Gay and
Gay and Lesbian
Resources |
Coming Out
Reference/Research Schools |
Topics of Interest to
Gay and Lesbian Communities |
A Course In Miracles (G,
L) Actors and Acting (G,
Addiction (G,
Adult & Erotica (G,
Adventure (G,
Advertising (G,
L) African American Experience
L) Aging (G,
AIDS-Related Passages Alternative Medicine
L) Angels
L) Architecture (G,
Art and Artists (G,
L) Astrology (G,
Astronomy (G,
L) Autobiography (G,
L) Babies (G, L)
Baby Boomers (G,
L) Best
Selling Books (G, L) Beverages (G,
Biography (G,
L) Buddhism (G
, L) Cancer (G,
L) Catholicism
L) Children (G,
L) Christianity (G,
L) Collectibles Clothing
Comic Books (G,
Comics (G,
L) Coming Out (G,
(On-line) Culinary
Disability (DWG Portal)
Entheogens Erotica (G,
L) Fantasy
L) Fiction (G,
L) Food
Games (G & L)
GLBT Studies (G & L
) Genealogy
Graphic Novels (G,
L) Health (G,
L) History/Herstory (G,
L) Hobbies (G
& L) Horror (G,
L) Humor (G,
L) Islamism (G,
L) Judaism (G,
Lambda Literary Awards
Lists Marriage Media
Memoirs (G,
L) Metaphysics (G,
Military (G, L)
Movies (G
& L) Music (G & L)
Musicians (G & L)
Mysteries (G,
L) Neuro-Linguistic
Programming (G,
L) New Age (G,
L) Paganism (G,
Parenting/Families Photography (G,
L) Pilots Poetry
Politics Porn
Stars (G & L) Portals (GLBT)
Real Estate (G &
L) Recovery (12-Steps, etc.) (G
& L) Recovery
(DWG Portal) Religion & Spirituality (G,
L) Retirement
(G & L)
Science Fiction (G,
Self-Help/Self-Improvement (g
l) Seniors
(DWG Portal) Sex Industry (G
& L) Sex
Shamanism (G,
L) Small Press (G,
L Social &
Dating Spirituality & Religion (G,
L) Sports (G,
Stonewall Rebellion Theater (G,
L) Thrillers (G,
L) Toys (G
& L) Transgender
Transgender (DWG Portal)
Travel Tribalism
(GLBT) Vampires (G,
L) Visual Arts (DWG Portal)
Witchcraft (G,
Women's Issues
Writers/ Writing
Yoga (G,
L) Young Adult (G & L)
(Following is Under Development)
Bisexual Issues,
Cultural Themes,
Disability Issues,
Food & Beverage,
Gay Issues,
GayLesBi Issues,
Lesbian Issues,
Mental Health,
Recovery Issues,
Transgender Issues,
Women's Issues |
- Adult
Adult & Erotica, Leathersex
- Arts/Artists (See also
topic list at Arts and Artists Community)
Architecture, Art History, Art Therapy, Arts & Crafts, Comics /
Comic Books, Creativity, Illustratos, Photography, Visual Arts
- Business/Finance
Advertising, Careers, Economics, Finances, Investing, Marketing,
Money, Motivational, Public Relations, Real Estate, Self-Help/Self
Improvement, Taxes and Taxation- Communities
General, GayLesBi,
Transgender- Cultural Themes
African American Experience, Anthropology, Asian American
Experience, Chinese American Experience, Civil Rights, Hip Hop,
Islamic American Experience, Japanese American Experience, Latin
American Experience, Mexican American Experience, Native American
Experience, Sociology
- Disability Issues (See also
topic list at
Disability Community)
Assisted Living, Neuroscience, Special Needs Issues, Special
- Diet/Food/Beverage
Beverages, Cooking, Cookbooks, Desserts, Diets and Dieting,
Food/Culinary, Love
- Disease
AIDS/HIV, AIDS-Related Passages, Aging, Alzheimer’s Disease,
Anorexia Nervosa, Attention Disorders (ADD, ADHD), Cancer, Cholera,
Death, Depression, Down Syndrome, Lupus, Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder,
Medicine, Neuroscience, Obesity, Plant Medicines, Scoliosis, Smoking
