
| Works by
Sylvia Browne (Writer)
[1936 - ] |
Healing Your Body, Mind, and Soul
(1998) Learn to reprogram your mind to stay healthy
Making Contact With the Other Side (1998) How
to enhance your own psychic powers.
Angels and Spirit Guides (1999) On this uniquely forthright
and captivating CD program-recorded live-psychic/bestselling author Sylvia
Browne addresses the fascinating concepts surrounding angels and spirit
guides. Every religion has angels, Sylvia tells us. Different from spirit
guides, angels are spiritual messengers who are available to help us if we
will simply ask for their assistance. Sylvia goes on to discuss the
properties of angels; the true nature of God, good, evil, and the Other
Side; and explains how we can overcome guilt, accept ourselves, and
thereby understand our own particular "contract."
In the second half of the program, Sylvia leads a meditation that invokes
the presence of our angels and individual spirit guides, and invites them
to communicate with us. We feel their protection, receive their healing,
and with Sylvia's encouragement, learn how to ask them for the help we
Sylvia Browne's Tools for Life (2000)
The Other Side Of Life: A Discussion on Death, Dying, and the Graduation of the Soul (2000)
Sylvia explores the supernatural world with you -- and takes you on an
unforgettable journey of the soul. You'll gain some essential tools to
enhance your own psychic powers.
Angels, Guides, and Ghosts (2004)
In this unique CD program, world-renowned psychic Sylvia Browne dispels
the popular myths about angels, spirit guides, and ghosts. With her
trademark candor, she explains that you can communicate with your angels
and guides, and that they’re here to help you along your journey. In
addition, she covers topics from forgiveness to reincarnation, shares some
of her personal experiences with these celestial beings, and provides
helpful tips on effective prayer.
Sylvia also imparts methods to protect yourself from a psychic attack and
determine whether your loved ones are sending you messages from the Other
Side. Then, using a healing meditation, she shows you how you can unite
with your angels and spirit guides whenever you choose to do so. In
closing, Sylvia uses her abilities to answer audience questions and shed
light on what really happens when we leave this plane of existence.
Angels & Guides Healing Meditations
You’ll find a new level of comfort, safety, and clarity as you listen to
these four uniquely powerful meditations from world-renowned psychic and
best-selling author Sylvia Browne. Discover that angels and guides are
real, and that they’re attending to you at all times. With these healing
meditations—featuring one that came to Sylvia in a vision and has since
transformed the lives of thousands—you’ll overcome negativity and pain,
reunite with lost loved ones, and feel the energy and embrace of the
As Sylvia teaches, angels serve to protect you; guides steer you in the
right direction; and God, as your constant and eternal companion, loves
you unconditionally and forever. In these personal sessions, Sylvia
encourages you to call on your Divine helpers to help you eradicate your
fears, phobias, and insecurities—the result being that you feel better
than you ever have before!
Spiritual Connections: How to Find Spirituality Throughout All the Relationships in Your Life (2007)
Have you ever wondered why some relationships are wonderful and others are
just catastrophic and tragic? Why do we get along with some people and
with others just seem to constantly engage in bitter fighting? In this
fascinating and helpful 2-CD set, internationally renowned psychic Sylvia
Browne examines why we form our relationships with certain individuals . .
. for better or for worse. From the lifelong connection of a loving
marriage to the short and bitter agony of a brief encounter leading to
divorce and heartache, she reveals why we have joyful and happy
relationships on the one hand and chaotic, hateful and painful ones on the
Sylvia takes us on a remarkable excursion that covers all the different
types of relationships we’ll encounter in life. From our childhood
experiences to our golden years, she helps us see why we form both good
and bad unions, and she also explores how our themes and charts of life
can interact with others in both positive and negative ways—creating
either lifelong love or friendship or a situation doomed for disaster.
Sylvia enables us to come to a true understanding of why we have certain
compulsions and attractions for some people while being totally repulsed
by others. By utilizing Sylvia’s marvelous insights, we can all learn how
to cultivate our relationships (and sift the wheat from the chaff) in
order to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Adventures of a Psychic (1990)
with Antoinette May This is the remarkable story
of one woman's psychic odyssey. It offers illuminating insights into how
we can better understand ourselves and our own psychic abilities.
