
| Works by
Stanislav Grof (Writer)
[1931 - ] |
The Ultimate Journey: Consciousness and the Mystery of Death (2006)
Beyond personal history and archetypal themes, a comprehensive
psychology must also address the fundamental significance of birth and
death. Stanislav Grof, M.D., renowned for his pioneering contributions
regarding the psychological and spiritual aspects of the birth process,
now adds invaluable insights from more than half a century of research and
personal discovery into the experience of death and dying. Dr. Grof
distills teachings from ancient wisdom and modern science that suggest how
to face the process of death and dying. The ultimate journey challenges us
all, and how we approach it is much more than major personal issue. Those
who come to terms with death in deep experiential self-exploration tend to
develop a sense of planetary citizenship, reverence for life in all its
forms, and spirituality of a universal and all-encompassing nature. Such
radial inner transformation might be humanity's only real chance for
survival. The Ultimate Journey describes ancient and aboriginal ritual and
spiritual practices that help us understand the experience of death,
develop effective ways of making dying easier, and integrate it as a
meaningful part of life. The book also summarizes modern studies that shed
new light on a variety of phenomena related to death and dying, including
psycho-spiritual death and rebirth, near-death experiences, and the new
expanded cartography y of the psyche that has emerged from Grof's fifty
years of research of psychedelic therapy, Holotropic Breathwork, and
spontaneous psychospiritual crises.
When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Reality (2006)
Feelings of oneness with other people, nature, and the universe.
Encounters with extraterrestrials, deities, and demons. Out-of-body
experiences and past-life memories. Science casts a skeptical eye. But Dr.
Stanislav Grof—the psychiatric researcher who co-founded transpersonal
psychology—believes otherwise. When the Impossible Happens presents Dr.
Grof ’s mesmerizing firsthand account of over 50 years of inquiry into
waters uncharted by classical psychology, one that will leave readers
questioning the very fabric of our existence. From his first LSD session
that gave him a glimpse of cosmic consciousness to his latest work with
Holotropic Breathwork, When the Impossible Happens will amaze readers with
vivid explorations of topics such as:
"Temptations of a Non-Local Universe"—experiments
in astral projection
"Praying Mantis in Manhattan" and other tales of
"Trailing Clouds of Glory"—remembering birth and
prenatal life
"Dying and Beyond"—survival of consciousness after death
Here is an incredible opportunity to journey beyond ordinary
consciousness—guaranteed to shake the foundations of what we assume to
be reality—and sure to offer a new vision of our human potential, as we
contemplate When the Impossible Happens.
The Consciousness Revolution (2003) by
Ervin László,
Peter Russell,
and Stanislav Grof
Three pioneers at the cutting-edge of Western thought reflect on
the chances of peace in the world, on how society is changing, and on the
changes we can make in ourselves. They consider the roles of art, science,
education, goals and values, world views, religion, spirituality and,
above all, consciousness - for the state of our consciousness is the key
issue underlying almost everything else.
As Ken Wilber asks in his Foreword, what does it all finally come down to?
Peter Russell puts it like this: 'Each little bit counts we are all part
of the same ground-swell. The most important question we need to ask is
how can I put my own life in greater alignment with that ground-swell? How
can I do my little one-hundred-thousandth worth to facilitate that shift a
bit further?'
These intense and memorable discussions among three of the finest minds of
our time convey a sense of excitement and passion which we can carry
forward in our own lives. The Consciousness Revolution is an
essential guide to how our map of reality is changing in the midst of the
global transformation going on in all parts of the world and in every
sphere of life, in us and around us.
Hr Giger (2002) with H. R. Giger
LSD Psychotherapy (2001)
Psychology of the Future: Lessons from Modern Consciousness Research (2001)
This accessible and comprehensive overview of the work of Stanislav Grof,
one of the founders of transpersonal psychology, was specifically written
to acquaint newcomers with his work. Serving as a summation of his career
and previous works, this entirely new book is the source to introduce
Grof's enormous contributions to the fields of psychiatry and psychology,
especially his central concept of holotropic experience, where holotropic
signifies "moving toward wholeness." Grof maintains that the current basic
assumptions and concepts of psychology and psychiatry require a radical
revision based on the intensive and systematic research of holotropic
experience. He suggests that a radical inner transformation of humanity
and a rise to a higher level of consciousness might be humankind's only
real hope for the future.
The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness (1998)
In this, his culminating work, the leading international figure
in consciousness research masterfully synthesizes his vast findings,
drawing not only upon psychedelic therapy and Holotropic Breathwork, but
also from literature, cross-cultural studies, ancient mystical sources and
psychological data, resulting in a profound consolidation and articulation
of what is now known about non-ordinary states of consciousness. The
Cosmic Game discusses the broadest philosophical, metaphysical and
spiritual insights gleaned in Grof's research concerning human nature and
reality, addressing the most fundamental questions human beings have asked
about the nature of existence since time immemorial.
