
refers to a range of traditional beliefs and practices similar to
Animism that claim the ability to diagnose and cure human suffering
and, in some societies, the ability to cause suffering. This is
believed to be accomplished by traversing the axis mundi and forming
a special relationship with, or gaining control over, spirits.
Shamans have been credited with the ability to control the weather,
divination, the interpretation of dreams, astral projection, and
traveling to upper and lower worlds. Shamanistic traditions have
existed throughout the world since prehistoric times.
Some anthropologists and religion
scholars define a shaman as an intermediary between the natural and
spiritual world, who travels between worlds in a trance state. Once
in the spirit world, the shaman would commune with the spirits for
assistance in healing, hunting or weather management.
Shamanism is based on the premise that the visible
world is pervaded by invisible forces or spirits that affect the
lives of the living. In contrast to animism and animatism, which any
and usually all members of a society practice, shamanism requires
specialized knowledge or abilities. It could be said that shamans
are the experts employed by animists or animist communities. Shamans
are not, however, often organized into full-time ritual or spiritual
associations, as are priests. --
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Writers Who Write About
Shamanism Issues
Websites Related to
Shamanism Issues See also: Religion/Spirituality -
See also:
Shamanism, Animism, Animatism,
Cannabis, Celtic Tradition, Dreams & Dreaming,
Myths & Mythology,
Salvia divinorum,
Trance Dance,
Vision Quests
If an
author does not presently have a link to a profile at DREAMWalker
Group, kindly use the Amazon search box in the border to the
left of this page to search for her or his (or related) books.
See also:
Jessie Ayani
Deep Trance Shamanic Journey; Volume One (1999)
There are two deep trance journeys on this CD and
a 6 page booklet containing journey preparation information and
assistance. These journeys transport the listener to higher dimensions
through the trance voice of Jessie Ayani and the channeled music of
Richard Shulman.
In the first journey, the participant is transported to Alcyone, the
central Sun of the Pleiades, for healing and release of core beliefs
that stand in the way of enlightenment. Magically transformed, the
listener/participant re-enters the Earth dimension with new perspective
and a new reality. This journey can be used an infinite number of times
to raise vibration and attain enlightenment.
In the second journey, the participant receives deep healing in the arms
of Mother Earth, Pachamama. A magical journey to the fairy kingdom gives
ample opportunity to release emotional and mental baggage as well as
heartache in preparation for heart opening and service.
These are spiritual journeys based on the most profound shamanic
teachings - and they work!
(We need your help! Let us know if you have related links for us to add! Write us at |
From the heart of nature, Bioneers is a forum for
connecting the environment, health, social justice, and spirit within
a broad progressive framework.
Internationally renowned anthropologist
Michael Harner
founded the FSS in 1985 to preserve, study, and transmit shamanic
knowledge worldwide.
He has been recognized as the pioneer in the revival
of shamanism since 1961 when he chose to immerse himself in tribal
spiritual traditions and accept initiation in Upper Amazonian
shamanism rather than restrict his study to more traditional academic
Fortunately for everyone interested in developing
their own shamanic potentiality, Michael Harner continued developing
and then teaching his personal practice of shamanism and shamanic
healing when he returned to the United States.
As a result, you too can benefit from his
groundbreaking work in shamanic journeying through the FSS, which
offers its international learners rigorous courses in core shamanism —
universal or near-universal principles and practices of shamanism not
bound to any specific cultural group or perspective
The Four Winds Society, an international research
and training organization, is preserving a thousand year old
tradition of knowledge to achieve personal and planetary healing.
Founded by psychologist and medical
anthropologist Dr.
Villoldo, The Four Winds Society
provides a scientific framework through which we can learn the
ancient art of energy medicine. Our Healing the Light Body School
trains practitioners in luminous healing, and our Master
Practitioner of Soul Retrieval and Destiny Retrieval program offers
certification in destiny work, the path to discovering a client's
high calling.
To honor our indigenous roots, The Four Winds
Society offers trips to Peru every June, where we work with master
healers, descendants of the Inka. Our Condor Society Trips visit
power places in Peru and beyond, where we connect with local
medicine people and the energy of sacred lands.