Issues, Suicide, Tourette's
Syndrome, Transitioned- Fashion/Grooming
Fashion, Grooming
- GayLesBi Issues
AIDS/HIV Issues, AIDS-Related Passages , Bisexual and Bisexuality
Issues, Coming Out of the Closet, Creativity, Homophobia -
Abortion, AIDS/HIV, AIDS-Related Passages, Alternative Health,
Alternative Medicine, Anorexia Nervosa, Bioenergy, Cancer, Death,
Depression, Disability Issues, Fitness/Exercise, Foster Care, Gaia,
Genetics, Health, Health Care, Inspirational, Immortality, Love,
Manic Depression/Bipolar Disorder, Medicine, Neuroscience,
Nurses/Nursing, Plant Medicine, Pregnancy, Psychology & Mental
Health, Self Help/Imp, Suicide, Trance Dance, Transitioned, Yoga
- History/Military/Politics
9/1, Civil Rights, Gun Control, History, Military, Military Drafts,
Military-Industrial Complex, Politics, Stonewall Rebellion, U.S. Presidents,
Vietnam, Voting, War Games- Literary
(See also topic list at
Literary Community)
Autobiographies, Biographies, Bloggers (On
site), Books (Banned, Best Selling, Books Turned Into Movies/Plays),
Children's Books, Comics / Comic Books, Coming Out, Cookbooks,
Creativity, Illustrators, Journalism, Fiction and Literature
Aviation Fiction,
Christian Fiction, Crime Fiction, Fairy Tales,
Fantasy, Fiction Anthologies, Folk Tales, Graphic
Novels, Historical Fiction, Horror, Maritime
Fiction, Medical Fiction, Military Fiction,
Mysteries/Thrillers, Nautical Fiction, Political
Fiction, Politicians Who Write Fiction, Pulp
Fiction, Romance, Science Fiction, Victorian
Fiction, Westerns |
Humor , Illustrators, Journalism,
Language and Linguistics, Literary Criticism,
Memoirs, Myths & Mythology, Nonfiction,
Nonfiction Anthologies, Playwrights, Poets & Poetry,
Publishers, Publishing, Publishing Resources, Reference, Small Press, Technical Writing,
True Crime, Vampires, Writers & Writing (Canadian
Writers, New York Writers, New Zealand Writers, North
Carolina Writers), Young Adult
Mental Health
Alternative Health, Alternative Medicine, Anthropology, Art Therapy,
Attention Disorders (ADD, ADHD), Bioenergy, Bisexual and Bisexuality
Issues, Bodywork, Cognitive Therapy, Creativity, Death,
Dreams & Dreaming, Fitness/Exercise, Homophobia, Lists, Love, Massage, Medicine,
Meditation, Motivational, Neuroscience, Neuro-Linguistic
Programming, Plant Medicine, Process-Oriented Psychology, Psychology
& Mental Health, Sex & Sexuality, Sex Instruction, Sociology, Suicide, Trance
Dance, Transpersonal
Psychology, Yoga
- Music
Creativity, Hip Hop, Music & Musicians, Recording Artists
- Recovery Issues (See also topic
list at Recovery Community)
Addiction, Death, Lesbian & Gay AA Meetings, Love, Plant Medicines,
Recovery Programs, Young Adult Recovery, Recovery Community, X-AA
- Recreation
Adventure, Aviation, Boating, Cars (Automobiles), Collectibles,
Comics / Comic Books, Creativity, Entertaining, Games, Puzzles and
Toys, Hobbies, Home Design, Home Improvement, Homes & Gardens,
Motorcycles, Outdoors & Nature, Pets, Sports, Trance Dance, Yoga
- Relationships
Adoption, Anthropology, Art Therapy, Babies, Bisexual and
Bisexuality Issues, Bodywork, Divorce, Foster Care, Genealogy,
Homophobia, Love, Marriage,
Massage, Families Parenting, Pets (Cats,
Dogs, Birds), Polyamory, Polygamy, Pregnancy, Relationships, Sex &
Sexuality, Sex Instruction, Sociology