My Guide, Myself (1991) with
Antoinette May The Other Side and Back: A Psychic's Guide to Our World and Beyond (1999) with Lindsay Harrison
World-famous psychic and New York Times bestselling author Sylvia
Browne takes readers on an unprecedented and comprehensive "tour" of the
afterlife-a world-changing revelation that has helped millions live for
today, tomorrow, and forever...Astrology Through a Psychic's Eyes (2000)
In this book, Sylvia Browne presents her philosophy
on astrology. It is written in a humorous vein, yet is a serious work and
intended to educate the reader.
Sylvia has done extensive research, using the most reliable data
available: real people. She feels that astrology is a living discipline
and must be studied with humanity. Only through a close examination of
individuals, with all of their fears, strengths, phobias, loves, and
spirituality, will a true picture of astrology emerge.
More than thirty years of joy, tears, laughter, and knowledge are
reflected in this work, gathered by Sylvia during her many thousands of
counseling sessions.Life on the Other Side: A
Psychic's Tour of the Afterlife (2000) with Lindsay Harrison
Renowned psychic, spiritual teacher, and #1 New York Times
bestselling author Sylvia Browne leads readers on an adventure of the
spirit and gives them a surprising glimpse into the next world. Filled
with stunning revelations and stories of those who have visited "the other
side," this uplifting book is the ultimate guide to finding peace in the
afterlife.A Journal Of Love And Healing: Transcending Grief (2001) with Nancy Dufresne
This journal is for those who love deeply. It will
encompass your letters, phone calls, and communications with those who
have gone Home. It is your refuge, your friend, and your tribute. Fill the
journal pages with what you need to say, share, and remember.
Meditations (2001)
These meditations will serve to inspire you, help you
relax, and allow you to see the divine nature that exists with you at all
times. This beautifully illustrated book, brings you a heartfelt
meditation for each week of the year.
Sylvia Browne's Journey of the Soul - Box Set (2001)
This very special gift set includes the three books that
comprise Sylvia Browne’s Journey of the Soul series: Book 1 God, Creation,
and Tools for Life Does God exist? Was the world created, or did it
evolve? Where am I in the big picture of the universe? Most people have
asked these questions but have no clear answers. However, Sylvia does, and
in this fascinating book, she shares her 40 years of investigation into
these issues. Drawing from thousands of research sessions with Francine,
her spirit guide, along with her own understanding of a number of riveting
topics that are pertinent to humanity as a whole, you will have access to
information that is mentally profound, spiritually moving, and eminently
Francine, who resides on the Other Side, lives within the presence of God
and has access to a wealth of knowledge about the nature of creation.
Sylvia, then, becomes the human voice for Francine and is able to share
the fruits of her wisdom. We are assured that God will respond to all
questions—our job is to ask the right questions and be receptive to the
answers we receive. In so doing, we gain valuable tools for life! Book 2
Soul’s Perfection Sylvia and her guides help solve a great mystery in this
fascinating book—namely, what is the meaning of life? Most human
beings—and many teachers and great scholars— have pondered this question
over the years, but there has never been a truly definitive answer. This
leaves most of us with a feeling of being incomplete in some way. Here,
Sylvia and her guides take you to that place within you where you can
achieve a sense of intellectual and spiritual fulfillment. They explain
that we are here to perfect our souls by absorbing God’s knowledge. We are
the experiencing side of God, where God is the primary intellect of
creation. Soul’s Perfection takes you through the complete scope of your
soul’s journey, from planning each incarnation on the Other Side to making
life meaningful here on Earth. If you wish to stand proudly before God
some day, then the concepts discussed here will bring you wisdom, depth,
and spiritual insight.
