
| Works by
Erin Hunter
(Erin Hunter is the pen name of
Cherith Baldry, Kate Cary,
and Victoria Holmes) (Writer) |
Into the Wild (2003)
For generations, four Clans of wild cats have shared the forest according
to the laws laid down by their warrior ancestors. But the ThunderClan cats
are in grave danger, and the sinister ShadowClan grows stronger every day.
Noble warriors are dying—and some deaths are more mysterious than others.
In the midst of this turmoil appears an ordinary house cat named Rusty . .
. who may turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all.
Fire and Ice (2003)
Deep in the heart of the forest, four clans of warrior cats coexist in
uneasy harmony -- but uncertain times are upon them, and dangers threaten
the precarious balance of the forest.
Fireheart is a ThunderClan warrior cat now, but his troubles are far from
over. As the chill of winter sets in, the cats of rival RiverClan grow
restless, while WindClan is weak and facing threats from all sides.
As tensions build to an explosive climax, Fireheart faces not only
imminent battle, but betrayal from within his own Clan.
Forest of Secrets (2003)
Fireheart may uncover more than he wants to know in
his search for the truth about Redtail's death, as tensions within
ThunderClan finally build to an explosive climax-and a shocking surprise
that nobody could have foreseen.
Every cat has something to hide in the third enthralling installment of
the new feline fantasy series Warriors!
Rising Storm (2004)
Fireheart's traitorous enemy Tigerclaw has been vanquished and exiled from
ThunderClan -- but Fireheart can't shake the feeling that he's lurking out
there in the forest, waiting for the chance to strike.
That's not the only problem facing the young ThunderClan deputy in these
blazing summer months, as he struggles to handle ominous omens, a
disrespectful apprentice with a shocking secret, and a devastated Clan
leader who is a shell of her former self.
Meanwhile the forest gets hotter and hotter . . . and everyone braces for
the coming storm. . . .
A Dangerous Path (2004)
ShadowClan has a dark new leader, but will he be
satisfied with his power now -- or does his desire for revenge burn even
more strongly? Fireheart fears that there is a connection between the rise
of Tigerstar and the terrible dreams of danger that haunt his nights.
Meanwhile, a mysterious threat has invaded the forest, placing every cat's
life in peril. Fireheart's beloved leader has turned her back on their
warrior ancestors, and Fireheart can't help but wonder if she's right. Has
StarClan abandoned them forever?
The Darkest Hour (2004)
He began as a pampered house cat, but now he is Firestar, leader of the
ThunderClan, and the time has come for him to face his destiny in a
climactic, life-or-death battle for the future of the forest.
The thrilling conclusion to the first Warriors series now joins the others
in paperback-and don't miss Warriors: The New Prophecy, the new trilogy
about the next generation of warrior heroes!
The Lost Warrior (2007)
When the Twolegs destroy the warrior Clans' forest home, Graystripe—second
in command of ThunderClan—is captured trying to help his comrades escape!
Trapped in the pampered life of a kittypet, Graystripe has all the food
and shelter he needs from his affectionate Twoleg family, but this is not
the way he wants to live. The forest is calling him, and he never stops
longing to go home. When he makes friends with a feisty kittypet named
Millie, she encourages him to go in search of his lost friends. But will
Graystripe ever find his way back to the Clan?
Midnight (2005)
The wild cat Clans have lived in peace and harmony for many moons -- but
now, strange messages from their warrior ancestors speak of terrifying new
prophecies and a mysterious danger.
All the signs point to young warrior Brambleclaw as the cat with the fate
of the forest in his paws. But who are the other cats mentioned in the
prophecy? All he knows for sure is that the strength and courage of the
greatest warriors will be needed now, as the quest to save the Clans
Moonrise (2005)
Moons have passed since six cats set out on a journey to save their Clans.
Now they are traveling home again, but on their way through the mountains,
they meet a tribe of wild cats with a secret . . . and their own
mysterious prophecy to fulfill. Stormfur can't understand their strange
fascination with him, but he knows the danger they face is real.
