
| Works by
Ralph Nader (Writer)
[February 27, 1934 - ] |
Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!
This vivid fictional account by three-time presidential
candidate and best-selling author Ralph Nader asks: What if several of
America's wealthiest individuals decided it was time to work for the
collective good?
The story that unfolds returns us to the literature of American social
movements-to Edward Bellamy, Upton Sinclair, John Steinbeck, and Stephen
Crane. And "Only the Super-Rich Can Save Us!" is something else too, a
reminder that real changes in America always start with the imagination.
Named by The Atlantic as one of the hundred most influential figures in
American history, and by Time and Life magazines as one of the hundred
most influential Americans of the twentieth century, Ralph Nader has
helped us drive safer cars, eat healthier food, breathe better air,
drink cleaner water, and work in safer environments for more than four
decades. Nader's books include In Pursuit of Justice, The Ralph Nader
Reader, The Good Fight, and The Seventeen Traditions. He lives and works
in Washington, D.C., at the helm of several citizens' action groups that
he founded.
The Seventeen Traditions
My boyhood in a small town in Connecticut was shaped by
my family, my friends, our neighbors, my chores and hobbies, the town's
culture and environment, its schools, libraries, factories, and
businesses, their workers, and by storms that came from nowhere to disrupt
everything . . . . Yet childhood in any family is a mysterious experience
. . . . What shapes the mind, the personality, the character?
So begins this unexpected and extraordinary book
by Ralph Nader. Known for his lifetime of
selfless activism, Nader now looks back to the earliest days of his own
life, to his serene and enriching childhood in bucolic Winsted,
Connecticut. From listening to learning, from patriotism to argument, from
work to simple enjoyment, Nader revisits seventeen key traditions he
absorbed from his parents, his siblings, and the people in his community,
and draws from them inspiring lessons for today's society. Warmly human,
rich with sensory memories and lasting wisdom, it offers a kind of
modern-day parable of how we grow from children into responsible adults—a
reminder of a time when nature and community were central to the way we
all learned and lived.
Civic Arousal
When we were youngsters, our father would ask us provocative questions.
One day he asked, 'What is the most powerful, event-producing force in the
world?' We guessed and guessed. His answer: 'Apathy.' What? 'Yes,' he
said, 'apathy, because huge numbers of apathetic citizens, or victims,
allow bad guys to create all kinds of problems on the ground -- from
dictatorial regimes, to repressed economic conditions, to health and
safety hazards, to corruption, to wars and so forth.' Edmund Burke , the
British conservative philosopher around the time of our country's
revolution, put it another way-- 'All that is necessary for evil to
prevail is for good men to do nothing.'"
Thomas Paine's Common Sense galvanized his fellow American colonists into
seizing their independence from Britain. Today, as we again face "times
that try men's souls," Ralph Nader's call to civic action is as crucial to
our country's future as Paine's was in 1776. In Civic Arousal, Nader
responds to thoughtful letters written by two young citizens, both
frustrated with the political status quo but unsure about their power to
affect real change. His insights will inspire every citizen to participate
in our democracy and movements for positive change in this country.
In Pursuit of Justice: Collected Writings 2000-2003
Over the last 40 years, Ralph Nader has established
himself as this country's most active visionary. In this insightful new
collection of his nationally syndicated column, Nader is at his best.
Collecting more than 100 articles spanning three decades, In Pursuit of
Justice addresses corporate abuse; the latent dangers of nuclear
energy, water and air pollution, consumer safety; and more, all with
Nader's inimitable sense of both his subjects' gravity and citizens'
entitlement to a fair lot. Writing with a passion for justice and a
piercing awareness of the issues of the day, Nader has been tireless in
his pursuit of safer lives for U.S. citizens, leaving no one in this
country untouched by his reforms.
Remarkably contemporary in its breadth, In Pursuit of Justice is an
important retrospective highlighting past victories and leading the way
toward the coming decade's most consequential social struggles.
Author, lawyer and leading consumer advocate Ralph Nader is the
award-winning founder of the Public Interest Research Group, the Center
for Study of Responsive Law, Public Citizen, the Clean Water Action
Project, the Disability Rights Project and the Project for Corporate
Responsibility. His 2000 presidential election campaign on the Green Party
ticket served to broaden the scope of debate on federal priorities.
The Good Fight Declare Your Independence and Close the Democracy Gap
The man who shook up American politics in 2000
--and is doing so again in 2004 -- returns to hold both parties' feet to
the fire with his straight talk about Bush, corporate government, and the
whole political charade.
Ralph Nader -- relentless activist, brilliant
visionary -- may also be the most honest man we've got left in politics.
And yet from the moment Nader declared his presidential candidacy on Meet
the Press, he's faced relentless opposition, mainly from Democrats fearing
that competition from an inspiring independent could dent their voting
block "as it did in 2000." Even his old pals at The Nation joined in the
party panic.
