
Works by
Janet Evanovich
(aka Steffie Hall) (Writer)
[April 22, 1943 - ] |
Back to the Bedroom (Loveswept, No 362)
(1989, 2005)
For months he'd thought of her as the Mystery Woman, draped in a
black velvet cloak, with outrageous red curls, flawless skin, and
carrying a large, odd case-- but the night David Dodd saw a helicopter
drop a chunk of metal through the roof of his lovely neighbor's bedroom,
he got to meet the formidable and delightful Katherine Finn at last!
Rescuing damsels and fixing roofs was dangerous work, he told her, and
at the very least he deserved a kiss-- didn't he? Kate couldn't argue
with Dave's logic, but how could she, the driven concert musician with
more commitments than hours in the day, be falling head over heels for a
likeable cuddler who seemed to be drifting through life? No one had ever
made her feel as cherished or desirable, and she'd never had so much
fun, but even though her eccentric boarder, Elsie, assured her that
where Kate was concerned Dave had plenty of ambition, could she really
love a guy who was just smart, sexy, and rich?
Note: For
Stephan Plum Series
fans, you'll be interested to find that this was the first of the four
romances to feature Elsie Hawkins, the prototype for Grandma Mazur.
Smitten (Loveswept, No 392) (1990,
2006) Single mom Lizbeth Kane wasn't exactly construction-worker
material, but she truly wanted a job - and Matt Hallahan found her
radiant smile utterly irresistible! When the virile hunk with the
perfectly tanned chest agreed to hire her as a laborer, Lizbeth felt her
heart - and her libido - send up a cheer. Since her divorce from a
snobby philanderer, she'd frankly lost interest in men, but this macho
carpenter who smelled of sawdust and musk made her senses sizzle. Matt
was a ride through white water, a shot of adrenaline that revived her
flirting instincts - but teasing a man of action had deliciously
dangerous romantic results! Matt was charmed by Lizbeth's enthusiasm,
her spunky kids and wacky aunt, and did his best to seduce the lady in
every room of her ramshackle home. Lizbeth worried that they were too
different, that he was overly protective, that she'd make him a terrible
wife. Could Matt prove she needed him as much as he needed her?
Wife for Hire (Loveswept, No 422) (1990) with Erica Spindler
The Rocky Road to Romance (Loveswept, No. 460) (1991, 2004)
The "Dog Lady" of radio station WZZZ, free-spirited Daisy
Adams figures anything has to beat pushing tasty canine recipes over the
airwaves. So when a slot for a roving traffic reporter opens, Daisy
jumps at it-- despite the fact that she's already juggling about fifteen
other jobs. The new one comes with a raise and more responsibility. It
also comes with a hands-on boss, hunky operations manager Steve Crow.
When Daisy turns into a media darling after inadvertently foiling a
major criminal's getaway, Steve decides it's his duty to protect her,
bringing him even farther into the tangled web of her maddeningly
overextended life. But Daisy's got far too much going on to get involved
in extracurricular activities-- like falling in love.
Full Series with
"Back in the 80s Janet broke into the world of fiction with a small
category romance written under the name Steffie Hall. It was called Hero at
Large. She went on to write 11 more category romances, two as Steffie Hall
and nine as Janet Evanovich. All around 180 pages and all with a limited
print run of one month. In September of 2002, with help from friend and
author Charlotte Hughes, the first of Janet's pre-Plum romance novels was
re-released in an updated and expanded form. Full House, written under the
name Steffie Hall, was originally published in July 1989 for Second Chance
at Love. Now not only can you catch a peek of vintage Janet, but Janet and
Charlotte have teamed up to continue with the Full House characters in a new
and original romantic, adventure series. It's a series for those of you with
gentle hearts, adventurous spirits and a slightly warped sense of humor."
-- Janet's website
Nick Kaharchek senses danger the minute he sees
Billie Pearce. She represents everything he's always avoided.
Happy in her home life, a divorced mother of two, Billie is the epitome
of stability. She's also irresistibly fascinating to the footloose
Kaharchek... in a car crash sort of way. Their fateful meeting
leads to a story filled with seduction and mayhem and love everlasting.
