
| Works by
Stephen Whittle (Writer)
[1955 - ] |
The Margins of the City: Gay Men's Urban Lives
Transvestism, Transsexualism and the Law
(1995) with Melanie McMullan
Reclaiming Genders: Transsexual Grammars at the Fin De Siecle (1999), Edited with
Kate More
The Transgender Debate: The Crisis Surrounding Gender Identity (2001)
Transgender has become a cultural obsession. From the
high camp of Rue Paul to the working class transsexual icon, Hayley of
Coronation Street, it pervades our lives. Yet for many it remains a freakish
interest on the sidelines. For transsexual and transgender people, though,
it is a reality bound up in complexities, legal contradictions, family
discord, and a desperate need to explain what it means to be a man or a
woman, or neither, or both.
Addressing the historical, social, legal and medical issues surrounding this
new community, this book throws a light onto the complex issues, clarifying
them in a way that all those who think they know what they mean, will be
called to question the certainties that gender roles are no longer about.
Respect and Equality: Transsexual and Transgender Rights (2002)
Winner 2002 CLAGS Sylvia Rivera
Award (The
Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies)
The Transgender Studies Reader
(2006), Edited with
Stryker --
Winner 2006 Lambda Literary Award
Transgender Awards
Queer Theory (2004), Annabelle
Willox and Iain Morland, eds.
What is queer theory? What does it do? Is queer
theory only for queers? This vibrant anthology of ground breaking work by
influential scholars, activists, performers, and visual artists is
essential reading for anyone with an interest in sexuality studies. The
fifteen articles--including one from Judith Butler, as well as an engaging
introduction--map, contextualize, and challenge queer theory's project
both within and beyond the academy. Summaries and suggestions for further
reading make the volume an ideal course textbook.
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