- Retirement (See also Seniors Community)
Aging, Assisted Living, Baby Boomers, Careers, Retirement, Special
Needs Issues
- Science & Technical
Anthropology, Artificial Intelligence, Astronomy, Bioenergy,
Computers, Cosmology, Creativity, Education, Engineering,
Environment, Evolution, Genetics, Internet, Language/Linguistics,
Law, Mathematics, Meditation, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Physics,
Plant Medicines, Professional & Technical, Psychology & Mental
Health, Quantum Physics, Science, Shamanism, Sociology, Technical
Writing, Time Travel
- Seniors (See also topic list at
Senior Community)
Aging, Assisted Living, Baby Boomers, Careers, Death, Immortality,
Love, Retirement, Sex & Sexuality, Sex Instruction, Special Needs Issues, Yoga
- Spiritual (See also topic list at
Spirit-Guided Community)
2012, A Course In Miracles, Agnosticism, Alien Abduction, Angels, Animism,
Anthropology, Art Therapy, Assyrian, Astrology, Atheism, Bahá'í,
Bioenergy, Buddhism, Cao Dai, Chakras, Christianity (Christianity
includes Baptist, Catholicism, Christian Fundamentalism, Eastern
Orthodoxy, Episcopalism, Jehovah's Witness, Lutheran, Mormonism,
Oriental Orthodox, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Protestant, Roman
Catholic, Unitarian, United Methodist, Universalist, and others) ,
Creativity, Cults, Death, Diasporic, Divination, Dreams & Dreaming,
Drumming, Entheogens, Environment, Extraterrestrials (ETs), Gaia,
Genetics, Hinduism, Immortality, Inspirational, Islamism, Jainism, Juche, Judaism, Law of Attraction, Leathersex, Love, Meditation,
Metaphysics, Mother Earth, Motivational, Neuroscience, New Age,
Occultism, Paganism, Philosophy, Plant Medicines, Psychic Research,
Psychology & Mental Health, Myths & Mythology, Outer Body
Experiences, Plant Medicines, Quantum Physics, Parapsychology,
Rastafarianism, Religion, Scientology,
Self-Help/Improvement, Shamanism, Shinto, Sikhism, Spiritism,
Spirituality, Suicide, Taoism, Tenrikyo, The Soul, Time Travel, Trance Dance,
Transcendental Meditation®, Transitioned, UFOs,
Unification Church, Vodun/Voodoo, What the #$*! Do We
Know?!, Wicca, Witches & Witchcraft, Yoga,
- Sports
Archery, Auto Racing, Aviation, Badminton, Baseball, Basketball,
Billiards, Boating, Bocce, Bowling, Boxing, Cheerleading, Combat
Sports, Cricket, Croquet, Cycling, Darts, Dog Racing, Equestrian,
Extreme Sports, Fencing, Figure Skating, Fishing, Football, Golf,
Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Horse Racing, Hunting, Jai Alai,
Jogging, Kabbadi, Lacrosse, Martial Arts, Motorcycle Racing,
Motorsports, Olympics and International Competitions, Racquet
Sports, Rodeo, Rugby, Running, Skateboarding, Skiing, Soccer,
Softball Sporting Goods, Squash, Surfing, Swimming, Tennis, Track
and Field, Volleyball, Walking, Watersports, Wintersports, Women in
Sports, Wrestling- Theater/Movies/TV
Actors & Acting, Dancers & Dancing, Drama & Theater, Hollywood,
Movies, Performance Art/Artists, Playwright, Television, Theater
- Transgender Issues (See also
topic list at Transgender Community)
Transgender Issues
- Travel
Destinations: Boston, MA, Brooklyn, NY, Chicago, IL, Glendora
, CA, Los Angeles, CA, London, England, Madison , WI, New Orleans
(Hurricane Katrina), New York, NY, Pittsburgh, PA, Provincetown, MA,
Washington , D.C.
