
| Works by
Marianne Williamson (Writer)
[July 8, 1952 - ] |
Marianne Williamson on Dealing With Anger: Dealing With Anger and Total
Defenselessness (1992)
Marianne Williamson on Death & Dying (1992)
Marianne Williamson on Love: What Is Love? and Love Without an Agenda,
Lectures (1992)
Marianne Williamson on Relationships: Lectures on a Course in Miracles
Marianne Williamson on Self-Esteem: Loving Yourself and Emotional
Self-Sufficiency (1992)
Marianne Williamson on Work/Career (1992)
The need for change as we get older—an emotional pressure for one phase of
our lives to transition into another—is a human phenomenon, neither male
nor female. There simply comes a time in our lives—not fundamentally
different from the way puberty separates childhood from adulthood—when
it’s time for one part of ourselves to die and for something new to be
The purpose of this book is to psychologically and spiritually reframe
this transition so that it leads to a wonderful sense of joy and
In our ability to rethink our lives lies our greatest power to change
them. What we have called “middle age” need not be seen as a turning point
toward death. It can be viewed as a magical turning point toward life as
we’ve never known it, if we allow ourselves the power of an independent
imagination—thought-forms that don’t flow in a perfunctory manner from
ancient assumptions merely handed down to us, but rather flower into new
archetypal images of a humanity just getting started at 45 or 50.
What we’ve learned by that time, from both our failures as well as our
successes, tends to have humbled us into purity. When we were young, we
had energy but we were clueless about what to do with it. Today, we have
less energy, perhaps, but we have far more understanding of what each
breath of life is for. And now at last, we have a destiny to fulfill—not a
destiny of a life that’s simply over, but rather a destiny of a life that
is finally truly lived.
Midlife is not a crisis; it’s a time of rebirth. It’s not a time to accept
your death; it’s a time to accept your life—and to finally, truly
live it, as you and you alone know deep in your heart it was meant to be
The Gift of Change: Spiritual Guidance for Living Your Best Life (2004)
In this honest and uplifting book,
bestselling author Marianne Williamson delves deeply into the powerful
role of change in our lives today. Far from being something to fear and
avoid, she says, every change -- even the most difficult and painful --
gives us an opportunity to receive the miraculous gift of personal
transformation. The only real failure in life, she observes, is the
failure to grow from what we go through. We will find real growth when we
reorient ourselves using an eternal compass of spiritual principles, which
alone can guide us on this path to wholeness.
By fixing our eyes on the things that don't change, Williamson leads us
across ten key bridges of transformation:
From Forgetting Who We Are to Remembering Who
We Are
From Negative Thinking to Positive Love
From Anxiety to Atonement
From Asking God to Change the World to Praying
That He Change Us
From Living in the Past and Future to Living
in the Present
From Focus on Guilt to Focus on Innocence
From Separation to Relationship
From Spiritual Death to Rebirth
From Your Plan to God's Plan
From Who We Were to Who We Are Becoming
These ten simple but profound changes empower
us to see life's transitions as opportunities for growth and rebirth,
providing not only keys for shaping our lives today, but also hope for
transforming our world into a place of greater love and peace. "
Everyday Grace (2002)
In these pages, author and lecturer Marianne Williamson acts as a guide
back to the spiritual source, exploring the ways to nurture a thriving
soul in a harsh world. The large and small difficulties of our days
challenge us to open our hearts and minds. With an attitude of hope, a
call to forgive, and a celebration of miracles, Williamson helps readers
to find sacred footing on ordinary ground. For no matter what, there is
always an opportunity to be happy. Everyone is entitled to the pleasures
of everyday grace.
Imagine: What America Could Be in the 21st Century (2000)
In the realm of highest possibilities, what could America look like in 50
years? What kinds of changes would have to occur in order for that to
happen? How can an individual or an institution best contribute to such
change? And what is the deeper story trying to emerge within this nation
and the world?
