
| Works by
Jewelle Gomez (Writer) |
Profile created 2003.Jewelle Gomez, writer and activist, is the author of seven
books. Her work includes three collections of poetry, her personal essays, and a
new collection of short stories entitled DON'T EXPLAIN. Her double Lambda Award
winning lesbian vampire novel, THE GILDA STORIES, was just re-issued in a
special 13th anniversary edition. She adapted that cult favorite for the stage,
a commission for the Urban Bush Women Company, which performed it in 13 U.S.
cities. Her newest chapter in the Gilda saga appears in the first anthology of
Black speculative fiction, DARK MATTER (Warner Books). She was on the founding
board of GLAAD and the Astraea National Lesbian Foundation; and currently serves
on the advisory boards of the James C. Hormel LGBT Center at the San Francisco
Public Library and of the National Center for Lesbian Rights. She is finishing a
new novel called TELEVISED and a play about James Baldwin. -- from
& Sinners |
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