
Works by
Patrick Ryan
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May 10, 2005Patrick Ryan
was born and raised in New Orleans. He is the Editor-in-Chief and
founder of Lodestar Quarterly, and was formerly Editor-in-Chief of
Fourteen Hills and Assistant Editor of Harrington Gay Men's Fiction
Quarterly. His fiction has appeared in The Ontario Review, Best New
American Voices 2001, Men on Men 2000: Best Gay Fiction for the New
Millennium, The James White Review, Pleiades, Hanging Loose, and Rainbow
Curve, among others, and is forthcoming in Velvet Mafia and Cairn. His
first novel, The Resistant, is represented by Mitchell Waters at Curtis
Brown, Limited
-- from Saints & Sinners |
The Resistant (2005 release)
Send Me (2006)
-- Finalist 2006
Lambda Literary Gay Men's Debut Fiction Awards
Patrick Ryan’s first work of fiction is written with such authority, grace,
and wisdom, it might be the capstone of a distinguished literary career.
In the Florida of NASA launches, ranch houses, and sudden hurricanes, Teresa
Kerrigan, ungrounded by two divorces, tries to hold her life together. But her
ex-husbands linger in the background while her four children spin away to
their own separate futures, each carrying the baggage of a complex family
history. Matt serves as caretaker to the ailing father who abandoned him as a
child, while his wild teenage sister, Karen, hides herself in marriage to a
born-again salesman. Joe, a perpetual outsider, struggles with a private
sibling rivalry that nearly derails him. And then there’s the youngest,
Frankie, an endearing, eccentric sci-fi freak who’s been searching since
childhood for intelligent life in the universe–and finds it.
Written with wry affection, and with compassion for every character in its
pages, Send Me is a wholly original, haunting evocation of family love,
loss, and, ultimately, forgiveness.
See also:
Best New American Voices 2001 (2001) by Charles Baxter and John
Kulka, eds.
Upon its launch in 2000, Best New American Voices received acclaim for
the range and originality of its selections, which represented the best
writing from new American writers who are generally unknown but promise to
become the literary stars of tomorrow. For the 2001 edition, National Book
Award finalist Charles Baxter, together with series editors John Kulka and
Natalie Danford, judged short stories from more than one hundred writing
programs around the country to find the very best, most interesting, and most
accomplished pieces by outstanding writing students. The result is presented
here in a collection of seventeen tales that will be sure to attract attention
and critical acclaim. Ranging from stories of passion, loneliness, and humor
to masterful accounts of discovery and family politics, and set in locales
from Burma and Japan to the Middle West and New England, these tales are
eclectic, vivid, and cutting-edge, and showcase the best writing talent of
Men on Men 2000: Best New Gay Fiction for the Millennium
(2000) by David Bergman, ed.
Now spanning eight volumes and two decades, the Men
on Men series continues to showcase the remarkable talent of gay literary
writers. These venerable collections of short stories have become a gay
literary institution, launching the careers of several, now luminary,
writers-including Joe Keenan,
Christopher Bram,
Dale Peck, and
David Leavitt. True to its tradition,
Men on Men 2000 brings bright new literary talent together with
established writers-such as Edmund White
and Brian Bouldrey -- to offer a poignant
collection of gay fiction that is provocative and illuminating at every turn.
This diverse group of voices etches an indelible portrait of gay life at the
dawn of the twenty-first century, addressing issues such as identity and
gender stereotypes, the power of love, the lingering shadow of AIDS, and the
new adventure of fatherhood.
Harrington Gay Men's Fiction Quarterly Vol. 1 No. 1 1999
Includes works by David Ebershoff,
David Ivie, Keith Banner, Kelly McQuain,
Michael Lowenthal,
Michael Nava,
Patrick Ryan, Peter Weltner, and Robert
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