Now, in The Good Fight, Nader swings back harder than ever at those
who "want to block the American people from having more voices and
choices" and have lost touch with the concept that votes must be earned,
not inherited or entitled. He takes on corporate-occupied Washington and
the government's daily abuse against ordinary citizens: "Corporations are
saying no to the necessities of the American people. They're saying no to
health insurance for everyone, no to a living wage, no to tax reform, no
to straightening out the defense budget, which is bloated and redundant,
no to access to our courts." And most of all, he urges a speedy return to
stronger civic motivation. If fed-up citizens don't actively join the
fight for improvement, then ultimately we have no one to blame but
ourselves for the inadequate checks on the erosion of our civil liberties.
In an era when politicians sell us rhetoric and then sell out our
principles, Nader stands as a crucial voice of candor. The Good Fight is a
call to awareness and action that will captivate readers of all political
stripes and help us define what we must do to shape the brightest future
for our nation.
Crashing the Party: Taking on the Corporate Government in an Age of Surrender
Ralph Nader is one of Americas most passionate and
effective social critics, a man Time magazine called the U.S.'s toughest
customer. Nader's work has gone a long way to improve the safety of the
cars we drive, the food we eat, and the water we drink. In 2000, when he
ran for President on the Green Party ticket, nearly three million people
voted for him. In his scathing, honest account of the 2000 presidential
race, Nader takes aim at those who have spoiled American democracy.
Crashing the Party goes deep inside Nader's campaign and reveals:
What it
takes to run against a two-party juggernaut
How old liberal friends turned
against him
Why the Green Party looks better than ever to progressive
Why Bush and
Gore were afraid to let him in on their debates
How public interest has been lost to
corporate bankrolling.
Cutting Corporate Welfare
While the U.S. continues to experience unprecedented
cuts in social service programs and millions of Americans go without
health insurance, corporations reap vast sums of taxpayer money through
"corporate welfare" - subsidies, bailouts, giveaways, and loopholes.
Ralph Nader explains the history and extent
of this troubling phenomenon and offers strategies for stopping it.
The Ralph Nader Reader
Four generations of Americans know
Ralph Nader as the man who stands up for
consumer and worker rights, an advocate on the leading edge of political
and social issues from car safety in the '60s to recent protests against
the World Trade Organization. This landmark collection brings Nader's
writings together for the first time, creating a remarkable portrait of
the activist. Lively and articulate, Nader tackles such topics as
environmental concerns,
America, women's rights, nuclear power,
corporate corruption, digital democracy, the monolithic Microsoft, and
genetically engineered food. This hefty volume is an invaluable resource
for those interested in creating change and a testimony to the
effectiveness of vigilant citizenship.
No Contest: Corporate Lawyers and the Perversion of Justice in America
(1996) by Ralph Nader
and Wesley J. Smith
Consumer activist Ralph Nader
and lawyer and author Wesley J. Smith take a look behind the scenes
of the law business, where the pursuit of corporate profit has eclipsed
the pursuit of justice. Nader and Smith use human stories, accurate
statistics, and common sense to provide an alternative set of reforms to
open the system, streamline justice, and cut legal costs--all while
guaranteeing Americans their day in court.
Canada Firsts
Collision Course: The Truth About Airline Safety
(1993) by Ralph
Nader and Wesley J. Smith
The Concord Principles: An Agenda for a New Initiatory Democracy
The Frugal Shopper
(1992) by
Ralph Nader and Wesley J. Smith
Winning the Insurance Game The Complete Consumer's Guide to Saving Money
The Lemon Book: Auto Rights
(1990) by Clarence Ditlow and Ralph Nader
Home Book: A Guide to Safety, Security and Savings in the Home -- Selected Readings (1989)
Report to U.S. Taxpayers on the Savings & Loan Crisis
The Big Boysower & Position in American Business
Nader on Australia
Ralph Nader Presents: A Citizen's Guide to Lobbying
(1983) by
Marc Caplan and Ralph Nader
Who Runs Congress:
Ralph Nader Congress Project
The Menace of Atomic Energy
(1977) by John Abbotts anf Ralph Nader
Washington Under the Influence: A Ten Year Review of Auto Safety Amidst Industrial Opposition
Unsafe At Any Speed: The Designed-In Dangers of the American Automobile
The Idealist: In My Eyes 25 Years
by Glen E. Friedman
New words on Idealism contributed by Al Sharpton,Cornel
West, Ian MacKaye, Ian Svenonius, and Ralph Nader.
The Case Against Free Trade
This book examines the notion of "free trade" and the
issues raised by adopting the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Includes
chapters by Carlos Heredia, Edmund G. Brown, David Morris, David Phillips,
Herman E. Daly, Jerry Mander, Jorge G. Castañeda, Lori Wallach, Margaret
Atwood, Mark Richie, Martin Khor, Ralph Nader, Thea Lee, Vandan Shiva,
Wendell Berry and William Greider
Ralph Nader: A Biography
(2004) by
Patricia Cronin Marcello
The son of civic-minded immigrant parents, Ralph
Nader was taught from an early age to appreciate the citizen's role in a
democracy. For over four decades, Nader has dedicated his life to
challenging government and industrial practices-from protecting the
environment and battling for consumer and automotive safety to blowing the
whistle on corporate corruption. In spite of Congressional distaste for
Nader, he has sought the presidency three times, most recently in 2004.