Best-selling author Marianne Williamson posed these questions to nearly 40
of her well-known contemporaries, inviting them to open their imaginations
to all the possibilities that could exist. Imagine is their collective
response: a powerful, provocative, and compelling vision of a better
America and a prescriptive call to action for significant positive change.
Imagine . . . an inner-oriented system of "restorative justice" in which
everyone affected--victims, offenders, families, and communities--comes
together and exchanges stories to gain a deeper understanding of one
another's circumstances and motives, then collectively determines a fair
course of action.
Imagine . . . a national network of revamped hospitals that integrate the
physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of health, combining
traditional scientific medicine with alternative methods in a
team-oriented, holistic approach to healing.
Imagine . . . a country where neighbors talk, eat, and laugh together;
where people know and care for one another; work is rewarding and
fulfilling, and everyone--young and old--has plenty of time for play.
Imagine . . . a total transformation of our political system, our
socioeconomic structure, our personal relationships, and our relationship
with the Divine.
Between the covers of Imagine, an unprecedented assembly
of America's foremost visionaries, academics, activists, and spiritual
leaders -- including
Anne Lamott,
bell hooks,
Caroline Myss,
Dean Ornish,
Deepak Chopra,
John Gray,
John Robbins,
Marianne Williamson,
Neale Donald Walsch,
Sarah Ban Breathnach, and
Thomas Moore -- addresses issues of personal, internal transformation as well
as institutional, external change, recognizing that the internal and
external are not separate but intertwined, that we must find peace
within ourselves before we can change the world around us.
Today, America is plagued by darkness, home to a plethora of problems
and millions of troubled souls. Imagine moves beyond the present, aiming
a shining beacon of light on a brighter tomorrow.
All author royalties from the sales of this book will be donated to the
Global Renaissance Alliance,
a nonprofit organization dedicated to imagining and working toward a
better world for our children and our children's children.
Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power Of Intimate Relationships (1999)
Three of Marianne Williamson's previous bestsellers -- A Return to
Love, A Woman's Worth, and Illuminata -- explored the issue of
relationships. Now, in this deeply personal collection of essays, prayers,
and self-reflection, she turns to romantic love.
In Illuminata, Williamson wrote that "we experience God to the
extent to which we love, forgive, and focus on the good in others and
ourselves." Now, in Enchanted Love, she writes that "enchanted
partnership begins with the conscious understanding, on the part of two
people, that the purpose of their relationship is not so much material as
spiritual, and the internal skills demanded by it are prodigious." High
romance, she says, "is not about past or future. It is not about
practicality. It is not about society or worldly routines. It is an
audacious ride to the center of what is, at the heart of every
person. It is a bold and masterful inquiry into what two people really are
and how we might become, while still on earth, the angels who reside
within us."
Healing the Soul of America: Reclaiming Our Voices as Spiritual Citizens (1997)
In this landmark work, Marianne Williamson reminds us that there is a
point in everyone's spiritual journey where the search for self-awareness
can turn into self-preoccupation. All of us are better off when
contemplation of holy principles is at the center of our lives. But it is
in applying those principles in our lives that we forge the true
marriage between heaven and earth.
In the compassionate but clear-eyed prose that has won her so many avid
readers, Williamson shows us that the principles which apply to our
personal healing also apply to the healing of the larger world. Calling on
Americans to turn the compassion in our hearts into a powerful force for
social good, Williamson shows us how to transform spiritual activism into
a social activism that will in turn transform America into a nation
seriously invested in the hope of every child and in the potential of
every adult.
Illuminated Prayers (1997)
"I think of prayer as a spiritual lifeline back to where I most want to
be," Marianne Williamson writes in this new book of universal prayers.
Prayer is a powerful force that can lift spirits, guide journeys, and heal
the heart. Illuminated Prayers is a small volume of spiritual
wisdom to bring the power of prayer into our daily lives.
Illustrated in the manner of an illuminated manuscript, Illuminated
Prayers offers a treasured keepsake of the power and enduring
relevance of Williamson's message: Prayer illuminates our souls, and with
prayer we can change the world.