Book 3 The Nature of Good and Evil We constantly see the "senseless
violence" in our world, and it begs the question: "How can an all-loving
God allow this to exist?" Indeed, many people simply reject any notion of
God for this very reason. This third book in Sylvia’s Journey of the
Soul series gives you the philosophical framework to understand the
nature of good and evil—and the role of God in the big picture. When you
see how evil originated and why it thrives in our world, you’re more
prepared to face it and overcome it. Sylvia points out that you need not
fear "evil spirits" or "curses"—which are merely stories bred from
ignorance. And how would you like to serve as one of God’s warriors of
Light? Sylvia explains how to enlist! By combining her philosophical and
theological views, Sylvia creates a spiritual umbrella that rises above
traditional religion. All paths that lead to knowing God have merit—Sylvia
simply invites you to know Him/Her in your own way, free of dogma and
Past Lives, Future Healing: A Psychic Reveals the Secrets to Good Health and Great Relationships (2001) with Lindsay Harrison
The one expert millions of readers have learned to trust, one of the few
psychics instantly recognizable to television viewers, Sylvia Browne is
back. She has proven herself, in her fifty years of working as a medium,
to be the reigning queen of psychic phenomena. Here is an insightful look
at how much of one's present life is informed by one's past lives, and how
many health and relationship problems have their roots in unresolved past
lives. From unexplained illnesses to bizarre phobias, from irrational
anxieties and fears to the choice of partners, each can be traced back to
past lives. Even birthmarks and recurring dreams are signs of issues from
past lives. Sylvia helps readers recognize where their deep-rooted
problems, fears, and hang-ups all began-and how to ultimately resolve
Blessings from the Other Side: Wisdom and Comfort From the Afterlife for This Life (2002) with
Lindsay Harrison Sylvia Browne believes that if
people can remember why they are here and what they are supposed to be
doing here, their lives will ultimately become happier, healthier, and
more spiritually fulfilling. In this new book, she helps readers celebrate
and appreciate life-by reminding them of the countless blessings they
received before coming into this world. With chapters on forgiveness, past
lives, contacting The Other Side, and discovering life's purpose, she also
tells uplifting stories of those who, with her help, found their way.Contacting Your Spirit Guide (2002)
Contacting Your Spirit Guide is divided into two parts. In the first
section, Sylvia Browne helps you find your spirit guides—the entities who
are designated by you and God to assist you with life and give you
guidance. You will not only learn how to tune in to this guide or guides,
but you’ll also see how you can recognize who they are, the messages they
can give you, and even discern what their names are so you’ll know how to
refer to them.
In the second part of the book ("A Day in the Life of a Spirit Guide"),
Sylvia writes intimately about her spirit guides, Francine and Raheim. For
example, she explains how Francine first contacted her, how she (Sylvia)
first went into trance mediumship, and reveals personal tidbits about her
relationship with this guide.
Conversations With the Other Side (2002)
This book is designed to probe more deeply into the
big questions we all want answered. Readers familiar with her other books
will find a broader and more satisfying understanding of her theology.
Prayers (2002)
This book contain prayers from Sylvia Browne’s
sermons, delivered at her church, Society of Novus Spiritus.
Sylvia Browne's Book of Dreams (2002)
Sylvia Browne's Book of Dreams
offers a window into our souls and a doorway to The Other Side.
llustrating her findings with the research and inspiring real-life stories
that are her trademark, Browne shows how our dreams influence everything
from our memories to our health and well-being to our relationships. We
can make positive changes by heeding the messages contained in our dreams.
And we can reconnect with our departed loved ones through the phenomenon
of these altered states of being.
From recurring dreams to daydreams, from dreams that comfort to dreams
that force us to confront our deepest fears, Sylvia Browne's Book of
Dreams illuminates the path between our conscious and unconscious minds
and shows why our dreams are among the most important and misunderstood
connections we have with portals to The Other Side. Sylvia Browne's Book of Angels (2003)
Poetry, music, literature, and art abound with inspiring
portrayals of angels. Nearly every religion includes some description of
these celestial beings. Do angels really exist? Can we call upon them when
we need them? What do they look like and why are they here?
