
| Works by
Leo Buscaglia
(aka Leo F. Buscaglia) (Writer)
[1924 - 1998] |

as a Behavior Modifier: Help Me! I Have An Exceptional Child (1971)
In the Classroom (1971)
A speech given by Leo F. Buscaglia on February
27, 1971, at Joint County School System of Cedar, Johnson, Linn, and
Washington Counties
Because I Am Human (1972)
Photo-essay capturing the author's feelings about life as seen through
the eyes of a sensitive four-year-old child.
Love: What Life Is All About (1972)
This book is about love. What it is and what it isn't. It is about
you--and about everybody who has ever reached out to touch the heart of
another. Among many other lessons of the heart, Leo Buscaglia reminds
us: Love is open arms. If you close your arms about love you will find
that you are left holding only yourself.
The Way of the Bull: A Voyage (1973)
A stirring story of Leo Buscaglia's travels from Japan and Hong Kong to
Cambodia and Calcutta on his personal quest for discovery, searching for the
bull--the Chinese symbol of life--in himself and all of us, the bull that must
remain untethered and free to explore.
"What Is Essential Is Invisible to the Eye ...": The Paraphernalia of Anti-
Self, the Self- Defeating Self Change! (1974)
Parents Need to Know: Parents and Teachers Work Together (1975)
The Disabled And Their Parents: A Counseling Challenge (1975)
On Being Human (1977)
Personhood: The Art of Being Fully Human (1978)
In his warm, inviting, and inclusive, style, bestselling
author Leo Buscaglia manages to bring a vision of the world together within
his warm embrace. Sharing the stories of his travels and his encounters with
people all over the world, Buscaglia reminds us that we are all people who
have the potential to share ourselves with ourselves as well as others. A
lover of life and people, Buscaglia's insight into our hearts and souls, his
reassurance as to our essential good natures, is a much-needed reminder of our
connectedness to one and all.
Human Advocacy and Pl94-142: The Educator's Roles (1979) with Eddie H.
Leo in San Francisco: Bridges Not Barriers (1979)
Living Loving and Learning (1982)
Living, Loving, and Learning is a delightful
collection of Dr. Buscaglia's informative and amusing lectures, which were
delivered worldwide between 1970 and 1981. This inspirational treasure is for
all those eager to accept the challenge of life and to profit from the wonder
of love.
Love: What Life Is All About (1982)
Disabled and Their Parents (1983)
Loving Each Other (1984)
In this exploration of loving and living, bestselling
author Leo Buscaglia addresses the intricacies and challenges of love
relationships. He asks such important questions, as: How do we best interweave
our lives with our loved ones? Do we change our way of relating depending on
the circumstances: If we fail in one relationship, can we succeed in others?
In this exhilarating book, Leo doesn't give pat answers. He presents
alternatives and suggests behavior that opens the way to truly loving each
other. He recalls with heartwarming detail the importance of his own family
and friendships in helping him to be open to grow and to love.
Bus 9 to Paradise: A Loving Voyage (1986)
New Beginning: Living Through Grief With Leo Buscaglia (1987)
Book and casette
Seven Stories of Christmas Love (1987) with Tom Newsom, Illustrator
Dr. Buscaglia shares seven holiday episodes from his life and reminds us
that Christmas can last more than one day. Peace, joy, and goodwill are not
seasonal; they are life-sustaining, life-enhancing, hopeful words that should
be spoken, sung, and practiced year-round.
Papa, My Father: A Celebration of Dads (1989)
Born for Love: Reflections on Loving (1992)
The man who first brought love to the classroom offers a postgraduate
course for people in every kind of relationship and for those who yearn for
love. In powerful short takes, Leo Buscaglia turns the light of his wisdom on
every facet of the priceless jewel of love and discusses: Love that is more
than a comfort zone; Creating an "Us" without destroying the "Me;" The value
of differences, and so much more. These challenging lessons in loving will
enrich your life for as long as you live.
Buscaglia's Love Cookbook (1994) with Biba Caggiano
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