Full Tilt (2003)
Jamie Swift has one priority in quiet Beaumont, South Carolina: running
the local newspaper. Romance runs second. But with the arrival of her
silent partner, the notoriously mysterious and sexy Maximillian Holt,
Jamie's life gets shaken up. Max claims he's here to give his
brother-in-law a vote of confidence. A former wrestler, Frankie
Fontana's now taking his shots in the political ring. Beaumont could use
a mayor with scruples, but what it gets is a crime-- and what Jamie gets
is a story that's taking her for a ride on the wild side, complete with
two assassins, a washed-up stripper, and an insane poacher. Between a
spray of bullets and a fast getaway, could it get any more romantic-- or
dangerous? Max and Jamie are betting their lives on a long shot.
Full Speed (2003) with
Jamie and Max have intense chemistry-- even though they drive each other
crazy. Max thinks Jamie is a magnet for trouble and Jamie thinks Max is
the most annoyingly sexy, mysterious man she's ever met. She knows she
should stay away from him. But boy, oh boy, do the sparks fly when they
get together. Jamie is a newspaper owner from a small southern town. And
in FULL SPEED, she's after the story of a lifetime. Max Holt is right in
the middle of that story, and so Jamie tracks down the millionaire
playboy, forcing him to take her on as his partner. What follows is a
story of a corrupt minister, a gang of mobsters on the loose, a hound
dog called Fleas, a wise-cracking computer genius, and lots of love in
the fast lane. Not to mention plenty of steamy action between Jamie and
Full Blast (2004) with
There's never a dull moment for the residents of Beaumont, South Carolina.
Lately, a heat wave's spiked the mercury-- and everyone's sex drive!
These days, when Jamie runs into Max, it's all she can do not to tear
his clothes off-- and the feeling is mutual.
But trouble seems to follow Max like moths to a flame, and Jamie
suspects he's all wrong for her. Meanwhile, the lingerie shop is having
a sale on edible underwear, while the bakery's selling aphrodisiac-laced
brownies and X-rated birthday cakes. Even Jammie's dog, Fleas, is
dodging passes from the amorous French poodle next door!
But when someone starts bumping off some of the town's more annoying
citizens, all clues lead straight to the new personals section in
Jamie's newspaper. Pretty soon, things are getting hot and heavy, as Max
and Jamie start uncovering secrets-- and undressing each other...
Full Bloom (2005) with
The temperature's on "sizzle" again in Beaumont, South Carolina, where
peach trees are in season and ripe for the picking. So is its newest
entrepreneur, Annie Fortenberry, who has inherited her grandmother's B&B
(and its eccentric handyman Erdle Thorney). According to a local psychic
she also inherited a spirit from its glory days as a brothel-- not the
kind of publicity the Peach Tree Bed & Breakfast needs if it's hosting
millionaire Max Holt's upcoming wedding! If rumors of a naughty,
prank-playing ghost aren't stressful enough, a mysterious man has
arrived with an eye on Annie and her master suite. Wes Bridges is all
leather and denim, sporting a two-day beard, straddling a Harley, and
sending the B&B's testosterone level through the roof. Annie's cool
demeanor may be dropping as fast as Wes's jeans, but leave it to her
missing ex-husband to dampen the passion! Turns out someone has done him
in, and all evidence points to Annie! Wrapped up in a murder plot, Annie
must find the killer, save her own neck, and get back to where she was--
wrapped up in Wes's strong loving arms...
Full Scoop (2006) with
Mercury's in retrograde, and folks in Beaumont, South Carolina, are
dealing with gossip, scandal, misunderstandings, and more secrets than
ever. Local pediatrician Maggie Farnsworth has even bigger worries. Her
wild-girl past has caught up with her in the form of her ex-boyfriend, a
jailbird who just flew the coop - and is bent on tracking down Maggie
and her daughter. Fortunately, FBI agent Zack Madden is on hand for
protection. Unfortunately his presence is turning up the heat on an
attraction Maggie simply has no time for... or does she? But Maggie and
Zack aren't the only ones getting busy: Fleas, the hound dog, is up to
his old tricks - this time with Butterbean, a very alluring... goat?
Jamie Swift and millionaire Max Holt have babies on the brain. And
resident psychic-slash-astrologer Destiny is fighting a crush of her
own. Since the town's ice cream parlor is a magnet for gossip, no one
can keep a secret and the sticky situations are getting even stickier...