After more than 60 years as a psychic and 20 years of studying angels,
internationally renowned psychic Sylvia Browne presents the answers to
these and other puzzling questions. Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels
combines her personal experiences and extensive research with the
heartwarming stories of countless contributors, and the breathtaking
illustrations of Christina Simonds.
Today, as the nightly news reports one disaster after another, books, TV
shows, and movies are filled with stories and tales of angels. Is it mere
coincidence, or are angels making their presence known? In these chaotic
times, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Angels brings a reassuring message of God’s
caring, compassion, and loving concern from the blessed angels who
surround us each day.
Visits from the Afterlife: The Truth About Hauntings, Spirits, and Reunions With Lost Loved
Ones (2003) with
Lindsay Harrison
In Visits from the Afterlife, Browne journeys even
deeper into The Other Side, detailing stirring true encounters, describing
visitations with ghosts, in-transition spirits, and other troubled souls
seeking peace and closure. She travels to locations as diverse as haunted
homes and ships possessed by otherworldly forces. Through these spiritual
visits, she explains the reasons behind many of the world's most bizarre
and mysterious hauntings, and she shares her own personal, face-to-face
experiences with these inexplicable phenomena. From surprising revelations
about the spirit world to moving reunions with those who have moved on,
Visits from the Afterlife once again illustrates spirits' profound and
eternal influence on our earthly lives.
Mother God (2004)
Sylvia Browne, in her own indomitable style, again defies convention in
this uniquely informative compilation of diligently researched facts and
personal accounts about the premise of a female divinity—namely, the
Mother God (also known as the feminine principle).
Spanning time from the earliest beginnings of humankind, when the time of
the “Goddess” was at its peak, to the current era, with its myriad beliefs
and religions, Sylvia takes us on a journey of discovery, where she
discusses the suppression of the “Mother Goddess” by the male-dominated
politics of modern-day religious dogma.
Using a combination of historical data and poignant and heartwarming
stories revealing the power and miracles attributed to the Mother God,
Sylvia leads us from the question of “Does She exist” to the logical,
fact-based conclusion that She does . . . and then shows us how to call
upon Her to help us in our everyday lives. See also
Father God: Co-creator to Mother God.
Sylvia Browne's Lessons for Life
Each journey starts with a single step, and in this book, renowned psychic
Sylvia Browne leads you on the path to the perfection of your soul. The
unique program that she presents in this book involves an eight-step
process that will help you: (1) realize your essence, (2) identify your
patterns, (3) utilize past-life memories to your advantage, (4) become
more psychic, (5) develop spiritual wealth, (6) find the right
relationships, (7) deal with the death of loved ones and cope with
divorce, and (8) maintain a state of wellness. Along with her
always-practical advice, Sylvia encourages you to engage in
personal-growth writing exercises, and to enhance your life with healing
affirmations and soothing meditations.
Known for her candor and wit, Sylvia also shares her personal experiences
along the road to understanding the nature of God and His plan for all of
us. She explains that the challenges we encounter are not meant as
punishments, but as learning opportunities for us to improve ourselves and
the world around us. When we release guilt and fear, we make room for joy
and fulfillment. As Sylvia says, by completing just one step a week, you
will—through your own introspection—become more spiritual, which naturally
leads to being more joyful, more at peace—and even more psychic.
Animals on the Other Side (2005)
with Chris Dufresne
Sylvia Browne and her son explain for pet owners of all ages what animals
experience when their life on earth is over and what is waiting for them
when they return home to the other side. Popular questions such as Does my
pet miss me? Did he know I loved him? Can he hear me when I talk to him?
Can he come back to visit me? and How will I be able to find my pet when I
go home? are answered. The story begins when the spirit of Browne's dog,
Jolie, leaves her body and goes home to live on the other side. Jolie
runs, jumps, and plays with her eternal friends all around the world,
devoid of the pain and suffering she was experiencing on earth. This is a
comforting account of a pet's journey through one life and on to the next
that explains how animals enjoy eternal happiness right alongside the
people who love them.
