
Works by
Peter Parnell
Website: ??? Profile created
March 13, 2006 |
Everybody Needs a Rock
Describes the qualities to consider in
selecting the perfect rock for play and pleasure.
The Desert Is Theirs (1975)
text and illustrations describe the characteristics of the desert
and its plant, animal, and human life.
Hawk, I'm Your Brother (1976)
Determined to learn to fly, Rudy adopts a hawk hoping that their
kinship will bring him closer to his goal.
The Other Way to Listen
When you know "the other way to
listen," you can hear wildflower seeds burst open, you can hear the
rocks murmuring, and the hills singing, and it seems like the most
natural thing in the world. Of course it takes a lot of practice,
and you can't be in a hurry... In fact, most people never hear those
things at all, but this book tells you about two people who did --
one who was very good at it and one who took a long time learning.
The Way to Start a Day (1978)
Describes how people all over the world celebrate the sunrise.
Desert Voices (1981)
On the hottest / summer afternoons /
when desert creatures / look for shade / and stay close to the earth
/ and keep their voices low / I sit high on a cactus / and fling /
my loud ringing trill / out to the sun...
So sings the Cactus Wren, one of the ten desert creatures that
speaks for itself in the evocative and lyrical verses of Desert
Voices. In both text and illustration, Desert Voices conveys a
message of spirit and courage from the shy and quiet creatures of
the beautiful desert land.
If You Are a Hunter of Fossils (1984)
A fossil hunter looking for signs of an
ancient sea in the rocks of a western Texas mountain describes how
the area must have looked millions of years ago.
I'm in Charge of Celebrations (1986)
The Table Where Rich People Sit (1994)
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