Hot Stuff (2007) with
Leanne Banks
If you like hot men, hot action and hot attraction you’re
going to love this HOT new series! HOT STUFF
introduces Cate Madigan, a Boston native from a large and crazy Irish
family. Cate has far too much going on to get involved in
extracurricular activities, like men and marriage. She spends all day in
school, earning her teaching degree, and all night working as a
bartender in Boston’s South End. Ex-cop Kellen McBride has decided to
make Cate’s bar his nightly haunt. He likes Cate’s sassy Irish spirit
and wild red hair. He also has an ulterior motive for getting close to
her. Cate has sworn off all things romantic, but when she comes home to
a ransacked apartment, a roommate who has flown the coop, and a sleeping
bullmastiff named Beast, Cate has no choice but to ask Kellen for help.
Can Kate resist the charming Kellen McBride while keeping herself out of
danger? Or will Kellen turn up the heat on Cate and everything in her
Metro Girl (2004)
Alexandra (Barney) Barnaby roars onto the Miami Beach scene in hot
pursuit of her missing baby brother, "Wild" Bill. Leave it to the
maverick of the family to get Barney involved with high-speed car
chases, a search for sunken treasure, and Sam Hooker, a NASCAR driver
who’s good at revving a woman's engine.
Engaged in a deadly race, Bill has "borrowed" Hooker's sixty-five-foot
Hatteras and sailed off into the sunset...just when Hooker has plans for
the boat. Hooker figures he'll attach himself to Barney and maybe run
into scumbag Bill. And better yet, maybe he'll get lucky in love with
Bill's sweetie pie sister.
The pedal will have to go to metal if Barney and Hooker want to be the
first to cross the finish line, save Bill, Hooker's boat...and maybe the
Motor Mouth (2006)
It's the last race of the season, and the wheels are smoking and
the temperature is rising at Homestead-Miami Speedway.
Alexandra Barnaby is NASCAR driver Sam Hooker's raceday spotter, his
eye-in-the-sky, telling Hooker when to pass and when to get off the gas.
From her vantage point high above the grandstand she's also seeing
things going on in the infield that will change her life. Things that
will lead to a stolen racecar hauler, a kidnapped Saint Bernard, a
bizarre murder, some restless nights under the covers with Hooker, and a
reunion with super cigar roller Rosa Florez and the queen of wholesale
fruit Felicia Ibarra.
From Miami, Florida to Concord, North Carolina and back to Miami this is
an action-packed multi-car crash of shady dealings, stolen technology,
drive-thru windows and destruction of personal property. Everything you
always wanted to know about righteous indignation, stealing an
eight-wheeler, stashing a dead body, and sex in the fast lane.
One for the Money (1994)
Watch out, world. Here comes Stephanie Plum, a bounty hunter with
attitude. In Stephanie's opinion, toxic waste, rabid drivers, armed
schizophrenics, and August heat, humidity, and hydrocarbons are all
part of the great adventure of living in Jersey.
She's a
product of the "burg," a blue-collar pocket of Trenton where houses
are attached and narrow, cars are American, window are clean, and
(God forbid you should be late) dinner is served at six.
Stephanie's all grown up and out on her own, living five miles from
Mom and Dad's, doing her best to sever the world's longest unbilical
cord. Her mother is a meddler, and her grandmother is a few cans
short of a case.
Out of work and out of money, with her
Miata repossessed and her refrigerator empty, Stephanie blackmails
her bail bondsman cousin, Vinnie, into giving her a try as an
apprehension agent. Stephanie knows zilch about the job
requirements, but she figures her new pal, fearless bounty hunter
Ranger, can teach her what it takes to catch a crook.
first assignment: nail Joe Morelli, a former vice cop on the run
from a charge of murder one. Morelli is also the irresistible macho
pig who took Stephanie's virginity at age sixteen and then wrote the
details on the bathroom wall of Mario's Sub Shop. There's still
powerful chemistry between these two, so the chase should be
It could also be extremely dangerous,
especially when Stephanie encounters a heavyweight title contender
who likes to play rough. Benito Ramirez is known for his brutality
to women. At the very least, his obsession with Stephanie
complicates her manhunt and brings terror and uncertainty into her
life. At the worst, it could lead to murder.
Two for the Dough (1996)
It's Stephanie Plum, New
Jersey's "fugitive apprehension" agent (aka bounty hunter),
introduced to the world by Janet Evanovich in the award-winning
novel One for the Money. Now Stephanie's back, armed with
attitude -- not to mention stun guns, defense sprays, killer
flashlights, and her trusty .38. Stephanie is after a new bail
jumper, Kenny Mancuso, a boy from Trenton's burg. He's fresh out of
the army, suspiciously wealthy, and he's just shot his best friend.