Insights from research into non-ordinary states of
consciousness portray existence as an astonishing play of the cosmic
creative principle that transcends time, space, linear causality, and
polarities of every kind and suggest an identity of the individual psyche
in its furthest reaches with the universal creative principle and the
totality of existence. This identity of the human being with the Divine is
the ultimate secret that lies at the core of all great spiritual
Books of the Dead: Manuals for Living and Dying (1994)
Frontiers of the Hidden Mind: Insights and Discoveries from Lsd Psychotherapy (1992)
The Holotropic Mind: The Three Levels of Human Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives
(1992) by Stanislav Grof with
Hal Zina Bennett
The Stormy Search for Self (1991) with Christina Groff
Spiritual Emergency (1989)
Human Survival and Consciousness Evolution (1988)
The Adventure of Self-Discovery: (I) Dimensions of Consciousness
and (II): New Perspectives in Psychotherapy (1988)
Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death, and Transendence in Psychotherapy
Beyond the Brain seriously challenges the existing neurophysiological
models of the brain. After three decades of extensive research on those
non-ordinary states of consciousness induced by psychedelic drugs and by
other means, Grof concludes that our present scientific world view is as
inadequate as many of its historical predecessors. In this pioneering
work, he proposes a new model of the human psyche that takes account of
his findings.
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science (1984)
Beyond Death: The Gates of Consciousness (1980)
The Dimensions of Dying and Rebirth: Lectures from the 1976 Easter Conference at the Association for Research and
Enlightenment, Inc. (1977)
The Human Encounter With Death (1977)
Realms of the Human Unconscious: Observations from Lsd Research (1975)
Children's Books
Transpersonal Conversations (2006)
The founding of transpersonal psychology, LSD and non-ordinary
states-of-consciousness, an expanded cartography of human consciousness,
out-of-body and near-death experiences, parapsychology and many other
subjects are covered in this "Transpersonal Conversation" with Dr.
Stanislav Grof. Grof is credited as one of the original founders of
transpersonal psychology. He is also the founder and current President
of the International Transpersonal Association as well as the co-creator
(along with wife and co-author, Christina Grof) of Holotropic Breathwork.
He has written or edited over 30 books and published more than 140
articles in professional journals.
See also:
Higher Wisdom: Eminent Elders Explore The Continuing Impact Of Psychedelics (2005),
Charles S. Grob and
Roger Walsh, eds.
Psychedelics have been a part—often a central and
sacred part—of most societies throughout history, and for half a century
psychedelics have rumbled through the Western world, seeding a subculture,
titillating the media, fascinating youth, terrifying parents, enraging
politicians, and intriguing researchers. Not surprisingly, these curious
chemicals fascinated some of the foremost thinkers of the twentieth century,
fourteen of whom were interviewed for this book. Because no further human
research can be done, these researchers constitute an irreplaceable
resource. Higher Wisdom offers their fascinating anecdotes, invaluable
knowledge, and hard-won wisdom—the culmination of fifty years of research
and reflection on one of the most intriguing and challenging topics of our
time. Includes interviews with
Albert Hofmann, Alexander T.
Shulgin, Ann Shulgin,
Betty Eisner,
Gary Fisher,
Huston Smith,
James Fadiman,
Laura Archera Huxley,
Michael Harner,
Myron J. Stolaroff,
Peter T. Furst,
Ram Dass,
Stanislav Grof, and
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
The Consciousness Revolution: A Transatlantic Dialogue -- Two Days With Stanislav Grof, Ervin László, and
Peter Russell (1999) by Ervin
László, ed.
In The Consciousness Revolution,
three pioneers at the cutting-edge of Western thought reflect on the
chances of peace in the world, on how society is changing, and on the
changes we can make in ourselves. They consider the roles of art,
science, education, goals and values, world views, religion,
spirituality and, above all, consciousness - for the state of our
consciousness is the key issue underlying almost everything else.
As Ken Wilber asks in his Foreword, what does it all finally come down
to? Peter Russell puts it like this: 'Each little bit counts we are all
part of the same ground-swell. The most important question we need to
ask is how can I put my own life in greater alignment with that
ground-swell? How can I do my little one-hundred-thousandth worth to
facilitate that shift a bit further?'
These intense and memorable discussions among three of the finest minds
of our time convey a sense of excitement and passion which we can carry
forward in our own lives. The Consciousness Revolution is an
essential guide to how our map of reality is changing in the midst of
the global transformation going on in all parts of the world and in
every sphere of life, in us and around us.
Paths beyond Ego: The Transpersonal Vision
(1993), Frances Vaughan and
Roger Walsh, eds.
Aldous Huxley, Bill Devall,
Charles Tart, Christina Groff, the
Dalai Lama,
Daniel Goleman,
Fritjof Capra,
Georg Feuerstein,
Huston Smith, Jack Kornfield, Jayne Gackenbach, John Welwood,
Ken Wilber, Kenneth Ring,
Michael Murphy,
Ram Dass, Sri Aurobindo,
Stanislav Grof, Stephen LaBerge,
William James and many, many more.
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