (such as phantom and record-keeper"), how to choose a crystal that’s been humanely mined, and read fascinating channeled messages from each crystal. The authors discuss how the crystals work with the angels and archangels; and outline the steps for laying particular crystals in your home to build energy grids that help with abundance, romance, a good night’s sleep, protection, and more.

  • Chakra Clearing (2004)
    When you clear away negative energy residues from fear and worry, your natural spiritual power awakens. This innate power allows you to know the future; freely communicate with God and the angels; and heal yourself, others, and the planet. In Chakra Clearing, Doreen Virtue guides you through meditations and visualizations to clear your chakras, which activates your inborn healing and psychic abilities.

    Enclosed you’ll also find a meditative CD that complements the material in the book. The CD starts with a morning meditation designed to begin your day with a bright, positive energy frequency and surround you with healing light. The relaxing evening meditation that follows clears away energy that you may have absorbed during the day, and invites angels to enter your dreams and give you divine messages.

  • The Crystal Children (2003)
    Crystal Children reflect the new generation that has come to the Earth plane after the Indigo Children. They are approximately ages 0 through 5, although some members of the first wave of Crystal Children are as old as 7. These children are like Indigos—highly psychic and sensitive—but without the dark edge and the anger energy.

    The term Crystal Children is already taking hold worldwide, and people everywhere are talking about these special kids. Since Doreen is the only researcher who is publicly giving speeches on the subject, her audiences have been asking her for a book on the topic. It’s a natural sequel to her book The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children.

  • The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children (2001)
    Doreen explores the psyche of these special kids and offers alternative solutions to Ritalin based on her extensive research and interviews with child-care experts, teachers, parents, and the Indigo Children themselves. Read the accounts of these remarkable children as they explain why they act-out, are aggressive or withdrawn; and what they want from the adults in their lives.

  • The Lightworker's Way: Awakening Your Spiritual Power to Know and Heal (1997)
    Learn how to divinely plan your life, heighten your psychic receptivity, create miracles in your life, recognize your higher purpose, and much more.

Other Oracle Cards
  • Ascended Masters Oracle Cards: 44-Card Deck and Guidebook (2007)
    By popular demand, Doreen Virtue has created a beautiful deck of cards based on her best-selling book Archangels & Ascended Masters. The deck includes gorgeous paintings of 44 male and female cross-cultural deities, such as Ganesha, Merlin, Saint-Germain, Apollo, Pallas Athena, White Buffalo Calf Woman, Jesus, Moses, Yogananda, Green Man, and Kuthumi. The enclosed guidebook gives expanded explanations of each card’s meaning, and a brief history of each ascended master. As with each of Doreen’s oracle-card decks, the messages for each card are positive, accurate, and life-affirming.

  • Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards (2004)
    The goddesses are angelic, powerful, loving beings who want to help you with every part of your life. In this set of 44 oracle cards by Doreen Virtue, the bestselling author of the Healing with the Angels and Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards, you'll learn who the different cross-cultural goddesses are and how they can help you. Each card gives you a specific message about how you can improve your life, health, relationships, finances, career, and spiritual path. The gorgeous artwork on each card depicts Kuan Yin, Lakshmi, Bridget, Isis, Athena, and other goddesses from
    Celtic, Mayan, Egyptian, Greek, Tibetan, Buddhist, and other traditions.

  • Magical Mermaid and Dolphin Cards (2003)
    The Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards are specifically designed to help you manifest your goals, life purpose, and Divinely inspired dreams. These 44 beautifully illustrated cards can help you swim into the ocean of your unconscious mind, where profound thoughts and feelings can create—or block—your heart’s desire. The cards are easy to use, and the enclosed guidebook will help you perform amazingly accurate readings for yourself or others.

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