With her bounty hunter pal Ranger stepping in
occasionally to advise her, Stephanie staggers knee deep in corpses
and caskets as she traipses through back streets, dark alleys, and
funeral parlors.
And nobody knows funeral parlors better
than Stephanie's irrepressible Grandma Mazur, a lady whose favorite
pastime is grabbing a front-row seat at a neighborhood wake. So
Stephanie uses Grandma as a cover to follow leads, but loses control
when Grandma warms to the action, packing a cool pistol. Much to the
family's chagrin, Stephanie and Granny may soon have the elusive
Kenny in their sights.
Fast-talking, slow-handed vice cop
Joe Morelli joins in the case, since the prey happens to be his
young cousin. And if the assignment calls for an automobile stakeout
for two with the womanwho puts his libido in overdrive, Morelli's
not one to object.
Low on expertise but learning fast, high
on resilience, and despite the help she gets from friends and
relatives, Stephanie eventually must face the danger alone when
embalmed body parts begin to arrive on her doorstep and she's
targeted for a nasty death by the most loathsome adversary she's
ever encountered. Another case like this and she'll be a real pro.
Two for the Dough is irresistible fun and powerful
entertainment from an acclaimed author who is already a national
Three to Get Deadly (1997)
Stephanie Plum, the brassy
babe in the powder blue Buick, is back, and she's having a bad hair
day - for the whole month of January.
She's been given the
unpopular task of finding Mo Bedemeir, Trenton's most beloved
citizen, arrested for carrying concealed, gone no-show for his court
And to make matters worse, she's got Lula, a
former hooker turned file clerk--now a wannabe bounty hunter--at her
side, sticking like glue. Lula's big and blonde and black, and
itching to get the chance to lock up a crook in the trunk of her
Morelli, the New Jersey vice cop with the slow-burning
smile that undermines a girl's strongest resolve is being polite. So
what does that mean? Has he found a new love? Or is he manipulating
Steph, using her in his police investigation, counting on her
unmanageable curiosity and competitive Jersey attitude?
again, the entire One for the Money crew is in action, including
Ranger and Grandma Mazur, searching for Mo, tripping down a trail
littered with drug dealers, leading Stephanie to suspect Mo has
traded his ice-cream scoop for a vigilante gun.
Cursed with
a disastrous new hair color and an increasing sense that it's really
time to get a new job, Stephanie spirals and tumbles through Three
to Get Deadly with all the wisecracks and pace her fans have come to
Four to Score (1999)
Working for her bailbondsman
cousin, Vinnie, Stephanie is hot on the trail of revenge-seeking
waitress Maxine Nowicki, whose crimes include bail jumping, theft,
and extortion. Someone is terrifying Maxine's friends, and those who
have seen her are turning up dead. Also on the hunt for Maxine is
Joyce Barnhardt, Stephanie's archenemy and rival bounty hunter.
Stephanie's attitude never wavers - even when aided by Grandma
Mazur, ex-hooker and wannabe bounty hunter Lula, and transvestite
rock musician Sally Sweet - and even when Stephanie makes an enemy
whose deadly tactics escalate from threatening messages to
firebombs. All of this pales in comparison, though, with an even
greater danger Stephanie faces, when, homeless and broke, she and
her hamster Rex move in with vice cop Joe Morelli.
High Five (2000)
High fives all around! The New York
Times bestselling author of FOUR TO SCORE puts Stephanie Plum,
America's favorite bounty hunter, back behind the wheel in her fifth
high-octane thriller.
What's Stephanie up to now?
Her Uncle Fred has disappeared.
A body turns up in a garbage bag.
She's got a nasty bookie following her around
Grandma Mazur has her hands on the stun gun.
Stephanie can't keep a car for more than
forty-eight hours.
Two men are trying to get her into bed.
She has nothing to wear to the Mafia wedding.
And there's an angry little man (don't call him
a dwarf!) who won't leave her apartment.
Bail jumping in Trenton is down to small potatoes.
Stephanie's only open case is a small bond for a small violation,
committed by a small person who raises Stephanie's frustration level in
big ways. So short of money and long on bills, Stephanie comes up with a
plan --diversify! Signing on as an intern with entrepreneurial Super
Bounty Hunter Ranger, Stephanie ventures into Ranger's mostly morally
correct and marginally legal operations.
