
| Works by
Paulo Coelho (Writer)
[August 24, 1947 - ] |
Life: Selected Quotations [Vida:
Citações selecionadas] (2007)
The Witch of Portobello [A bruxa de Portobello] (2006)
Like the Flowing River [Ser como um rio que flui]
Revived Paths [Caminhos Recolhidos] (2005)
And on the Seventh Day (2004) [E no sétimo dia]
Collection of three previously published novels.
The Zahir [O Zahir] (2004)
Eleven Minutes [Onze Minutos] (2003)
The Genie and the Roses [O Gênio e as Rosas] (2003)
Fathers, Sons and Grandsons [Histórias para pais,
filhos e netos] (2001)
The Devil and Miss Prym [O Demônio e a srta Prym]
Essential Words [Palavras essenciais] (1998)
Decides to Die [Veronika decide morrer Veronika]
The Manual of the Warrior of Light [Manual do
guerreiro da luz] (1997)
Love Letters from a Prophet [Letras do amor de um
prophet] (1996)
The Fifth Mountain [O Monte Cinco] (1996)
By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept [Na margem do
rio Piedra eu sentei e chorei] (1994)
Maktub [Maktub] (1992)
The Diary of a Magus [O Diário de um Magus] (1992)
The Gift [O Dom Supremo] (1991)
The Valkyries [As Valkírias] (1991)
Brida [Brida] (1990)
The Alchemist [O Alquimista] (1988)
The Pilgrimage [O Pilgrimage] (1987)
Practical Manual of Vampirism [O Manual Prático do
Vampirismo] (1986)
Hell Archives [Arquivos do Inferno] (1982)
Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts Who Help Us Improve Our Lives (2004)
by David Riklan
The amount of resources available to help you
improve your life is vast. Yet the self-help process does not have to be
intimidating. Described as the "Encyclopedia" of Self Improvement, this
useful reference guide narrows down the top experts in the field and sorts
through their great supply of products and information.
Includes information on Anthony Robbins,
Brian Tracy,
Carlos Castaneda,
Dalai Lama,
Carnegie, Dave Pelzer,
Eckhart Tolle,
Iyanla Vanzant,
John Gray,
John Maxwell,
Kahlil Gibran,
Ken Blanchard,
L. Ron Hubbard,
Laura Schlessinger,
Les Brown,
Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson,
Mitch Albom,
Napoleon Hill,
Norman Vincent Peale,
Og Mandino, Paulo Coelho,
Phillip C. McGraw (Dr. Phil),
Rick Warren,
Robert Allen,
Robert Kiyosaki,
Stephen Covey,
Sylvia Browne,
Wayne Dyer,
Zig Ziglar plus 70 more.
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