
| Works by
Larry Dossey, M.D. (Writer) |
Science, Spirit, and Soul (1998)
Audio cassette
Join Dr. Larry Dossey (author of the national bestseller Healing Words)
for a voyage to the very edge of spirituality and science as he challenges
conventional medicine to create a new model for healing. Science,
Spirit, and Soul is a revelation about the interconnectedness of all
life, with implications that reach far beyond the world of medicine. For
too long, Dossey says, we have failed to equate consciousness, soul, and
spirit with the biological functions of the brain. Dr. Dossey offers a
bold new model for healing based on the concept of non-locality: a
ground-breaking paradigm that views the mind and spirit as unbound by time
or space.
Medicine, Meaning, and Prayer
(1997) with Michael Toms
Audio cassette.
Dr. Dossey discusses and evaluates the evidence regarding prayer, and
explores its implications for both medical practice and individual
The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things: Fourteen Natural Steps
to Health and Happiness (2006)
Every day modern medicine announces the arrival of
yet another “wonder drug” or “miracle procedure” to a world increasingly
wary of expensive high-tech cures. Drugs, transplants, and surgery don’t
work for 90 percent of our aches and pains and, while we are grateful for
life-saving developments, we know that most come with risks that we ignore
at our peril.
Long hailed as one of the founding fathers of mind-body medicine, Larry
Dossey directs our attention to simple sources of healing that have been
available for centuries—treasures often hidden in plain sight—from the
power of optimism and of tears to speed recovery to the surprising
usefulness of dirt and bugs in curing disease and infection to the
benefits of doing nothing.
Exploring the medical research that validates these simple remedies,
Dossey encourages us to align ourselves with the wisdom of nature and
allow true healing to take place. The Extraordinary Healing Power of
Ordinary Things can transform our view of what health is all about,
whether our concern is cancer or the common cold.
Healing Beyond the Body: Medicine and the Infinite Reach of the Mind (2001)
If medicine is truly to be a healing art, it
must address not only our bodies, but our minds and spirit as well; it
must deal not only with the mechanisms of illness, but with its meanings;
and it must recognize that our power to heal and be healed extends beyond
our physical bodies.
Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing (1999)
Dr. Larry Dossey created a sensation in 1993 with his
groundbreaking book, Healing Words, in which he presented solid scientific
evidence that prayer can figure prominently in healing illness. Now, in
Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing, Dr. Dossey
again surveys the future: We are on the brink of a new era of medical
care, an era that considers and implements our growing knowledge of the
power of nonlocal mind in healing and life.
Dr. Dossey defines the major periods in the history of
medicine: Era I medicine (mechanical medicine), Era II medicine
(psychosomatic medicine), and Era III medicine (nonlocal medicine). Era
III medicine incorporates all the benefits and warnings we have gleaned
from intensified understanding of the effects of prayer and intention.
Dr. Dossey lays out a compelling argument for merging
awareness of consciousness into the practice of modern medicine. By
perceiving the boundlessness of the nonlocal mind, Dr. Dossey argues, we
discern our own interconnectedness - with extraordinarily practical
implications. We are further able to reevaluate our concept of mortality
even as we are increasingly guided by the Golden Rule of Era III: "Do good
unto others because they are you!"
Be Careful What You Pray For...You Just Might Get It (1997)
In this frank and challenging book, Dr. Dossey sets
out to understand the "neglected shadow side" of prayer. Having
established the benefits of prayer in Prayer is Good Medicine and Healing
Words, Dossey flips the coin and asks "Can prayer harm?" The resulting
inquiry takes us through the history of negative prayer. Dr. Dossey looks
at the various forms that prayer's "shadow" can take, whether it be
hexing, the death wish, the evil eye, or merely harboring a bad attitude.
Assessing negative prayer from the perspective of evolutionary biology,
Dossey considers how we can protect ourselves from the negative thoughts
of others. By acknowledging the potential harm of each negative thought,
it becomes possible to manifest the positive in its stead. Dr. Dossey's
stirring discussion is at once a cautionary tale and a declaration of
confidence in our ability to reshape our most private thoughts for the
ultimate benefit of humanity.
Prayer Is Good Medicine: How to Reap the Healing Benefits of Prayer (1996)
Prayer research is sparking an
unsettling, yet potentially reformative, energy within the medical
establishment. Encompassing the data as well as the controversies, Dr.
Dossey delves into such questions as why doesn't prayer always work; is it
blasphemy to test prayer in the laboratory; does prayer simply create a
"false hope"; is a physician's decision not to recommend prayer akin to
medical malpractice?
Dossey compares prayer to traditional therapies and observes that, when
used in tandem with other orthodox and alternative measures, prayer is
indeed powerful medicine. Dr. Dossey further affirms that prayer is
remarkably democratic: Research confirms that no particular religion holds
a monopoly on prayer's efficacy; and one does not need to be religious,
per se, to pray effectively or to benefit medically from prayer.
Healing Words: The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine (1993,
In this New York Times bestseller, Dr.
Dossey restores the spiritual art of healing to the science of medicine.