None of this makes vice
cop Joe Morelli a happy man. The cop in him can't help but wonder as to
the source of Stephanie's expensive new cars. And the rest of him, the
man who's been friend and lover to Stephanie, can't help but wonder if
there's more to the partnership than meets the eye.
internship is downgraded to second priority when Uncle Fred goes
missing. Even though Grandma Mazur is sure he was abducted by aliens,
Stephanie sets out to look for Fred. He's a perfectly average senior
citizen, and he's disappeared without a trace while running errands.
He's left his ten-year-old Pontiac station wagon locked up nice and neat
in the Grand Union parking lot, the cleaning is carefully arranged on
the back seat, and his wife is at home, waiting for him to return with
the bread and the milk and the olive loaf bologna. Locked in the top
drawer of his desk are photos of a body, dismembered and stuffed into a
garbage bag. And locked away in the computer files of a another average
citizen are the clues that will lead Stephanie to Fred.
Hot Six (2001)
Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum and Trenton vice cop Joe Morelli join
forces to find the madman killer who shot and barbecued the youngest
son of international black-market arms dealer Alexander Ramos.
Carlos Manoso, street name Ranger, is caught on video just
minutes before the crime occurs. He's at the scene, he's with the
victim, and he's the number one suspect. Manoso is former Special
Forces turned soldier of fortune. He has a blue-chip stock portfolio
and no known address. He moves in mysterious circles. He's
Stephanie's mentor-- the man who taught her everything she knows
about fugitive apprehension. And he's more than her friend.
Now he's the hunted and Stephanie's the hunter, and it's time for
Stephanie to test her skills against the master. But if she does
catch him. . . what then? Can she bring herself to turn him in?
Plus there are other things keeping Stephanie awake
at night. Her maternal grandmother has set up housekeeping in
Stephanie's apartment, a homicidal maniac has selected Stephanie as
his next victim, her love life is in the toilet, she's adopted a dog
with an eating disorder, and she can't button the top snap on her
Seven Up (2001)
Semi-retired mob guy, Eddie DeChooch,
is caught trafficking contraband cigarettes through Trenton, New
Jersey. When DeChooch fails to show for a court appearance, bond
enforcement agent Stephanie Plum is assigned the task of finding
DeChooch and dragging his decrepit ass back to jail. Not such an
easy job, it turns out, since DeChooch has learned a lot of tricks
over the years and isn't afraid to use his gun. He's already shot
Loretta Ricci and left her for worm food in his shed. He wouldn't
mind shooting Stephanie next.
Especially since Steph has
discovered that likeable losers (and former high school classmates)
Mooner and Dougie have inadvertently become involved with DeChooch.
They've gotten sucked into an operation which is much more than
simple cigarette smuggling and holds risks far greater than anyone
could have imagined.
When Dougie disappears, Steph goes into
search mode. When Mooner disappears, she calls in the heavy
artillery and asks master bounty hunter Ranger for help. His price
for the job? One night with Stephanie, dusk to dawn. Not information
she'd want to share with her some-time live in roommate, vice cop
Joe Morelli.
A typical dilemma in the world of Plum.
And on the homefront, Stephanie's "perfect" sister Valerie has
decided to move back to Trenton, bringing her two kids from hell.
Grandma Mazur is asking questions about being a lesbian, and Bob,
the bulimic dog, is eating everything in sight -- including the
Hard Eight (2002)
Fugitive Apprehension
Agent Stephanie Plum has a big problem on her hands: Seven-year-old
Annie Soder and her mother, Evelyn, have disappeared. Evelyn's
estranged husband, Steven, a shady owner of a seedy bar, is not at
all happy. During the divorce proceedings, he and Evelyn signed a
child custody bond, and Steven is demanding the money guaranteed by
the bond to find Annie. The money was secured by a mortgage on
Evelyn's grandmother's house, and the True Blue Bonds Bail Agency
wants to take possession of the house.
Finding a kidnapped
child is not an assignment for a bounty hunter. But Evelyn's
grandmother lives next door to Stephanie's parents, and Stephanie's
mother and grandmother are not about to see their neighbor lose her
house because of abduction.
Even though Stephanie's plate is
full with miscreants who missed their court dates, including old
nemesis and violent drunk Andy Bender and an elusive little old lady
accused of grand theft auto, she can't disappoint Grandma Mazur! So
she follows the trail left by Annie and Evelyn-- and finds a lot
more than she bargained for. Steven is somehow linked with a very
scary Eddie Abruzzi. Trenton cop and on-again, off-again fiancé Joe
Morelli and Stephanie's mentor and tormentor, Ranger, warn Stephanie
about Abruzzi, but it's Abruzzi's eyes and mannerisms that frighten
Stephanie the most. Stephanie needs Ranger's savvy and expertise,
and she's willing to accept his help to find Annie even though it
might mean becoming too involved with Ranger.