Emma and Mommy Talk to God (1996)
with Julia Noonan, Illustrator
"Mommy," said Emma, "who is God?" "God is all the love in the world,"
said Mommy. "He's in you and in me and in everybody everywhere."
Internationally acclaimed author and philosopher Marianne Williamson and
her daughter, Emma, share their own experiences talking about God in this
gentle and inspirational picture book. Emma isn't quite sure who God is
and what it means to believe in Him, but her loving talks with her mother
help her to realize that God is always with her to help her find her way.
Julia Noonan's glowing paintings infuse this intimate story with warmth
and light. Emma & Mommy Talk to God is a unique resource that will guide
and inspire both children and adults alike. Each day, Emma and her mommy
pray together and say thank you to God. When Emma asks her mommy to tell
her about God, she teaches Emma that she is never alone because God is
always with her, and God is all the love in the world. This touching and
uplifting story from renowned author and philosopher Marianne Williamson
will help children and adults alike begin an exploration of their
relationship with God and each other. Stunning illustrations by Julia
Noonan lovingly capture the gentle moments between mother and child.
Each day, Emma and her mommy pray together and say thank you to God. When
Emma asks her mommy to tell her about God, she teaches Emma that she is
never alone because God is always with her, and God is all the love in the
world. This touching and uplifting story from renowned author and
philosopher Marianne Williamson will help children and adults alike begin
an exploration of their relationship with God and each other. Stunning
illustrations by Julia Noonan lovingly capture the gentle moments between
mother and child.
Illuminata: Thoughts, Prayers, Rites of Passage (1994)
Marianne Williamson's bestselling A Return to Love ended with a
prayer in which she asked God to help us "find our way home, from the pain
to peace, from fear to love, from hell to Heaven." Now, in this stunning
new collection of thoughts, prayers, and rites of passage, Marianne
Williamson returns to prayer.
Prayer is practical, Williamson tells us. "To look to God is to look to
the realm of consciousness that can deliver us from the pain of living."
Illuminata brings prayer into our daily lives, with prayers on
topics from releasing anger to finding forgiveness, from finding great
love to achieving intimacy. There are prayers for couples, for parents,
and for children; prayers to mend broken relationships and prayers to
overcome obsessive and compulsive love. There are prayers to heal the
soul, prayers to heal the body, and prayers for work and creativity.
Williamson also gives us prayers for the healing of America, including two
prayers that have had powerful effects on audiences at her lectures: a
prayer of amends on behalf of European Americans to African-Americans and
one to Native Americans. How, Williamson asks, can we expect anyone to
forgive when we have made no formal apology?
Another section includes rites of passage, ceremonies of light for the
signal events in our lives: blessing of the newborn, coming of age,
marriage, and death. There is also a ceremony of the elder, for moving
into midlife, and a ceremony of divorce, in which a gentle transition is
provided for both the couple and their children.
"Read my prayers or someone else's," Williamson says. "By all means,
create your own." Illuminata is a way to bring prayer into
practical use, creating a sweeter, more abundant life for yourself and the
people you care for. "No conventional therapy," she says, "can release us
from a deep and abiding psychic pain. Through prayer we find what we
cannot find elsewhere: a peace that is not of this world."
A Woman's Worth (1993)
With A Woman's Worth, Marianne Williamson
turns her charismatic voice--and the same empowering, spiritually
enlightening wisdom that energized her landmark work, A RETURN TO LOVE--
to exploring the crucial role of women in the world today. Drawing deeply
and candidly on her own experiences, the author illuminates her
thought-provoking positions on such issues as beauty and age,
relationships and sex, children and careers, and the reassurance and
reassertion of the feminine in a patriarchal society. Cutting across
class, race, religion, and gender, A Woman's Worth speaks
powerfully and persuasively to a generation in need of healing, and in
search of harmony.