Frequently Asked Questions About Shamanism
From the soc.religion.shamanism newsgroup
Heart of the Initiate
Consider the possibility that most people live their
lives out in a sort of quiet desperation. They are desperate because
they are trying to live up to the expectations of others, or the
expectations that they have placed on themselves. They rarely enjoy
simply just being who they are. There is a progression that happens.
First, people forget themselves; then because they become traumatized
or frustrated by life, they attempt to try to find themselves again.
Perhaps they start going to church, or attend a workshop. They are
trying to get back to the real. Some are successful, but most are not.
Ultimately, those who are not successful resign themselves back into
This state of being 'who you really are' is a childlike state of
complete self-acceptance and connectedness to everything. In order to
really be human, one has to let go of all the judgments and
expectations that they have put on themselves, and just be real. Be
who and what you really are. To be real is to be human. To be un-real
is to be un-human.
I look at the idea of human potential, simply as the ability of a
person to potentially be human. We have strayed so far away from
ourselves, that we have grown used to the separateness. Separateness
is the natural state for many people. We are separate from ourselves
and each other. We are separate from the world we live in. We have
forgotten who we are and where we are.
There are all sorts of workshops that center around human potential.
Many workshops are process oriented, in that they offer a process
through which participants are able to better understand who they are,
or to actualize themselves. Processes run the gamut from meditation
techniques, visualization and a host of others. If you go through a
certain process that has been laid out for you in a workshop, you can
definitely benefit with a sense of self-actualization, or a better
sense of knowing yourself. Sadly, for many, as soon as they are back
to their 'normal lives;' as soon as they are 'away' from the process,
they begin to loose the sense of self-actualization that they achieved
through the process.
Heart of the Initiate workshops are experiential in nature, rather
than process oriented. We are not going to give you a process … we
will offer you an experience. We will help you approach a place within
yourself that you never knew existed. The experience will be something
that you will always remember, because its memory will be recorded in
your heart.
Explanation of shamanism
Created by Nikoletta
Theodoropoulos for Soc 257: New Religious Movements, University of
Virginia, Spring 2000
Shamanism: Religion or Rite? by Michael Ripinsky-Naxon
The development of research on shamanism is
discussed in regard to the original relationships between this form of
spiritual experience and prehistoric religion. (Reprinted with
revisions from Journal of Prehistoric Religion, Vol. 6 (1992); pp.
37-44. All Rights Reserved ® 1999)
The Shamanic Healing
Institute (Savage Mill, Maryland)
The Mission of the Shamanic Healing Institute is to heal and teach
people through individual and group spiritual healing sessions,
workshops, retreats, practitioner educational programs and products.
The Healing Center and Store are conveniently located in Historic
Savage Mill nears Laurel; Maryland minutes form Interstate 95 and
Route 32.
The founder of the Shamanic Healing Institute, Paul M. Sivert,
L.C.P.C., is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor and shamanic
practitioner. He holds a Masters Degree in Psychology and a Degree
of Ministry of Spiritual Counseling. After completing a thirteen
year apprenticeship of study and practice, Paul has been initiated
to practice energy medicine and create healing ceremonies of the
highest good. He has received the initiations of the Pampamesayoq
(steward of the earth), Altomesayoq (practitioner of people's
medicine), the Hatun Karpay (Grand Initiation), and the Fourth Level
Karpay, the highest possible level of the Q'ero of Peru.
Paul's life work is dedicated to healing others and the planet, and
teaching utilizing the knowledge and practices of Shamanism,
especially the energy medicine traditions of the descendants of the
Inca, the Q'ero in South America. Paul is the founder of the
Shamanic Healing Institute. He holds certificates in Reiki,
Integrated Awareness Technique, Soul Retrieval, and Past Life
Therapy, and is also an ordained interfaith minister.
To receive the institute's e-mail newsletter (The Shaman Times) and
Calendar of Events please, email me your email address
Also, remember to check this web site for updates.
Urban Shamanism
I dedicate this site to Spirit, shaman, shamanic
healers, and everyone seeking powerful spiritual connections.
Blessings to all. -- David Lang
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