
| Works by
Michael Ignatieff (Politician, Writer) |
A Just Measure of Pain: Penitentiaries in the Industrial Revolution, 1780-1850
The Needs of Strangers (1984)
This thought provoking book uncovers a crisis in the political
imagination, a wide-spread failure to provide the passionate sense of
community "in which our need for belonging can be met." Seeking the
answers to fundamental questions, Michael Ignatieff writes vividly both
about ideas and about the people who tried to live by them—from Augustine
to Bosch, from Rosseau to Simone Weil. Incisive and moving,The Needs of
Strangers returns philosophy to its proper place, as a guide to the
art of being human.
Russian Album (1987) -- Winner of the Royal Society of Literature
Ignatieff chronicles five generations of his Russian family,
beginning in 1815. Drawing on family diaries, on the contemplation of
intriguing photographs in an old family album, and on stories passed down
from father to son, he comes to terms with the meaning of his family's
memories and histories. Focusing on his grandparents, Count Paul Ignatieff
and Princess Natasha Mestchersky, he recreates their lives before, during,
and after the Russian Revolution.
Blood and Belonging: Journeys Into the New Nationalism (1994)
Until the end of the Cold War, the politics of national identity
was confined to isolated incidents of ethnics strife and civil war in
distant countries. Now, with the collapse of Communist regimes across
Europe and the loosening pf the Cold War'd clamp on East-West relations, a
surge of nationalism has swept the world stage. In Blood and Belonging,
Ignatieff makes a thorough examination of why blood ties--inplaces as
diverse as Yugoslavia, Kurdistan, Northern Ireland, Quebec, Germany, and
the former Soviet republics--may be the definitive factor in international
relation today. He asks how ethnic pride turned into ethnic cleansing,
whether modern citizens can lay the ghosts of a warring past, why--and
whether--a people need a state of their own, and why armed struggle might
be justified. Blood and Belonging is a profound and searching look
at one of the most complex issues of our time.
The Warrior's Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience (1997)
Since the early 1990s, Michael Ignatieff has traveled the world's
war zones, from Bosnia to the West Bank, from Afghanistan to central
Africa. The Warrior's Honor is a report and a reflection on what he has
seen in the places where ethnic war has become a way of life. Ignatieff
charts the rise of the new moral interventionists--the relief workers,
reporters, delegates, and diplomats who believe that other people's misery
is of concern to us all. And he brings us face-to-face with the new ethnic
warriors--the warlords, gunmen, and paramilitaries--who have escalated
postmodern war to an unprecedented level of savagery. Hard-hitting and
passionate, The Warrior's Honor is a profound and searching exploration of
the perils and obligations of moral citizenship in a world scarred by war
and genocide.
Isaiah Berlin: A Life (1998)
Isaiah Berlin was witness to a century. Born in Riga in the twilight of
the Czarist empire, he lived long enough to see the Soviet state collapse.
Biographer of Marx, scholar of the Romantic movement, and defer of the
liberal idea of freedom against Soviet tyranny, Berlin was the presiding
judge of intellectual life on both sides of the Atlantic. When he died in
1997, he was hailed as the most important liberal philosopher of his time.
But Berlin's life was not only a life of the mind. From Albert Einstein to
Virginia Woolf, Winston Churchill to Anna Akhmatova, his circle of friends
constitutes a veritable who's who of twentieth-century art, politics, and
philosophy. In this definitive work, the result of a remarkable ten-year
collaboration between biographer and subject, Michael Ignatieff charts the
emergence of a unique temperament and a singular vision.