Ranger, Lula (who's not going to miss riding with Ranger), and
Evelyn's lawyer/laundromat manager set out to find Annie. The search
turns out to be a race among Stephanie's posse, the True Blue Bonds'
agent, a Rangerette known as Jeanne Ellen Burrows, and the Abruzzi
crew. Not to mention the fact that there's a killer rabbit on the
Strap on your helmet and get ready for the ride of
your life. Hard Eight. The world of Plum has never been wilder.
To the Nines (2003)
Stephanie Plum's got rent
to pay, people shooting at her, and psychos wanting her dead every
day of the week (much to the dismay of her mother, her family, the
men in her life, the guy who slices meat at the deli... oh, the list
goes on). An ordinary person would cave under the pressure.
But hey, she's from Jersey.
Stephanie Plum may not the best
bounty hunter in beautiful downtown Trenton, but she's pretty darn
good at turning bad situations her way... and she always gets her
man. In TO THE NINES her cousin Vinnie (who's also her boss) has
posted bail on Samuel Singh, an illegal immigrant. When the elusive
Mr. Singh goes missing, Stephanie is on the case. But what she
uncovers is far more sinister than anyone imagines and leads to a
group of killers who give new meaning to the word "hunter... "
In a race against time that takes her from the Jersey Turnpike
to the Vegas strip, Stephanie Plum is on the chase of her life.
Ten Big Ones (2004)
She's accidentally
destroyed a dozen cars. She's a target for every psycho and
miscreant this side of the Jersey Turnpike. Her mother's convinced
she'll end up dead...or worse, without a man. She's Stephanie Plum
and she kicks butt for a living (well, she thought it would sound
good to put it that way...)
It begins as an innocent trip to
the deli-mart, on a quest for nachos. But Stephanie Plum and her
partner, Lula, are clearly in the wrong place at the wrong time. A
robbery leads to an explosion, which leads to the destruction of yet
another car. It would be just another day in the life of Stephanie
Plum...except that she becomes the target of a gang. And the target
of an even scarier, more dangerous force that comes to Trenton. With
super bounty hunter Ranger acting more mysteriously than ever (and
the tension with vice cop Joe Morelli getting hotter), Stephanie
finds herself with a decision to make: how to protect herself and
where to hide while on the hunt for a killer known as the Junkman.
There's only one safe place, and it has Ranger's name all over it-if
she can find it. And if the Junkman doesn't find her first. With
Lula riding shotgun and Grandma Mazur on the loose, Stephanie Plum
is racing against the clock in her most suspenseful novel yet.
Eleven on Top (2005)
Stephanie Plum is
thinking her career as fugitive apprehension agent has run its
course. She's been shot at, spat at, cussed at, fire-bombed, mooned,
and attacked by dogs. Time for a change, Stephanie thinks. Time to
find the kind of job her mother can tell her friends about without
making the sign of the cross. So Stephanie Plum quits. Resigns. No
looking back. No changing her mind. She wants something safe and
normal. As it turns out, jobs that are safe and normal for most
people aren't necessarily safe and normal for Stephanie Plum.
Trouble follows her, and the kind of trouble she had at the bail
bonds office can't compare to the kind of trouble she finds herself
facing now. Her past has come back to haunt her. She's stalked by a
maniac returned from the grave for the sole purpose of putting her
into a burial plot of her own. He's killed before, and he'll kill
again if given the chance. Caught between staying far away from the
bounty hunter business and staying alive, Stephanie re-examines her
life and the possibility that being a bounty hunter is the solution
rather than the problem. After disturbingly brief careers at the
button factory, Kan Klean Dry Cleaners, and Cluck-in-a-Bucket,
Stephanie takes an office position in security, working for Ranger,
the sexiest, baddest, bounty hunter and businessman in two
continents. It might not be the job she'll keep for the rest of her
life, but for now, it gives her the technical access she needs to
find her stalker. Tempers and temperatures rise as competition
ratchets up between the two men in her life --her off-again,
on-again boyfriend, tough Trenton cop, Joe Morelli, and her bad-ass
boss, Ranger. Can Stephanie Plum take the heat? Can you?
Twelve Sharp (2006)
Welcome to
Trenton, New Jersey, where bounty hunter Stephanie Plum's life is
about to implode in Janet Evanovich's wildest, hottest novel yet!
