General Community:
Young Adults
Sites on this page are
related to the subject matter of this page or contain links to other
sites offering additional information. |
If an
author does not presently have a link to a profile at DREAMWalker
Group, kindly use the Amazon search box in the border to the
left of this page to search for her or his (or related) books.
are listed
by their first name. |
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
H |
I |
J |
K |
L |
M |
N |
O |
P |
Q |
R |
S |
T |
U |
V |
W |
X |
Y |
Z |
Young Adults |
A |
B |
C |
Andrew Auseon
Angelica Harris
Ann Heron
Alex Sanchez
Hoffman Alice Walker
Alison McGhee
Amelia Atwater-Rhodes Andrew Calimach
Andy Gordon
Ann Heron
Anne Tyler
Annie Stevens
Antoinette Portis
Arlene Eisenberg
Arthur Yorinks Avi |
Barbara Holland
Barbara Wilson
Bebe Moore Campbell
Becky Birtha
bell hooks
Ben Schoen Bennett Madison
Berkeley Breathed
Billy Merrell
Bonnie Shimko
Brandon Mull Brent Hartinger
Brian Selznick
Brian Sloan |
C. S. Lewis
Caitlin Ryan
Cal Ripken Jr.
Carolyn Keene
Catherine Friend
Cherith Baldry Chris Conover (Illustrator) Chris Raschka (Illustrator, Writer)
Christopher Paul Curtis
Christopher Paolini Claire A. Nivola (Illustrator)
Conn Iggulden
Cullen |
Young Adults |
D |
E |
F |
D. Dina Friedman
Dan Greenburg Dan Millman David Levithan
David Wiesner
Dean Koontz
Donna Futterman
Dorothy Porter |
E. D. Baker
Earl Hipp
Elizabeth Knox Elizabeth Spires
Ellen Ashley
Ellen Bass Ellen Samuels, ed. Ellen Wittlinger
Elmore Leonard
Emerson Spartz
Emma Donoghue
Walton Hamilton
Eric Drachman
Eric Marcus
Erica Stux
Erin Hunter |
Faye Kellerman
Faye Nisonoff Ruopp
Floyd Cooper (Illustrator)
Frances Lynn |
Young Adults |
G |
H |
I |
Gail Page
(Illustrator, Writer)
Gary Remafedi
Gerald P. Mallon
Gilbert Herdt
Gretchen Stull |
Hal Iggulden
Harvey Fierstein
Heidi E.
Murkoff Henry Cole (Illustrator)
Hilary Mantel Hilary Mullins
Holly Black
Hudson Talbott |
Young Adults |
J |
K |
L |
J. Tomas (Gay Male)
Jacquelyn Reinach Jacqueline Woodson
Jamie Lawrence
James Proimos
(Illustrator, Writer)
James Patterson
Jean Marzollo
Jeff Kinney
Jennifer Allison
Jennifer L. Holm
Jerdine Nolen
Jerry B. Jenkins
Jessica Harper
Jill Ann Williams
Jimmy Carter
John Green
Johnny Valentine
Jonathan Hamel
Jonathan Kellerman
Joyce Carol Oates Judy MacLean
Judy Schachner
Julia Alvarez
Julia Watts
Julie Andrews
Julie Andrews Edwards Julie Anne Peters |
Kate Cary
Kate Kaufman
Katherine Paterson
Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld
Kathy Parks
(Illustrator, 1)
Kathy Parks (Illustrator, 2)
Keri Mikulski (Fiction)
Keri Smith
(Collagist, Illustrator, Writer)
Karen Hesse
Ken Follett
Kevin Henkes
Kevin Jennings
Kim Howard
Kim Wallace
Kristopher Reisz |
L.M. Montgomery
Lady Bird Johnson
Larry Dane Brimner
Laura Chester
Leslea Newman
Linda de Haan
Leo Buscaglia
Lesléa Newman
Harper duPont
Lisi Harrison
Lore SegalLucy
Maude Montgomery
Lynette Schmidt
Lynne V. Cheney |
Young Adults |
M |
N |
O |
Marcus Zusak
Margaret Atwood
Margaret S. Schneirder
Marilyn Reynolds Marion Dane Bauer, ed. Mark Childress
Mark Twain
Markus Zusak
Martin Martinsen
Mary Boenke
Mary Higgins Clark
Mary L. Gray
Mary B. Harris
Marykate Jordan
Matthew Van Fleet
Matthew Fox
Maya Angelou
Maya Gold
Melinda Long
Melissa de la Cruz
Sweet (Illustrator)
Michael Buckley
Michael J. Moorehead
Michael J. Nickerson
Michael Willhoite |
Nancy Bush
Nancy Farmer Nancy Garden
Nancy Tillman
Neale Donald
Nikki Giovanni
Nikolai Gogol
Nina Shengold Noelle Howey, ed.