A Return to Love (1992)
Experience and learn about Marianne Williamson's inspiring and practical
strategies on relationships, work, self-esteem, anger, forgiveness, love,
success and so much more through your participation in this personal
interactive workshop. Here is a practical, gracious guide to bringing
universal spiritual principles to bear on our daily lives. Begin your
journey with world-renowned speaker Marianne Williamson. Learn about
Williamson's understanding of the miraculous, as she encourages and
inspires you on your own spiritual path. A spiritual life demands
dedication and frequent reflection. Join Williamson as she facilitates
access to the deeper wisdom within yourself. Williamson coaches, you
participate, in the process by which we let go of fear and let in love.
Record your experiences as you travel the spiritual journey. Enhance your
writings by including video, audio and text from throughout the program.
Discover specially written new prayers, thought-provoking journal writing
exercises and never-before-seen video of Marianne Williamson. Each feature
of the program is designed to offer you a helping hand as you begin this
personal interactive journey.
Discover why the lives of millions have been transformed by "The Course"
& how releasing fear and practicing forgiveness brings about miracles of
love, healing and peace and helps us with all of our interpersonal
Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts Who Help Us Improve Our Lives (2004)
by David Riklan
The amount of resources available to help you
improve your life is vast. Yet the self-help process does not have to be
intimidating. Described as the "Encyclopedia" of Self Improvement, this
useful reference guide narrows down the top experts in the field and sorts
through their great supply of products and information.
Includes information on Anthony Robbins,
Brian Tracy,
Carlos Castaneda,
Dalai Lama,
Carnegie, Dave Pelzer,
Eckhart Tolle,
Iyanla Vanzant,
John Gray,
John Maxwell,
Kahlil Gibran,
Ken Blanchard,
L. Ron Hubbard,
Laura Schlessinger,
Les Brown,
Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson,
Mitch Albom,
Napoleon Hill,
Norman Vincent Peale,
Og Mandino,
Paulo Coelho,
Phillip C. McGraw (Dr. Phil),
Rick Warren,
Robert Allen,
Robert Kiyosaki,
Stephen Covey,
Sylvia Browne,
Wayne Dyer,
Zig Ziglar plus 70 more.
Miracle Cards: A 50-Card Deck (2002)
Year of Daily Wisdom: A Perpetual Flip Calendar (1998)
A Return to Love - Interactive Workshop on CD-ROM for Windows and
Macintosh (1996)
Passion For Life (Quest Passion for Life Series, V. 1)
Four programs featuring
Caroline Myss,
Deepak Chopra,
Elisabeth Kubler-Ross,
Jean Houston,
Borysenko, John O'Donohue,
Judith Orloff,
Marianne Williamson,
Ondrea Levine,
Ram Dass,
Richard Carlson,
Sam Keen,
Sarah Ban Breathnach,
Sir John Templeton,
Stephen Covey,
Levine, Thomas Moore, and
Wayne Muller
Love After Life (2000)
by D.
Patrick Miller
When 50-year-old Lucas Palmer falls out of a
rowboat into northern California’s Russian River, he initiates rapid and
mysterious changes in the life of his troubled daughter Wendy who, at age
28, has been glumly waiting for her “real life” to begin. While the
comatose Lucas conducts a searching inventory of his past in a strange
otherworld, he must also negotiate the peace in a ludicrous battle between
his two after-life guides: the spirit of his beloved wife Flora (who had
once been a bad playwright and an enthusiastic student of A Course in
Miracles), and the bombastic, cinematic ghost of General George S. Patton
(Lucas’s secret hero). Meanwhile Wendy gets an unexpected makeover during
a trying weekend that she must get through without the support of her
Marianne Williamson
tapes — and soon she learns secrets of her own past that shake her very
The Wedding Vows from Conversations With God
(2000) by Neale Donald Walsch and Nancy Fleming-Walsch with thoughts from
Gerald G. Jamolsky and
Handbook for the Heart: Original Writings on Love (1996), Benjamin Shield and
Richard Carlson,
Quest: Discovering Your Human Potential (1996)
Bernie Siegel, David Whyte,
Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson,
Stephen Covey, and
Thomas Moore
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