
| Works by
James M. Cain
(aka James Mallahan Cain) (Writer)
[1892 - 1977] |
Profile created January 29, 2007
The Postman Always Rings Twice
An amoral young tramp. A beautiful, sullen
woman with an inconvenient husband. A problem that has only one grisly
solution--a solution that only creates other problems that no one can ever
First published in 1934 and banned in Boston for its explosive mixture of
violence and eroticism, The Postman Always Rings Twice is a classic
of the roman noir. It established James M. Cain as a major novelist
with an unsparing vision of America's bleak underside, and was acknowledged
by Albert Camus as the model for The Stranger.
Movie (1946), Tay Garnett, Director With John Garfield And Lana Turner
Movie (1981), Bob Rafaelson, Director With Jack Nicholson And Jessica Lange
Double Indemnity (1936)
Tautly narrated and excruciatingly suspenseful, Double Indemnity
gives us an X-ray view of guilt, of duplicity, and of the kind of obsessive,
loveless love that devastates everything it touches. First published in
1935, this novel reaffirmed James M. Cain as a virtuoso of the roman noir.
Movie (1944), Billy Wilder, Director With Billy Wilder And Raymond Chandler
Serenade (1937)
Movie (1956), Anthony Mann, Director With Joan Fontaine, Mario Lanza, And
Vincent Price
Mildred Pierce (1941)
Mildred Pierce had gorgeous legs, a way with a skillet, and a
bone-deep core of toughness. She used those attributes to survive a divorce
and poverty and to claw her way out of the lower middle class. But Mildred
also had two weaknesses: a yen for shiftless men, and an unreasoning
devotion to a monstrous daughter.
Out of these elements, Cain creates a novel of acute social observation and
devastating emotional violence, with a heroine whose ambitions and
sufferings are never less than recognizable.
Movie (1945), Michael Curtiz Director With Joan Crawford
Love's Lovely Counterfeit
Career in C Major and Other Stories
The Embezzler (1943)
Past All Dishonor (1946)
Sinful Woman (1947)
The Butterfly (1947)
Movie (Butterfly, 1981), Matt Cimber, Director With Orson Welles, Pia Zadora, And Stacy
The Moth (1948)
Jealous Woman (1949)
The Root Of His Evil (1951)
Galatea (1953)
Crime follows love triangle and plot toget rid of husband.-
Mignon (1965)
Magician's Wife (1965)
Rainbow's End (1975)
The Institute (1976)
The Baby in the Icebox: And Other Short Fiction (1981), Roy Hoopes,
Cloud Nine (1984)
The Enchanted Isle (1985)
60 Years of Journalism (1986), Roy Hoope, ed.
Career in C Major and Other Fiction
The James M. Cain Cookbook: Guide to Home Singing, Physical Fitness and Animals (Especially Cats) (1988), Lynne Barrett and Roy
Hoopes, eds.
Our Government
For Men Only (1944), James
Cain, ed.
Short story collection
Crime Novels (1997), Robert Polito,
Works by Cornell Woolrich, Edward Anderson, Horace
McCoy, James M. Cain, Kenneth Fearing, and William Lindsay Gresham
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