Secrets & Mysteries of the World
For those of us who have always been fascinated by the unexplained—or
inadequately explained—secrets and mysteries of this world, Sylvia Browne
now brings her great insight.
Using a combination of information from her spirit guide Francine as well
as her own incredible psychic powers, Sylvia augments current scientific
research to provide us with detailed explanations about seeming
inexplicable concepts.
From the Great Pyramid to Stonehenge, Sylvia reveals amazing facts about
some of the world’s most mysterious sites. The truth behind sacred and
controversial objects such as the Shroud of Turin and the
Holy Grail are
brought to light; and fascinating and mystifying topics such as crop
circles, the Lost Continent of Atlantis, UFOs, Easter Island, and much
more are examined and clarified.
Sylvia tears away the obscure and timeworn explanations that hide the
underlying truths about these fascinating subjects.
Christmas in Heaven (2006) with
Chris Dufresne
Sylvia Browne and her son explore the ways in which spirits, angels, and
God celebrate Christmas in Heaven and how the celebrations compare to
those on Earth. Questions such as Are there presents and the exchanging of
gifts? Do heavenly spirits decorate? and How is Jesus honored? are
discussed, as is the idea of giving gifts from the heart, like the spirits
and angels in heaven do, instead of giving store-bought goods. Information
is also provided on the role of religious ceremonies in heaven and how
they differ from the ceremonies of the living.
Exploring the Levels of Creation
Have you ever wondered about life and Creation? Is there life after death?
Why do we have to go through these trials and tribulations? Why do we have
thoughts and dreams that run from the sublime to those that are
nightmarish and bizarre? Why do goodness and evil go hand in hand in life
… or do they?
The answers to these questions and more are brought to light by author and
spiritual teacher Sylvia Browne. She once again shares her psychic gifts
and years of research in order to enlighten us and give us more insights
into God and the realities of life.
This time she tackles the structure of Creation by showing us that there
is purpose and order in our sometimes seemingly chaotic world and
existence. She outlines the structural levels of Creation of not only life
as we know it; but the reality of the afterlife and the
heretofore-unexplored structure of the Lower Levels of Creation. From the
beautiful and perfect life of the Other Side to the wondrous, weird, and
strange Lower Levels, to the everyday intricacies of life on this planet,
Sylvia takes us on another journey of exploration and truth.
Father God: Co-creator to Mother God (2006)
In this follow-up to her marvelous book,
Mother God, Sylvia gives us
many insights into our often-misunderstood Father God and the viewpoints
about Him. From His history as put forth by humankind in the early days of
organized religion to how we view Him today, Sylvia reveals His true
attributes in a logical and truthful manner to give us a better
understanding of our Father in heaven. Using her uncanny psychic skills
and her ability to communicate with the Other Side, Sylvia dispels many of
the false and traditional beliefs about the Father God and helps us to
embrace Him more deeply and fully.
Sylvia helps us see Father God in a different way . . . one in which
everyone can gain a deeper understanding and love for this often-maligned
Entity. If anyone wants to commune more closely with their Creator and to
share His unmitigated and unconditional love, this fascinating book is the
answer . . . for it not only shows us Sylvia’s tremendous insight and love
for Him, but also tells us how we can enjoy that same intimacy in our
everyday lives. In her own indomitable style, Sylvia again shows us that
she goes against many conventional beliefs in presenting a God that is
truly all-loving, merciful, and forgiving . . . one Whom she has dedicated
her life and work to in what she would say is . . . “a labor of love.”
If You Could See What I See: The Tenets of Novus Spiritus (2006)
This enlightening work by renowned psychic Sylvia Browne contains the
Gnostic tenets of her church, the Society of Novus Spiritus, and is a map
of our charts regardless of what spiritual path we follow.
It has taken many years of research to put together what at first seems
simple tenets to follow, but in going deeper, this book carries within it
the very heart of humankind’s search for our own spirituality. Sylvia has
also included many details from her own personal journey, which she feels
is comparable to the quest that each of us follows to find our own
God-center. As we travel this road, we can realize that long-forgotten,
yet simple and truthful goal of viewing our life on Earth as our path to
Insight: Case Files from the Psychic World (2006)
Insight is Sylvia Browne’s exploration of the experiences she has
had during psychic readings over the course of her career. Opening up
completely, Sylvia shares her thoughts on the significance of her gift and
its impact on others as she tells her stories about life as a psychic.