Berlin in Autumn: The Philosopher in Old Age (1999)
Magnum Degrees (1999)
Here the photographers of Magnum, 50 years after the legendary
group began its documentary mission, address the world following the fall
of the Berlin Wall in 1989; a period which has seen the triumph of US
capitalism at one extreme and the resurgence of ancient blood feuds at the
other. The book is built around photo-essays selected and introduced by
the photographers, many shot especially for the book. From Henri
Cartier-Bresson to Magnum's newest recruits, each photographer navigates
the issues of history in their own way - some tackling the dramatic
changes in the world head-on in the traditional manner of the "concerned
photographer", others choosing subjects and aesthetic viewpoints which are
entirely personal. The result is an album of contemporary photography
about the world today. "Magnum" is introduced by historian, broadcaster
and cultural commentator Michael Ignatieff, linking the substance and pace
of change in the post-Cold-war world with the historic role of the Magnum
witness and image-maker. This is a book about history and humanity,
journalism and art, and revealing the photographers of Magnum entering a
new era.
Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond (2000)
For a decade, Michael Ignatieff has provided eyewitness accounts and
penetrating analyses from the world's battle zones. In Virtual War,
he offers an analysis of the conflict in Kosovo and what it means for the
future of warfare. He describes the latest phase in modern combat: war
fought by remote control. In "real" war, nations are mobilized, soldiers
fight and die, victories are won. In virtual war, however, there is often
no formal declaration of hostilities, the combatants are strike pilots and
computer programmers, the nation enlists as a TV audience, and instead of
defeat and victory there is only an uncertain endgame.
Kosovo was such a virtual war, a war in which U.S. and NATO forces did the
fighting but only Kosovars and Serbs did the dying. Ignatieff examines the
conflict through the eyes of key players--politicians, diplomats, and
generals--and through the experience of the victims, the refugees and
civilians who suffered. As unrest continues in the Balkans, East Timor,
and other places around the world, Ignatieff raises the troubling
possibility that virtual wars, so much easier to fight, could become the
way superpowers impose their will in the century ahead.
The Rights Revolution (2000)
Since the proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in
1948, rights have become the dominant language of the public good around
the globe. In Canada, rights have become the trump card in every argument
from family life to Parliament Hill, but the notorious fights for
aboriginal rights and for the linguistic heritage of French-speaking
Canadians have steered Canada into a full-blown rights revolution. This
revolution is not only deeply controversial, but is being watched around
the world. Are group rights to land and language jeopardizing individual
rights? Has the Charter of Rights empowered ordinary Canadians or just
enriched constitutional lawyers? When everyone asserts their rights, what
happens to responsibilities? Michael Ignatieff confronts these questions
head-on in The Rights Revolution, defending the supposed individualism of
rights language against all comers.
Human Rights as Politics and Idolatry (2001)
Michael Ignatieff draws on his extensive experience
as a writer and commentator on world affairs to present a penetrating
account of the successes, failures, and prospects of the human rights
revolution. Since the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights in 1948, this revolution has brought the world moral progress
and broken the nation-state's monopoly on the conduct of international
affairs. But it has also faced challenges. Ignatieff argues that human
rights activists have rightly drawn criticism from Asia, the Islamic
world, and within the West itself for being overambitious and unwilling to
accept limits. It is now time, he writes, for activists to embrace a more
modest agenda and to reestablish the balance between the rights of states
and the rights of citizens.
Ignatieff begins by examining the politics of human rights, assessing when
it is appropriate to use the fact of human rights abuse to justify
intervention in other countries. He then explores the ideas that underpin
human rights, warning that human rights must not become an idolatry. In
the spirit of Isaiah Berlin, he argues that human rights can command
universal assent only if they are designed to protect and enhance the
capacity of individuals to lead the lives they wish. By embracing this
approach and recognizing that state sovereignty is the best guarantee
against chaos, Ignatieff concludes, Western nations will have a better
chance of extending the real progress of the past fifty years. Throughout,
Ignatieff balances idealism with a sure sense of practical reality earned
from his years of travel in zones of war and political turmoil around the
Based on the Tanner Lectures that Ignatieff delivered at Princeton
University's Center for Human Values in 2000, the book includes two
chapters by Ignatieff, an introduction by Amy Gutmann, comments by four
leading scholars--K. Anthony Appiah, David A. Hollinger, Thomas W. Laqueur,
and Diane F. Orentlicher--and a response by Ignatieff.-
Empire Lite: Nation-Building in Bosnia, Kosovo and Afghanistan
The Lesser Evil: Ethics in the Age of Terror (2005)
Must we fight terrorism with terror, match assassination with
assassination, and torture with torture? Must we sacrifice civil liberty
to protect public safety?
