
Works by
Edgar Allan Poe
[1809 - 1849]
Profile created
June 14, 2005 |
Tamelane and Other Poems (By a Bostonian) (1827)
Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane and Minor Poems (1838)
Poems (1831)
Metzengerstein (1832)
MS. Found in a Bottle (1833)
Berenice (1835)
Bon-Bon (1835)
King Pest (1835)
Loss of Breath (1835)
Morella (1835)
Shadow (1835)
Ligeia (1838)
Movie (1965)
DVD Directed by Roger
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
Uncompleted manuscript
Silence -- a Fable (1839)
Tales Of The Grotesque And Arabesque (1839)
The Conchologist's First Book (1839)
The Conversation of Eiros and Charmion (1839)
The Devil in Belfry (1839)
The Fall of the House of Usher and Other Tales
Movie (1928)
directed by Jean Epstein and Luis Bunuel
Movie (1960)
with Vincent Price
Movie (1989)VHS,
with Donald Pleasance
Movie (1989)
VHS with Martin Landau
William Wilson (1839)
The Man of the Crowd (1840)
Descent into Maelström (1841)
The Colloquy of Monas and Una (1841)
The Island of the Fay (1841)
The Murders in the Rue Morgue (1841)
Movie (1932)
VHS with Bela Lugosi
Movie (1954)
(Phantom of the Rue Morgue) directed by Roy Del Ruth
Movie (1971)
VHS with Jason Robards
Movie (1986)
with George C. Scott and Val Kilmer
Masque of the Red Death (1842)
Movie (1964)
VHS with Vincent Price
Movie (1991)
VHS directed by Alan
Movie (1992)
VHS directed by Larry Brand
The Oval Portrait (1842)
The Black Cat (1843)
The Gold Bug (1843)
The Mystery of Marie Rogêt (1843)
The Pit and the Pendulum (1843)
Movie (1961)
VHS with Vincent Price
Movie (1990)
VHS with Oliver Reed
Movie (1995)
The Prose Poems of Edgar A. Poe (1843)
See, for instance,
Complete Poems and Selected Essays
The Tell-Tale Heart (1843)
A Tale of the Ragged Mountains (1844)
The Assignation (1844)
aka The Visionary
The Balloon Hoax (1844)
The Elk (1844)
The Oblong Box (1844)
The Spectacles (1844)
Thou Art the Man (1844)
Tales (1845)
See, for instance,
Complete Tales & Poems
The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar (1845)
The Imp of The Perverse (1845)
The Premature Burial (1845)
Movie (196)
VHS directed by Ida Lupino,
Maxwell Shane
Movie (1962)
with Hazel Court and Ray Milland
Movie (1964)
DVD with Vincent Price
The Purloined Letter
The Raven And Other Poems (1845)
Movie (1935)
VHS with
Vincent Price
Movie (1963)
VHS with Boris Karloff,
Peter Lorre, and Vincent Price
Movie (2003)
VHS with Louis Morabito and
Michael G. Sayers
The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade (1845)
The Cask of Amontillado (1846)
The Domain of Arnheim (1847)
Eureka (1848)
A prose poem
Hop-Frog (1849)
Mellonta Tauta (1849)
Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe (1902)
The Complete Tales of Edgar Allan Poe (1938)
The Letters of Edgar Allan Poe (1948)
See, for instance,
Letters of Edgar Allan Poe
The Short Fiction of Edgar Allan Poe (1976)
See also (an incomplete list):
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