Covering a wide variety of subjects, including Love/Romance/Relationships,
Health/Illness, Family/Children, Finances, Spiritual Issues (past lives),
Legal Issues/Cases (inheritance, property), Pets, and Lost Items,
Insight is Sylvia’s generous reflections about being a psychic and her
compassion for her subjects—in other words, everything about her that her
hundreds of thousands of fans adore.
Light a Candle (2006)
ylvia Browne encourages readers to call upon the power of their own
personal energy and spiritual candlelight to help make their dreams
realities. Through a series of spiritual exercises—with themes ranging
from energy, health, and physical and emotional healing to protection,
wealth, and wisdom—she outlines how to jump-start a personal–spiritual
routine to increase spiritual energy, personal awareness, and a connection
to God. This highly visual guide also explores the symbolic meaning of
color and scent combinations, groupings, and inviting the spirits of loved
ones, angels, and spirit guides through the use of candle and prayer.
Phenomenon: Everything You Need to Know About the Paranormal (2006) with Lindsay
For nearly 50 years, New York Times bestselling author
Sylvia Browne has been giving millions of readers and listeners spiritual
advice, psychic predictions, inspiration, and emotional connections to a
world on "the other side." Now, in this fascinating A-Z compendium, Browne
delivers to her fans a complete guide to all things paranormal, including:
Atlantis-Where did it go and when will it return? Clairvoyance-How does
one know if they have the gift? Déjà vu-Are past lives the answer to this
strange phenomenon? Ghosts-Who are they? Miracles-Can they happen every
day? Numerology-What effect does it really have? Reincarnation-Is there a
new life for everyone? Sorcery-Is this something we should fear?
Zombies-Are they only in horror movies?
...and much more, in this easy-to-use reference that helps readers to
understand the phenomenon of the other side.
The Mystical Life of Jesus: An Uncommon Perspective on the Life of Christ (2006)
New discoveries in archaeology and recent
bestsellers and movies such as The Da Vinci Code and The Passion of the
Christ have sparked a renaissance of the many controversies that have
remained unanswered in Christianity and other religions. At the heart of
these controversies is Jesus. With a unique perspective only Sylvia Browne
could bring, The Mystical Life of Jesus is filled with the details of
Jesus’ inspiring life.
Including his birth, childhood, travels, ministry, miracles, crucifixion,
death, and resurrection, she addresses all of the major controversies:
Was there a virgin birth?
Was there a Star of Bethlehem?
What did he do for the first thirty years of his life?
Was he married?
Was he divine?
Was it a miracle at Cana (and who was getting married)?
Is there a Jesus lineage?
Using her unique relationship with her spirit guide and
her years studying the controversial Gnostic texts, Sylvia answers all of
these questions with a confidence and authority only someone who has
visited the afterlife can have.
Psychic Children: Revealing the Intuitive Gifts and Hidden Abilities of Boys and Girls (2007
release with Lindsay Harrison
A child’s world is comprised of extraordinary things—vivid imaginations,
imaginary friends, Zen-like naïveté, and a heightened sense of good and
evil. In fact, it is now in vogue to proclaim that certain children are a
direct channel to God, calling them Indigo Children or Crystal Children.
But psychic Sylvia Browne knows these are merely fashionable labels. She
recognizes that all children have unusual psychic gifts and
abilities—including each one of us—but society has been conflicted about
those gifts, at times cherishing them and often stifling them over the
Sylvia Browne writes from personal experience. After her own psychic
abilities were revealed at age three, her mother tolerated but never
encouraged her startling talent. Browne’s own son would exhibit psychic
abilities of his own as a toddler, which she fully embraced and supported.