In the age of terrorism, the temptations of ruthlessness can be
overwhelming. But we are pulled in the other direction too by the anxiety
that a violent response to violence makes us morally indistinguishable
from our enemies. There is perhaps no greater political challenge today
than trying to win the war against terror without losing our democratic
souls. Michael Ignatieff confronts this challenge head-on, with the
combination of hard-headed idealism, historical sensitivity, and political
judgment that has made him one of the most influential voices in
international affairs today.
Ignatieff argues that we must not shrink from the use of violence--that
far from undermining liberal democracy, force can be necessary for its
survival. But its use must be measured, not a program of torture and
revenge. And we must not fool ourselves that whatever we do in the name of
freedom and democracy is good. We may need to kill to fight the greater
evil of terrorism, but we must never pretend that doing so is anything
better than a lesser evil.
In making this case, Ignatieff traces the modern history of terrorism and
counter-terrorism, from the nihilists of Czarist Russia and the militias
of Weimar Germany to the IRA and the unprecedented menace of Al Qaeda,
with its suicidal agents bent on mass destruction. He shows how the most
potent response to terror has been force, decisive and direct, but--just
as important--restrained. The public scrutiny and political ethics that
motivate restraint also give democracy its strongest weapon: the moral
power to endure when the furies of vengeance and hatred are spent.
The book is based on the Gifford Lectures delivered at the University of
Edinburgh in 2003.
American Exceptionalism and Human Rights (2005)
With the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of
Iraq, the most controversial question in world politics fast became
whether the United States stands within the order of international law or
outside it. Does America still play by the rules it helped create?
American Exceptionalism and Human Rights addresses this question as it
applies to U.S. behavior in relation to international human rights. With
essays by eleven leading experts in such fields as international relations
and international law, it seeks to show and explain how America's approach
to human rights differs from that of most other Western nations.
In his introduction, Michael Ignatieff identifies three
main types of exceptionalism: exemptionalism (supporting treaties as long
as Americans are exempt from them); double standards (criticizing "others
for not heeding the findings of international human rights bodies, but
ignoring what these bodies say of the United States); and legal
isolationism (the tendency of American judges to ignore other
jurisdictions). The contributors use Ignatieff's essay as a jumping-off
point to discuss specific types of exceptionalism--America's approach to
capital punishment and to free speech, for example--or to explore the
social, cultural, and institutional roots of exceptionalism.
These essays--most of which appear in print here for the
first time, and all of which have been revised or updated since being
presented in a year-long lecture series on American exceptionalism at
Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government--are by Stanley
Hoffmann, Paul Kahn, Harold Koh, Frank Michelman, Andrew Moravcsik, John
Ruggie, Frederick Schauer, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Carol Steiker, and Cass
Asya (1991)
Scar Tissue (1993)
Charlie Johnson in the Flames (2005)
In his critically acclaimed New York Times Notable
Book, Michael Ignatieff tells a story of striking contemporary relevance
that has drawn comparisons to the novels of Graham Greene and Robert
Stone's Dog Soldiers. Charlie Johnson is an American journalist working
for a British news agency somewhere in the Balkans. He believes that over
the course of a long career he has seen everything, but suddenly he finds
himself more than simply a witness. A woman who has been sheltering
Charlie and his crew is doused in gasoline and set on fire by a retreating
Serbian colonel. As she stumbles, burning, down the road, Charlie dashes
from hiding, throws her down rolling her over and over to extinguish the
flames, burning his hands in the process. Believing the woman's life to
have been saved, Charlie is traumatized by her death. Something snaps. He
now realizes he has just one ambition left in life: to find the colonel
and kill him.
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