FIRST A STRANGER APPEARS While chasing down the usual
cast of miscreants and weirdos Stephanie discovers that a crazed
woman is stalking her.
SECRETS The woman dresses in black, carries a 9mm GLOCK, has a
bad attitude and a mysterious connection to dark and dangerous
Carlos Manoso... street name, Ranger.
The action turns deadly serious, and Stephanie goes from hunting
skips to hunting a murderer.
needs Stephanie for more reasons than he can say. And now, the two
are working together to find a killer, rescue a missing child, and
stop a lunatic from raising the body count. When Stephanie Plum and
Ranger get too close for comfort, Vice Cop Joe Morelli (her
on-again, off-again boyfriend) steps in.
Will the ticking
clock stop at the stroke of twelve, or will a stranger in the wind
find a way to stop Stephanie Plum... forever. Filled with Janet
Evanovich's trademark action, non-stop adventure, and sharp humor.
Lean Mean Thirteen (2007)
New secrets,
old flames, and hidden agendas are about to send bounty hunter
Stephanie Plum on her most outrageous adventure yet!
#1 Dickie Orr. Stephanie was married to him for about fifteen
minutes before she caught him cheating on her with her arch-nemesis
Joyce Barnhardt. Another fifteen minutes after that Stephanie filed
for divorce, hoping to never see either one of them again.
MISTAKE #2 Doing favors for super bounty hunter Carlos Manoso
(a.k.a. Ranger). Ranger needs her to meet with Dickie and find out
if he's doing something shady. Turns out, he is. Turns out, he's
also back to doing Joyce Barnhardt. And it turns out Ranger's favors
always come with a price…
MISTAKE #3 Going completely
nutso while doing the favor for Ranger, and trying to apply bodily
injury to Dickie in front of the entire office. Now Dickie has
disappeared and Stephanie is the natural suspect in his
disappearance. Is Dickie dead? Can he be found? And can Stephanie
Plum stay one step ahead in this new, dangerous game? Joe Morelli,
the hottest cop in Trenton, NJ is also keeping Stephanie on her
toes-and he may know more than he's saying about many things in
Stephanie's life. It's a cat-and-mouse game for Stephanie Plum,
where the ultimate prize might be her life.
With Janet
Evanovich's flair for hilarious situations, breathtaking action, and
unforgettable characters, LEAN MEAN THIRTEEN shows why no one can
beat Evanovich for blockbuster entertainment.
More Plums in One (2002)
Three To Get Deadly, Four To Score, High Five, and Hot Six
of Sugar Plums (2002)
"It's five days before Christmas and things are not
looking merry for Fugitive Apprehension Agent Stephanie Plum. She
hasn't got a tree. She hasn't bought any presents. The malls are
jam-packed with staggering shoppers. There's not a twinkle light
anywhere to be seen in her apartment. And there's a strange man in
her kitchen ..." -- Amazon
Plum Lovin' (2007)
Are you divorced with a cat, rabbit, dog and
three kids? Can you only converse with the opposite sex about meat
Does the thought of marriage make you faint?
Are the men in your life so freakin' hot you can't choose one over
the other?
Help is only a phone call away...
Plum Lucky (Holiday
Novella) (January 8, 2008 release)
Stephanie Plum is back between-the-numbers and she’s looking to get
lucky in an Atlantic City hotel room, in a Winnebago, and with a
brown-eyed stud who has stolen her heart.
Stephanie Plum has a way of attracting danger, lunatics, oddballs,
bad luck . . . and mystery men. And no one is more mysterious than
the unmentionable Diesel. He’s back and hot on the trail of a little
man in green pants who’s lost a giant bag of money. Problem is, the
money isn’t exactly lost. Stephanie’s Grandma Mazur has found it,
and like any good Jersey senior citizen, she’s hightailed it in a
Winnebago to Atlantic City and hit the slots. With Lula and Connie
in tow, Stephanie attempts to bring Grandma home, but the luck of
the Irish is rubbing off on everyone: Lula’s found a job modeling
plus-size lingerie. Connie’s found a guy. Diesel’s found Stephanie.
And Stephanie has found herself in over her head with a caper
involving thrice-stolen money, a racehorse, a car chase, and a bad
case of hives.
Plum Lucky is an all-you-can-eat buffet of thrills, chills,
shrimp cocktail, plus-size underwear, and scorching hot men. It’s a
between-the-numbers treat no Evanovich fan will want to miss!