What Browne has learned over a lifetime is that psychic gifts are present
at incredibly tender ages; they are, in her view, special blessings from
God. Some children learn to develop them while others are pressed to
ignore them. In Psychic Children she illuminates the phenomenon,
issuing a call to society for more understanding and acceptance of these
remarkable children.
Spiritual Connections: How to Find Spirituality Throughout All the Relationships in Your Life
Have you ever wondered why some relationships are wonderful and
others are just catastrophic and tragic? Why do we get along with some
people and with others just seem to constantly engage in bitter fighting?
In this fascinating and helpful book, internationally renowned psychic
Sylvia Browne examines why we form our relationships with certain
individuals . . . for better or for worse. From the lifelong connection of
a loving marriage to the short and bitter agony of a brief encounter
leading to divorce and heartache, she reveals why we have joyful and happy
relationships on the one hand and chaotic, hateful and painful ones on the
Sylvia takes us on a remarkable excursion that covers all the different
types of relationships we’ll encounter in life. From our childhood
experiences to our golden years, she helps us see why we form both good
and bad unions, and she also explores how our themes and charts of life
can interact with others in both positive and negative ways—creating
either lifelong love or friendship or a situation doomed for disaster.
Sylvia enables us to come to a true understanding of why we have certain
compulsions and attractions for some people while being totally repulsed
by others. By utilizing Sylvia’s marvelous insights, we can all learn how
to cultivate our relationships (and sift the wheat from the chaff) in
order to live a happier and more fulfilling life.
Spirit of Animals (2007) with
Chris Dufresne
Sylvia Browne and her son take readers on an insightful
journey into the natural, spiritual, and mysterious world of animals and
animal spirits. Questions such as Do animals have souls? Are animals
psychic? and Do animals have a sixth sense? are discussed with examples
drawn from real life experiences. Both pets and animals in the wild are
covered. Information is also provided about animal spirit guides,
spiritual connection with pets, and explanations for why some animals have
the ability to sense things before they happen.
God, Creation, and Tools for Life (2000)
This is book 1 of the Journey of the Soul series.
Sylvia says this journey is an odyssey, and is probably the most glorious
journey you will ever take -- a spiritual banquet of knowledge that will
fill your soul with realization and truth. Some of the subjects are:
meditation, reincarnation, soul mates, etc. Soul's Perfection (2000)
Book 2 in the Journey of the Soul series, this book
is filled with magnificent information about God, Life, and the Universe.
Sylvia leads you on your on personal journey to understand the reason and
meaning for your life, telling you to love yourself, and to try to love
everyone's soul. The Nature of Good and Evil (2001)
This book gives you the philosophical framework to
understand the nature of good and evil. When you see how evil originated,
and why it thrives in our world, you are more prepared to face it and
overcome it. Knowledge is power, and this book gives you an enormous power
boost to see the bigger picture of God’s plan.
Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts Who Help Us Improve Our Lives (2004)
by David Riklan
The amount of resources available to help you
improve your life is vast. Yet the self-help process does not have to be
intimidating. Described as the "Encyclopedia" of Self Improvement, this
useful reference guide narrows down the top experts in the field and sorts
through their great supply of products and information.
Includes information on Anthony Robbins,
Brian Tracy,
Carlos Castaneda,
Dalai Lama,
Carnegie, Dave Pelzer,
Eckhart Tolle,
Iyanla Vanzant,
John Gray,
John Maxwell,
Kahlil Gibran,
Ken Blanchard,
L. Ron Hubbard,
Laura Schlessinger,
Les Brown,
Louise Hay, Marianne Williamson,
Mitch Albom,
Napoleon Hill,
Norman Vincent Peale,
Og Mandino,
Paulo Coelho,
Phillip C. McGraw (Dr. Phil),
Rick Warren,
Robert Allen,
Robert Kiyosaki,
Stephen Covey, Sylvia Browne,
Wayne Dyer,
Zig Ziglar plus 70 more.
Heart and Soul: A 50-Card Deck (2001)
Chris Dufresne tells of growing up in an uncommon
household with a psychic for a mom, with spirit guides, psychic readings
and more. | |
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