Norton Juster
Ntozake Shange |
Oprah Winfrey Oscar Wilde |
Young Adults |
P |
Q |
R |
Patricia Cornwell
Patricia Cabot
Patricia Reilly Giff
Paul O. Zelinsky
Paula Poundstone Penny Raife Durant
Peter Carey
Peter Ferguson
Marie Boles |
Randi Hacker
Tate Billingsley Richard Bach
Robert E. Owens, Jr.
Robin Reardon (Gay)
Rosemary Wells
Russell Stannard
Bell Graham |
Young Adults |
S |
T |
U |
Samuel T. Clemens
Sandee E. Hathaway
Sara Ryan
Shannon Hale Sharon Dennis Wyeth
Sherman Alexie Sonny Liew
Stephen J. Dubner
Stephenie Meyer
Stern Nijland
Susan L. Lingo
Susan Meddaugh
(Illustrator) Susan Roth |
T.A. Barron
Tad Hills
Tamara Wilhite Tea Benduhn
Tim LaHaye
Tim Winton Todd Tuttle Tommy Kovac
Toni Morrison
Tui T. Sutherland |
Umberto Eco |
Young Adults |
V |
W |
X |
Vanessa Rose Lee
Victoria Holmes |
Walt Whitman
Walter Sorrells
Walter Wick
Wendy Toliver |
Young Adults |
Y |
Z |
Yaba Baker |
Zack Rogow |
(We need your help! Let us know if you have related links for us to add! Write us at |
Kids Can Publish University
Kids Can Publish University was the brainchild of Linda
Radke of Five Star Publications, Inc. In 1985, shortly after leaving her
profession as a special education teacher, Radke started her own
publishing company. In hopes of making the world a better place by
promoting tolerance, character, kindness and a love for reading and
writing with her books, Radke, an award-winning writer and publisher,
eventually started Little Five Star Publications and published books
Tic Talk: Living with Tourette Syndrome, A 9-year-old
Boy's Story in His Own Words by
Dylan Peters
I Just Am: A Story of Down Syndrome Awareness and Tolerance by
Bryan Lambke and
Tom Lambke
When Life Throws You A Curve: One Girl's Triumph Over Scoliosis
by Elizabeth Golden
The Student from Zombie Island: Conquering the Rumor Monster by
Michael J.
Moorehead with
Kathy Parks, Illustrator
All of these books were written by or for children to
help people become more compassionate toward each other. Through her
experience with Little Five Star, Radke learned children had something
to say, and some of them were pretty darn good at saying it. For this
reason, she decided more children deserved to have their "five minutes
of fame," to spread their messages or to stretch their writing skills,
so she launched Kids Can Publish University.
Kids Can Publish University is a division of Five Star Publications,
Inc. To learn more about
Five Star
Publications or
Little Five Star,
click here or email
Prizm Books
The mission of Prizm Books is to provide
Young Adult readers with fine Gay and Lesbian novels in all genres. Our
authors believe that all readers deserve great stories and happy
endings, regardless of their sexual orientation, and Prizm is dedicated
to presenting these stories in a positive environment.
We are actively seeking authors
who can write exciting stories for young adult readers, ages thirteen to
twenty-one. Prizm is looking for character driven stories with solid
plots and a good grasp of the life of a gay or lesbian teen. Interested
in writing for Prizm? Email us at
Direct distribution is available
through Prizm for libraries and bookstores, and our books will be
available through major distributors. For more information about buying
Prizm books, please email us at
Look for us at Book Expo America in Los
Angeles, California in June 2008. Our first books will be available for
preview there, and orders will be taken for delivery in September 2008.
Questions or comments should be
directed to us at
Come see what is at the end of
our rainbow!
(We need your help! Let us know if you have related links for us
to add! Write us at |
Related Topics
Community Index
•Young Adults
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-- disability
-- gay male
-- general
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-- literary
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-- spirit
-- transgender