- Women's Issues
Abortion, Babies, Divorce, Families Parenting, Feminism and Feminist
Issues, Love, Marriage, Pregnancy, Pro-Choice Issues
Bulletin Board
Latest Additions
Aloha, Candy Hearts
Anthony Bidulka
(May 26, 2009 release)
From Pacific to Prairie,
a teasing treasure hunt
turns into a frightening
game of cat and mouse.
PI Russell Quant is
plunged into the
vagaries of a shocking
hometown murder and the
blasphemous blackmail of
one of the literary
world's most esteemed
Russell can’t be sure
whether a dead man’s
surprising last gift is
a treasure map or wild
goose chase. With a
series of clues that
beckon Russell into the
annals of suppressed
Saskatoon history, he
revisits the harsh
realities of early
investigates an infamous
local sports heroine,
escapes a second-run
movie house, and digs
for clues beneath the
site of a
never-forgotten scourge.
As past reveals future,
the hunter become the
Attempting to keep pace
with his latest mystery,
Russell balances his
professional life with
the demands of a
wedding, a memorial, and
at least one home-cooked
meal at Mom’s. With the
Hawaiian sand barely
shook free from his
hair, Russell is
professionally and
personally, with the
harsh consequences of
indecision. Saying hello
and good-bye is never
Comfort Me by
Louis Flint Ceci
Set in a
small town in south
central Oklahoma,
Comfort Me tells the
story of three
teenagers, Malachi "Mally"
Jacobs, Randy Edom, and
Joanie Tibbits, who find
comfort in their
unlikely friendship. But
it's a comfort that
comes at a price.
Randy's best friend,
Red, harbors a jealousy
that goes deeper than
the loss of a football
buddy, leading him to
ever more violent
bullying of Mally.
Randy's initially
abrasive run-ins with
Joanie blossom into
romance, but in the
process he uncovers
betrayals that underlie
her seemingly perfect
family. And Joanie's
efforts to bring Mally
out of his shell seem on
a collision course with
her hopes for a steady
Life is Poetry by
Steven Reigns
anthology of
autobiographical poetry
by gay, lesbian, and
bisexual seniors. This
collection was born out
of a 16-week workshop
taught by Reigns.
Are You Guys Brothers?
Brian McNaught
Same-sex intimacy, particularly between males, can
be a challenge to maintain for gay and bisexual men, and extremely
threatening to heterosexual men. Are You Guys Brothers?, a
question asked of male couples throughout the world, is a very personal
and candid look at the topic through the lens of an immensely happy and
successful 32-year relationship.
Art That Dares: Gay Jesus, Woman Christ, and More
by Kittredge
Art that Dares to show Jesus as gay or female has
been censored or destroyed. Now for the first time these beautiful,
liberating, sometimes shocking images are gathered for all to see. Packed
with full-page color illustrations, this eye-opening collection features a
diverse group of eleven contemporary artists who work both inside and
outside the church. They present the gay Jesus, the woman Christ, and other
cutting-edge Christian images. Their art respects the teachings of Jesus and
frees the minds of viewers to see in new ways. Here the artists tell the
stories behind their art. A lively introduction puts the images into
political and historical context, exploring issues of blasphemy and artistic
Jan Morris: Around the World
in Eighty Years (2007) by Paul Clements with Paul Theroux, Illustrator
In honor of the 80th birthday of British travel journalist Jan Morris, her
colleagues and successors have put together this celebratory, biographical
tribute, which explores both the writer and her writing. By revisiting more
than 50 years of descriptions of her travels, her epic three-volume history of
the British Empire, and her startling and thoughtful memoir about her sex
change, the volume contains many full, intimate insights into her character
from renowned contributors, including Alan Whicker, Arturo di Stefano, Colin
Thubron, David Fieldhouse, Don Geroge, David Hurn, Erica Wagner, Geoffrey
Moorhouse, George Band, Hilary Rubenstein, Jim Perrin, Patrick Nairn,
