(Holistic Health Coach, Nutritionist & Healer,
Living-Foods Chef & Holistic Masseur)
(Aka Shahee Warner)
Location: Vancouver
British Columbia
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to reduce spam! )
(604) 771-7186
Profile created March 28, 2008
Shahee of specializes in helping people feel their
healthiest, relaxed, naturally rejuvenated and aligned in their
bodies. He is a Holistic Health Coach, Nutritionist & Healer,
Living-Foods Chef and Holistic Masseur. He spent seven years of
his upbringing in South East Asia where he was first inspired towards
the healing arts.
Upon returning to Canada, Shahee worked along side other holistic
healer & bodyworker friends where he continued to learn a lot about
the healing power of touch and using intuition & intention. He started
studying shiastu in 2002 and has over 4 1/2 years full-time
experience, working as a Holistic Masseur; Swedish massage, shiatsu,
energy work & aromatherapy.
For years, Shahee has been guiding people with 'Living-Foods'
nutrition and overcoming dis-ease. More recently, he's gained an
awareness and deeper understanding of bilateral stimulation, color
therapy &
therapy and has incorporated these healing modalities
into my holistic intuitive massage sessions as well.
here to see an interview with Shahee at the spiritual website,