Healing Words points the way toward "a medicine that is both effective and
more humane, a medicine that works better and feels better."
Like many who believe they must choose between the intellectual and the
emotional, the analytical and the spiritual, Dr. Dossey graduated from
medical school with the belief that prayer was little more than
superstition. After practicing medicine for many years, he was stunned to
come across scientific evidence of prayer's healing power. His
"white-coated, scientific" world view undermined, Dr. Dossey embarked on
ten years of research into the relationship between prayer and healing.
Citing compelling studies and case histories, Dr. Dossey breaks new ground
in our understanding of how prayer complements good medicine. He describes
how prayer manifests in laboratory experiments; he examines which methods
of prayer show the greatest potential and how one's innate temperament and
personality affect prayer style.
As we recognize that the "empirical evidence for prayer's power is
indirect evidence for the soul," Dossey believes we will find ourselves
praying more prayers of gratitude and fewer prayers of supplication. This,
asserts Dossey, is "the proper response on realizing that the world, at
heart, is more glorious, benevolent, and friendlier than we have recently
Meaning and Medicine: A Doctor's Tales of Breakthrough and Healing (1991)
Physician Larry Dossey investigates the
extraordinary power of meaning to affect mind-body interactions. Through
fascinating clinical stories, Dossey shows how thought and emotion
influence the body -- and can make the difference between life and death.
He describes the Black Monday Syndrome, the fact that more heart attacks
occur on Monday mornings around 9:00 than at any other time. He shows how
the heart can actually break from grief or stop from shame.
Dr. Dossey offers a strong antidote to these negatives: Meaning also has
the power to heal and change. He brings us the case of the Fishskin Boy,
whose rare genetic skin disorder was healed through hypnosis, and of a
fourteen-year-old computer whiz who "programmed" his own visualizations to
utilize chemotherapy efficiently. He further explores how music,
biofeedback, miracles, prayer, and the inner "controller" can contribute
to the healing process. Dr. Dossey then takes us into the world of the
hospital and gives specific instructions to help anyone survive a hospital
Recovering the Soul: A Scientific and Spiritual Search (1989)
What is the soul? Can the soul be
scientifically explained? In this thought-provoking book, Dr. Dossey
provides an alternative view of human consciousness, one which asserts
that an aspect of the human mind--the soul--exists independently of time,
space, and matter.
"Why speak of the soul in an age of science?" asks Dr. Dossey. "Why
suggest that there is some aspect of the psyche that is not subject to the
limitations of space and time, and which might precede the birth of the
body and survive its death? The main reason is that something vital has
been left out of almost all the modern efforts to understand our mental
life-- something that accounts as a first principle, without which
everything is bound to be incomplete and off base. This missing element is
the mind's nonlocal nature: the soul." In Recovering the Soul, Dr. Dossey
interweaves the wisdom of ancient texts with quantum physics, mysticism
with scientific research, religion with Western medicine and triumphantly
affirms our interconnectedness with the universe, and each other.
Space, Time & Medicine (1982)
Western medicine has long viewed the body as
working mechanically, like clockwork: A breakdown of its parts causes
illness. But modern physics says something new about the universe; its
more holistic view includes the effects of consciousness on matter and the
possibility of nonlinear time. Western medicine has not yet embraced these
new ideas, and as a result physicians find themselves "with a set of
guiding beliefs that are as antiquated as are body humors, leeching, and
Dr. Larry Dossey discusses our obsession with time and how the notion of
time "flowing" may profoundly act upon our health. Those who are able to
alter their concept of time flow, says Dr. Dossey, have been able to
positively affect the course of their disease.
Healing Through Prayer: Health Practitioners Tell the Story
(1999) by Herbert Benson, John Polkinghorne,
Larry Dossey, and others
Prayer really works! In this book doctors and
patients quote scientific surveys and relate personal experiences of
healing through prayer. They are convinced that prayer has had a profound
effect in their lives. Although they do not try to explain how prayer
works, many refer to a greater power - some say God - who enables the
healing work of prayer. These interviews and stories will provide new
conviction to people of all religious faiths, and will give new hope to
those who seek healing for themselves, for others, and for the world.
The Power of Meditation and Prayer
(1997), Larry Dossey and Michael Toms, eds.
Some of the most well-respected thinkers in the
field of spiritual growth discuss the awesome power that meditation and
prayer can play in our lives. Includes pieces by Bede Griffiths, Gay
Hendricks, Jack Kornfield, Jeanne Achterberg, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Marsha
Sinetar, Neale Donald Walsch,
Shinzen Young, and
Sogyal Rinpoche.
Mindfield: A Quarterly Source Journal for Consciousness (Vol. 1, No. 3) Fall 1992 (1992), James
Mosher, ed.
Articles by Chogyam Trungpa,
Ernie Kurtz, Katherine
Larry Dossey, Roger S. Jones, and Theodore Roszak
The Journal of Science and Healing
Since 2005, Dr. Dossey has served as executive
editor of this prestigious peer-reviewed journal, which covers the fields
of integrative medicine, environmental health, spirituality, and
consciousness-related health issues. See the website of
The Journal of Science and Healing.
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