How many people would kill to be a bestselling novelist? Especially one
like Janet Evanovich.Writers want to know how a bestselling author
thinks, writes, plans, and dreams her books. And they are primed for a
book from Janet Evanovich that tells, in a witty Q&A format: How she
comes up with such remarkable characters How she nails the perfect name
every time How she finds out insider details Just how she sets up those
masterful plots What the life of a full-time writer is really like What
she'd tell an aspiring author about the publishing industry And much,
much more!
This book details the elements of writing and publishing a novel, and
addresses all categories of fiction-from mystery/thriller/action titles
to romance; from stand-alone narratives to series. It offers practical
and inspiring advice on such subjects as structuring a plot and handling
rejection. And it combines one of today's most successful fiction
writers with a published non-fiction writer who teaches creative
fiction. HOW I WRITE is the perfect reference for anyone looking to
improve their writing, and for those fans who are hungry to find out
more about just how Janet Evanovich ticks.
Thanksgiving (Loveswept, No 289) (1988, 2006)
When Megan Murphy discovered a floppy-eared rabbit gnawing on the
hem of her skirt, she meant to give his careless owner a piece of her
mind-- but Dr. Patrick Hunter was too attractive to stay mad at for
long! With his husky bedroom voice he teased her, with his eyes the
color of a stormy ocean he tantalized her... and soon she found herself
falling irresistably, helplessly in love. Maybe it was her gloriously
silky red hair or the freckles on her nose, or maybe just her adorable
sense of whimsy that made Pat want to carry his lovely temptress off to
his old-fashioned four-poster bed. Playing house together, making
Thanksgiving dinner for their families, filled them both with a longing
for the sweet times to last. But Megan had wept over one failed love,
and it hurt so much to risk again. Could the doctor who kissed her
breathless help heal her heart?
Ivan Takes a Wife (Loveswept, No 343) (1989, Re-released 2005 as
Love Overboard)
Sinfully handsome schooner captain Ivan Rasmussen deserved to be
called Ivan the Terrible, Stephanie Lowe decided. First he'd sold her a
haunted house, and now he was laughing at her Calamity Jane cooking!
She'd only agreed to work one voyage of his Maine coastal cruise in
exchange for the house repairs promised by her cousin, who'd run off to
marry a plumber. When the brazen Ivan, descendant of a pirate, swept her
into his arms during a moonlight rendezvous, Stephanie knew how it felt
to be a pirate's treasure! Ivan teased her, flirted with her, and made
her feel cherished as no one ever had, but when would her sexy scoundrel
deliver the ravishing he promised? Ivan had expected a shipboard
romance, a fling on the ocean that ended at the dock, but every time he
kissed Stephanie, he thought of marriage, hearth, and home. Could he
seduce his ladylove with the sweet mysteries of passion
and put her private ghosts to rest?
Manhunt (Lovewsept, No 303) (1989, 2005)
Alexandra Scott: Wilderness Woman. It had a terrific ring to it,
but Alex felt a sudden twinge of terror. She'd traded in her Wall Street
job and fancy condo for a cabin in the Alaska woods, and there was no
turning back! She'd wanted to escape the rat race, to go husband-hunting
where men outnumbered women four to one, but now she was here...and full
of doubts. Then she spotted Michael Casey-and the dizzyingly attractive
pilot made her want to keep house, tuck him into bed...and crawl in
after him! Self-sufficient, spirited, and undaunted by disaster, Alex
was a delicious temptation for Casey, but he had no intention of giving
up his precious bachelorhood, even for this impudent, challenging female
who made his heart race and his temperature rise! When fierce attraction
led to sizzling seduction, Alex had to be shameless. Casey was the
adventure she'd come to Alaska seeking-but could she capture the heart
of the mad she loved?
Naughty Neighbor (Loveswept, No 537) (1992)
A Trilogy of Janet Evanovich (2002)
Four to Score, High Five, and Hot Six-
Janet Evanovich #2 (2003)
Janet Evanovich CD Box Set (2003)
The Plot Thickens (1997),
Mary Higgins Clark, ed.
Includes works by Ann Rule,
Carol Higgins Clark, Donald E.
Westlake, Edna Buchanan, Janet Evanovich,
Lauren DeMille, Lawrence Block,
Linda Fairstein,
Mary Higgins Clark, Nancy
Pickard, Nelson DeMille, and
Walter Mosley
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