His work has inspired countless others to follow his example, and many
foundations he established and financed continue to challenge corporate,
industrial, and government policies. Marcello has captured the public and
private Nader in a biography that will intrigue students and general
readers. Written with the cooperation of his family, it provides original
insight into an icon. The book includes a timeline of his life and
Ralph's Revolt: The Case for Joining Nader's Rebellion
(2004) by Greg Bates
Why is Ralph running? Why is he doing this to his
legacy, to his causes-to his country? Now, as Ralph's candidacy shows
strength at times the entire country asks a different question: what are
his potential voters doing? Why can't they think strategically and vote
out the worst president ever?
For or against his run, everyone wants to read the answers. Now for the
first time is an argument that goes beyond Ralph's platform to reveal not
just what he stands for but why running makes sense-for justice, for the
Democrats, for the country. Ralph's Revolt makes the case for his
run-and your vote.
Nader: Crusader, Spoiler, Icon
(2002) by Justin Martin
A riveting investigative biography of one of
America's most influential citizens.
Few figures in our history have had the wide-ranging influence of
Ralph Nader. Deemed by Rolling Stone the
"most dangerous man in America," Nader has had a profound impact on our
society and government.
As a public figure, Nader is virtually without parallel, playing a lead
role on the national stage for nearly four decades. The consummate public
advocate and the "U.S.'s toughest customer" (Time), Nader has brought
about the passage of groundbreaking laws covering everything from auto
safety to hazardous x-rays to affordable insurance. Untold numbers of
lives have been saved through his efforts.
But the private man is shrouded in mystery and secrecy. For this probing
biography, the first since 1975, Justin Martin spoke with Nader along with
more than 300 people, including close associates, old friends, and family.
The result is a sweeping portrait, covering Nader's small-town Connecticut
boyhood, his days at Harvard Law, the David-and-Goliath battle with GM
that launched him into the spotlight, and colorful encounters with
characters as varied as Al Gore,
Albert Einstein,
Fidel Castro,
Gloria Steinem, Phil Donahue, Susan
Sarandon, and Upton Sinclair. The climax of this extraordinary story is an
astonishingly revealing insider's account of the 2000 election. Nader is
the definitive life of a fascinating, controversial man of our time-a true
American icon.
Ralph Nader: Battling for Democracy
(2000) by Kevin Graham
This authorized biography, based on numerous interviews
with Ralpn Nader and his family and friends,
succinctly covers his fascinating and exciting life. Everything from his
childhood, to his famous 1965 auto-safety book
Unsafe At Any Speed, to his 2000 presidential campaign is
included, along with many stories of his life never before published. This
biography provides both young readers and adults an engaging summary of
Ralph Nader's influential life, with comments from well known authorities
such as Pulitzer Prize winner David
Halberstam and Public Citizen's Joan Claybrook.
Ralph Nader Presents Practicing Democracy: A Guide to Student Action
(1996) by Katherine
This text gives students the methods and sources
needed to get involved in politics. Reflecting current political trends
and organizations, this text lists over 400 political action groups
(liberal, conservative, and moderate) with important contact information,
including Internet URLs. It also offers examples of letters, memos, and
op-ed pieces showing the political process at work.
Ralph Nader Crusader for Safe Consumer Products and Lawyer for the Public Interest
(1991) by Kelli
Peduzzi and Mary M. Tolan
A biography of the consumer advocate who devotes his life
to crusading for citizens' rights, such as safer cars, cleaner food, and
truthful advertising.
Ralph Nader Will You Marry Me
(1988) by Amy Devereaux
Me & Ralph: Is Nader Unsafe for America?
(1976) by David Sanford
Ralph Nader Congress Project
Nader's Nuclear Issues: A Critique By Dr. Ralph Lapp of Ralph Nader's Charge That
"Nuclear fission power is unsafe, unnecessary, and unreliable"
by Ralph Eugene Lapp
Ruling Congress: A Study of How the House and Senate Rules Govern the Legislative Process
(1975) by
Ralph Nader Congress Project
The Environment Committees A Study of the House and Senate Interior, Agriculture, and Science Committees
by Ralph Nader Congress Project
The Judiciary Committees: A Study of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees
by Ralph Nader Congress Project
The Madness Establishment: Ralph Nader's Study Group Report on the National Institute of Mental Health
The Paper Plantation: Ralph Nader's Study Group Report on the Pulp and Paper Industry in Maine
(1974) by William C. Osborn
The Water Lords: Ralph Nader's Study Group Report on Industry and Environmental Crisis in Savannah, Georgia,
(1971) by James M Fallows
The Ralph Nader Study Group Report on Food Protection
(1970) by James S. Turner
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