
| Works by
Chris Beakey (Writer) |
chrisb @ chrisbeakey . com
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Profile created January 28, 2008 |
Double Abduction (2007)
Nominated 2007
Lambda Literary Gay Men's Debut Fiction Awards
What are the chances that a mother would face the
abduction of two children? That is the terrifying prospect that is facing
Mary Bennett.
Mary and her brother Michael share a close bond, which has grown tighter
as they've raised her five-year-old son Justin. But when Justin is
abducted, Michael is a prime suspect.
Michael was with Mary's older son Benjamin when he was taken five years
before. He became a suspect in that case as did Scott Brown, Mary's then
boyfriend and Justin's father. But no one was ever convicted for
Benjamin's abduction and murder.
Now with Justin's disappearance, both Michael and Scott are suspects
again. But what are their motives? Is Michael trying to hurt Mary? Is
Scott seeking revenge for being unable to see his son? What connection
does the lead investigator Louis D’Amecourt play, and what secrets do he
and Michael share? Policewoman Gloria Towson suspects that D’Amecourt is
up to no good and that Michael knows more than he is telling.
Towson races against time to keep Justin alive, while attempting to solve
the town's unfolding multiple murder mystery. There’s more than meets the
eye in this chilling and fast-paced thriller.
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