Peregrine Wortsthorne, Pico Iyer, Robert McCrum, and Simon Winchester
The After-Death Room: Journey Into Spiritual Activism
Michael McColly
Live Devotion
-- a new CD by
recording artist Robin Renée
The Toronto You Are Leaving
by Gordon Stewart Anderson
Tender, bitingly honest story of a young gay man's coming out and coming
of age in the Toronto of the 70's and 80's. David is the university
student, the bookworm who is just beginning the joyful, difficult
transition of bringing his private self forward. (Published
2006 Lambda Literary Award nominee)
Interminable Longing by
Judith Johnson
(2006 Lambda Literary Award nominee)
Alice’s relationships are always skewed. Back in her twenties, her
psychiatrist says that she ‘may just love women the way you think you’re
supposed to love men.’ But in the 1980s, she wants a baby and her house and
garden. Twenty years later, when a dream reverses her usual, recurring
nightmare, Alice decides it’s time to get to the bottom of her sexual
confusion. What results is an upending of her personal and business
relationships as she steadily moves toward a new future. (See
20th Annual Lambda Literary Award Nominees Announced!)
Filling in
the Empty Spaces: My Story of Faith and Spiritual Self-Discovery
by Bryan Edney
Rockstarlet: A Novel by
Stewart Lewis
On the day singer Jackson Poole signs his first record contract, he
learns that part of the deal is turning over his life to his managers.
For his handlers and his record company, keeping Jackson's gay identity
a secret becomes a full-on obsession, particularly since their new star
is anything but discreet. They try dressing him differently, teaching
him how to speak butch, and even fixing him up with a soap opera vixen.
But how is a rock star supposed to enjoy his newfound success if he
can't bed the groupies?
On the Down Low: A Journey into the Lives of 'Straight' Black Men Who Sleep with Men
by J.L. King
WTC View: a
movie by Brian Sloan
On the night before 9/11, a young man living in
SoHo places an online ad for a roommate in the Village Voice. On the
12th, he gets five messages. Over the course of the next two weeks, he
has trouble finding a new roommate in the aftermath of the terrorist
attacks on New York while, at the same time, struggles to keep his
mental balance. Based on the acclaimed stage play by Brian Sloan and
starring the critically praised original cast, this film tells the story
of life in New York through the various experiences of people who come
to look at Eric’s apartment. It is a modest but often surprising
slice-of-life look at lower Manhattan after of the most devastating days
in this nation’s history, told from the perspective of one man whose
neighborhood and sense of home was shattered by the opening shot of the
"war on terror."
The Lavender Locker Room: 3,000 Years of Great Athletes Whose Orientation Was Different
by Patricia
Nell Warren
Stories of folks who have in common the fact that they were (or are)
gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered. And they stood out
extraordinarily in their chosen sport.
Now It's My Turn: A Daughter's Chronicle of Political Life
Mary Cheney
Trials and tribulations of the Vice President's lesbian
Hitting Hard
by Michelangelo Signorile
Michelangelo Signorile on George W. Bush,
Mary Cheney, Gay Marriage, Tom
Cruise, the Christian Right and Sexual Hypocrisy in America.
The New
Essential Guide to Lesbian Conception, Pregnancy, and Birth by
Stephanie Brill
Complete resource for women embarking on the
life-changing journey of parenthood.
That Man: The Peter Berlin
Story by Jim Tushinski
Documentary that explores the life and career of the 1970s gay erotic icon.
Mother's Revenge
Jerry Bolton
Saints & Sinners
Saints & Sinners
2005 Photos
DREAMWalker Group's
Michael Walker, was in New Orleans from
May 12 through May 16, 2005 to
attend Saints
and Sinners. See photos of some of the brilliant folks
he met at the
2004 and
2005 Saints and Sinners!
*** Book
publishers and art galleries are strongly encouraged to sponsor
individual author and artist pages. It's free! Click [here]
today. *** |