Meanwhile, back in the forest, Firestar and Leafpaw watch ThunderClan's
world crumbling around them. Will the questing cats make it back in time
to save the Clans, or will they be too late?
Dawn (2005)
Something terrifying is happening in the world of the Clans. Amid the
destruction of the forest, cats are disappearing, including ThunderClan's
beloved medicine cat apprentice, Leafpaw. Now the young cats who set off on
a quest many moons ago have returned with a chilling message: The Clans must
move to a new home, or risk extermination.
But it is not easy to convince the cats to leave. Even if all four Clans
agreed to travel together, the dangers waiting for them beyond their borders
are impossible to predict. More importantly, even the questing cats have no
idea where they're supposed to go. What they need is a sign from StarClan .
. . but what they need most of all is a plan to save their missing warriors,
or risk leaving them behind forever.
Starlight (2006)
The Clans have finally arrived in their new home, and now they must
struggle to establish territories and learn the hidden dangers of this
unfamiliar world. Most importantly, they must find a replacement for the
Moonstone—a place to communicate with StarClan. But more than one cat is
harboring sinister plans that could lead to violence and darkness, and as
the warriors wait for a sign, some of them begin to realize that the
threats they face in the forest may not be as perilous as the threats they
face from within. . . .
Twilight (2006)
New territory brings new troubles for the fierce cats of the warrior
Clans, who are still uncovering the secrets of their new home around the
lake. Dangers they have never faced before are lurking in the twilight
shadows, and former allies are acting strangely hostile.
As divisions between the Clans grow deeper, Firestar's daughters face
troubling decisions. One is torn between loyalty to her calling and a
forbidden love, while the other struggles with her best friend's betrayal
and the surprising perils of the forest. The choices they make now could
affect ThunderClan for generations to come . . . and with an unexpected
enemy preparing to attack, their courage and strength will be needed more
than ever if the Clan is to survive.
Soon after the cats reached their new home by the lake, ThunderClan's
medicine cat Leafpool received an ominous warning from StarClan: Before
there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red. As the
Clan slowly recovers from a devastating badger attack, Leafpool can't help
but wonder . . . do her prophetic dreams mean there are even worse dangers
still in store for the warrior cats?
At the same time, shadows of the past continue to haunt the forest as some
old friends struggle to find their place, others appear to be lost forever,
and an old enemy finds a new way to resurface in a quest for dark revenge. A
sinister path is unfolding, and the time is coming for certain warriors to
make the choices that will determine their destiny . . . and the destiny of
all the Clans.
The Sight (2007)
There will be three, kin of your kin . . .
The wild cats have flourished in their new home on the banks of the lake
for several seasons, and the Clans are growing strong and healthy with new
kits. The time has come for three kits of ThunderClan to become
Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Lionpaw spring from a strong legacy: children of
Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw, two of the noblest ThunderClan warriors,
and grandchildren of the great leader Firestar himself. All three young
cats possess unusual power and talent and seem certain to provide strength
to the Clan for the next generation.
But there are dark secrets around the three, and a mysterious prophecy
hints at trouble to come. An undercurrent of rage is rising against those
who are not Clanborn, and the warrior code is in danger of being washed
away by a river of blood. All the young cats' strength will be needed if
the Clans are to survive.
. . . who hold the power of the stars in their paws.
Dark River (In progress)
Warriors 1-3 Box Set (2006)
Firestar's Quest (2007) with Gary Chalk, Illustrator
Warriors 4-6 Box Set (2007)
Warriors Field Guide: Secrets of the Clans (2007)
Now the truth can be revealed
Look within to find:
The mystical origins and secret legends of the Clans.
An insiders' tour of the Clan camps and territories.
The histories and characters of each Clan, and information
about their leaders and medicine cats.
Knowledge of cats outside the Clans.
The tenets of the warrior code.
Prophecies and omens, and how they have been fulfilled.
And many more truths about the secrets, beliefs, and daily
lives of the cats of the Clans.
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